Chapter 329 Yuan Futong rebels【seeking subscription】

“My lord, no, it must be a long journey!”

We must know that this era still believes in orthodoxy, we must know that Dashang has ruled the human race for hundreds of thousands of years, and everyone is used to the rule of Dashang.

And it is these people who have the idea of ​​changing the dynasty, but no one has come forward!

At this moment, a wounded man rushed in and shouted:

“My lord, it’s not good, my lord is not good!”

Wen Zhong frowned slightly when he saw the soldiers rushing in, and said sharply:

“Presumptuous, what kind of style is it?”

King Zhou waved his hand, facing Wen Zhongdao:

“Master Wen, this soldier must have important information!”

The soldier cried to King Yoo and said:

“My lord, I was ordered by the Taishi to investigate why Yuan Futong did not come. When we arrived in Beihai, Yuan Futong was warmly entertained by Yuan Futong, but at the dinner table, Yuan Futong suddenly attacked us.

Because I don’t know how to drink, I didn’t drink, but Yuan Futong and the others were too many, and his subordinates escaped by using secret methods.

Using Yuan Futong to collude with thirty-six princes and rebel in Beihai!

Upon hearing this, King Zhou 867 exclaimed very angrily:

“Presumptuous, presumptuous, the widow will destroy them!”

Then Emperor Zhou Xin looked at Ji Chang with red eyes, and said to Ji Chang:

“This is what you said that they are far away, indeed they are far away, and they rebelled directly, come, and arrest Xi Bohou for the widow, and kill him at the next day!”

At this time, countless Lord Hou stood up and faced King Zhou:

“My lord, be forgiving, Xi Bohou doesn’t know either!”

“Yes, Great King, if Xi Bohou knew, he would definitely not say that!”

“Yes, Xibohou Xiande, he is definitely not a rebellious person, Xibohou is also deceived by a traitor, my lord!”

“My lord, you will definitely be aware of the details!”

Seeing the group of officials resisting, in addition to the various princes, even many people in the court helped Xi Bohou speak.

King Zhou knew he could not support Dashang and needed these people. If Xibohou was killed at this time, then Dashang in the future would definitely be eccentric.

However, Xibohou is also a confidant of his own. King Zhou Emperor Xin is a very tolerant person, so King Zhou waved his hand and said to the guard:

“Tell me that Xibohou is strictly guarded and no one is allowed to visit!”

King Zhou intends to put Xibo Hou Jichang under house arrest until death, so that Xiqi can be stable for a period of time and the hearts of other princes can also be stabilized!

When everyone saw that Ji Chang’s life was saved, they didn’t intercede anymore. Everyone sighed that Ji Chang was out of luck and just happened to ran into Yuan Futong’s rebellion. Whoever asked you to intercede for someone else just rebelled over there.

Even if he suspected that Ji Chang had a leg with those people and didn’t kill him, it was considered that King Zhou was not a bloodthirsty person.

Otherwise, on any tyrant, Ji Chang’s life would be lost.

Everyone thanked Ji Chang:

“Thank you for your kindness, King!”

“Thank you for your kindness, King!”

When King Zhou saw that so many people were giving up for Ji Chang, King Zhou was even more afraid of Ji Chang.

After the guards took Ji Chang down, King Zhou said to everyone:

“Yuan Futong rebels, who can quell the rebellion?”

Everyone was silent, Wen Zhong stood up:

“My lord, the minister is willing to lead troops to quell the rebellion!”

Di Xin sighed and said: (bafa)

“Teacher, you are old, so running for a big business, widows really can’t bear it!”

Wen Zhong was very moved:

“The great king has this heart, and the Weichen is very moved. The Weichen is in charge of the big businessmen and horses, so he should send troops to judge!”

Seeing Wen Zhong’s appearance, Di Xin said:

“Then you will work so hard, King Wu Cheng!”

Huang Feihu stood up and said:

“Weichen is here!

King Zhou said:

“You go with Taishi to Beihai to quell the rebellion!”

Huang Feihu:

“Yes, King!”

King Zhou said to everyone:

“With Taishi Wen, it will be sooner or later to quell the rebellion. Let everyone come this time because I want you to report on the affairs of your respective territories!

This is the first thing, and the second thing is that next year will be the annual birthday of the Nuwa Madonna, I should go to worship!

Everyone saluted:

“What the king said is extremely true!”

“Great King Yingming!”


King Zhou said to Bigan:

“Father, I’ll leave it to you to entertain the princes, don’t let them feel wronged!”

Bigan slightly salutes:

“It’s the king!”

King Zhou:

“Well, that’s all for today’s affairs. Anyone else has anything to do?”

Everyone was silent, King Zhou said:

“Since there is nothing to do, the widow will do other things, Master Wen, Yafu, Er wait for a while to stay and discuss the matter of countering the rebellion!”

Two people arrive:


King Zhou waved to everyone and said:


Everyone went down one after another, King Zhou called Wen Zhong and Bigan to the back, frowning and saying:

“Master Tai, Yafu, both of you are the servants of the ancestors, you have also seen what happened today, our business is precarious!

Bi Gan also knew what was going on, but still said:

“My lord, these lords have no solution yet!”

Wen Zhong said:

“This judgment, I will eliminate the princes of this rebellion, it is also a beginning!

King Zhou sighed and said…

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