Chapter 359 Jiang Ziya Entering the Dynasty Song [Subscription]

Nine tailed Fox is not shy, and she knows that she has her own mission, Daji responded very gratefully to King Zhou:

“As long as the king gave it to his concubines, they like it!”

King Zhou laughed loudly:

“Beauty can really talk, yes, as long as it is given to you by a widow, you like it, yes, these are all your maids, just tell them what you want!,

The maids all around saluted Daji one after another:

“I have seen the empress!,

Da Ji’s hand lightly waved:

“Free gift!”

King Zhou waved his hand, and then said to the people around:

“Well, since we all know each other, let’s all go down!”

As King Zhou’s voice fell, everyone saluted and withdrew.The king saw that his neighbor was still here, and the king frowned:

“Okay, the widow is fine, go down too!”

This person did not speak, nodded and withdrew, Daji asked King Zhou:

“My lord, who was that person just now? I saw where the lord went, 883 he would follow there!”

King Zhou explained to Daji:

“That’s my guard, to protect my safety!”

Daji asked jokingly:

“Isn’t the king afraid that his sister will be unruly to the king?”

King Zhou laughed and asked:

“Will a beauty be?”

Daji is shy and disobeys:

“The king is so annoying!”

King Zhou heard Daji’s words, and then laughed:

“Is this annoying? The annoying is yet to come!”

For the time being, King Zhou and Daji were happy in the harem, and Bo Yikao came to Chaoge with a gift, because since the sacrifice ceremony, the other princes have returned, only Xibo Hou Jichang was detained in Chaoge.

King Zhou didn’t mention it, and others didn’t say, as long as Ji Chang is not dead, and the other princes returned to the own territory, knowing that King Zhou was just a normal call after he became a king to get to know the next princes.

So most of the princes put down their worries, thinking that King Zhou was not as wicked as it was previously reported, and that he was so talented and talented that he could not affect himself at all.

As for Xibo Hou Jichang, he was looking for death by himself. Yuan Futong did not come before he came. You have to stand up and say that the other party is impossible to rebel. But the fact is, Beihai Yuan Fu colluded with the 36th road princes and has rebelled. The so-called wise man hit the muzzle by himself, who can be blamed!

Ling Bao also brought Nezha and Li Jing back to Chentangguan and continued to teach Nezha cultivation, but Ling Bao did not ignore King Zhou.

Ling Bao was very curious to know if the king could withstand the dark hands of Zhun-listening, but Ling Bao did not plan to let Zhun mention it, because the king of the king was to forge Karma with himself.

When Ling Bao traveled to Xiqi, he naturally knew what Ji Chang had done for fame, so Ling Bao had a bad impression of Xiqi e’s Ji Chang.

So Ling Bao wanted to see if King Zhou could get rid of Zhunti’s control. If he could get rid of it, Ling Bao planned to give King Zhou a big chance.

If you can’t get rid of it, Ling Bao will also make a move, but the chance is definitely gone. If you haven’t solved King Zhou’s Restrictions, it can be regarded as an opportunity for King Zhou. As for whether King Zhou can seize the opportunity (bafa), who do not know either.

Besides, when King Zhou obliterated the mission of evangelism, the original Tianzun was also paying attention to the development of Chaoge. When the original knew that Nine tailed Fox had entered the harem and became the noble concubine of the king.

The original Tianzun knew through Heavenly Dao that the calamity had begun.

Besides, since Jiang Ziya went down the mountain, he has been muttering that he can enjoy the glory and wealth of his life, and this glory and wealth must be acquired in the song of the Chaos.

But after Jiang Ziya went down the mountain, he did not enter Chaoge for the first time, but returned to his hometown. When he returned to his hometown, no one knew him anymore.

Jiang Ziya was very grateful for the help of Dage Song Yiren from Songjiazhuang at the time, so Jiang Ziya stopped someone and asked:

“Brothers around, is this Song Yiren from Songjiazhuang still there?”

This person saw that Jiang Ziya was also an old man, and thanked him in return:

“The old man is polite. This Song Yiren is doing very well in business. The whole family has moved to Chaoge. This Songjiazhuang has been abandoned for a long time, and they haven’t returned for a long time!”

After Jiang Ziya heard this, he hurriedly thanked him, and then headed towards Chao Ge. You must know that although Jiang Ziya had a bad aptitude, he was also the Cultivation Base of Xuanxian.

Soon Jiang Ziya arrived at the Chaoge. After Jiang Ziya entered the Chaoge, there was no way to find Song Yiren. After all, this Chaoge was too big. Although Jiang Ziya could not cultivation, Jiang Ziya had a very deep understanding of politics. Jiang Ziya knew that he If you want to enter the court.

With the original Tianzun giving Own the task, she can return to Kunlun, so Jiang Ziya knew that she had to beat Own’s reputation.

So Jiang Ziya found under a thatched house, set up a table and two stools, and then made a banner with two large characters written on it, divination!

And there is also a couplet:

The iron mouth is straight to the world, and if you are not working, you are not allowed to ask for money, and hang five articles!

After half a day, Jiang Ziya’s big breath spread all around. Jiang Ziya made a lot of money by telling people fortune-telling. Just when Jiang Ziya was telling people fortune-telling, a very surprised voice came out:

“Brother Jiang Shangxian!”.

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