Chapter 330 King Zhou’s arrangement [seeking subscription]

“The Taishi, just to destroy Yuan Futong, it is only a drop in the bucket for our big businessmen. Looking at the current princes, there are not a few of us at all. They are all for their own interests.

If you really do something to these princes, I think our Chamber of Commerce was attacked by these princes.

Do these princes really know who Ji Chang is? No, I can guarantee that some of these princes don’t know Ji Chang at all.

But they are afraid that I will deal with Ji Chang and will deal with them in the same way, so they will intercede for Ji Chang. As long as Ji Chang does not die, I will not be able to convict Ji Chang, there is no way to deal with Xi Bohou!

You have also seen that as long as Xi Bohou does not die, there will be no one to intercede!”

Bigan heard the words of Emperor Xin, and said to the Feng Wang:

“My lord, this matter has to be considered long-term, and you can’t take it too hastily. If these princes unite, the big business will really be over, although the big king has made great efforts to govern after he took office, and the big business has improved a little.

But the current Dashang really hasn’t resisted all the princes’ practice!”

Emperor Zhou sighed and said:

“Father, I understand what you are talking about. It’s a pity that the previous emperor had such a great opportunity, and I just sat and watched it. Now, these princes have become a big tail!”

Bi Gan also knows the current situation of Dashang, but there is nothing he can do, so Bi Gan had to sigh and say:

“My lord, you have also seen that in the court, there are also these princes’ people. We will either get rid of them or draw them in.

But looking at what they are now, it’s not easy to get in. If you get rid of them, there is no excuse, and it’s not easy to handle!”

Hearing what Bigan said, King Zhou thought of two villains who tended to be inflamed. King Zhou said to Bigan:

“Father, I know two people, get rid of them, just two of them!”

Bigan asked curiously:


King Zhou said:

“Fei Zhong and Youhun!”

Bi Gan also heard these two people, and Bi Gan asked in shock:

“What, two of them? Both of them are not good. They are not good at virtue and character. They only know that they will be in a position to become a leader!”

King Zhou smiled and said:

“Yes, they are both poor in character and character, so there are only two of them that can do many things!”

Hearing King Zhou’s words, Bigan reacted. You must know that although Bigan is upright, he is not a fool, because Bigan possesses the exquisite heart of nine orifices. After King Zhou’s on-demand broadcast, Bigan naturally knows what it means to be a king.

Bigan said carefully:

“My lord, these two people are fine if they are used well, but if they are not used well, then the majesty that the lord has accumulated over the years will be completely gone!”

Hearing Bigan’s words, King Zhou fell into deep thought. Bigan knew that the king had great wisdom and was able to make decisions, so he waited quietly.

After a while, King Zhou said:

“Father, I have to use both of them. If my reputation is bad, then I will abdicate to Yin Jiao, but if I don’t do this, then the big business will be over. Decline!”

Hearing King Zhou’s words, Bigan nodded and said:

“My lord, you have to think about it, if you don’t do it properly, you’ll be stinking for thousands of years, lord!”

King Zhou said very firmly:

“As the king of the big business, what is my personal honor and disgrace, what I want is the continuous rule of the big business, not my personal gains and losses.

As long as I can get rid of these princes, I will be stinking for thousands of years and I will recognize it too!””

Seeing King Zhou’s appearance, Bigan knew that he was a real emperor, so Bigan said faithfully:

-0 Seeking flowers…0

“Don’t worry, the king, if there really is such a day, I will fight for my life, and I will justify the king!”

King Zhou stood up and helped Bi Gan, and said affectionately to Bi Gan:

“Father, don’t want to be like this, Dashang still needs your governance!”

Looking at King Zhou’s appearance, Bi Gan was very moved.

King Zhou said to Bigan:

“Father, although I can’t contact Ji Chang, but as the prime minister of a great merchant, Ji Chang’s affairs are left to you.

Ji Chang could not be released and had to be detained, but in order to stabilize Xiqi and other princes, Ji Chang could not torture him and put Ji Chang in custody, but he was not allowed to see anyone.

This matter is up to you!”

Hearing King Zhou’s words, Bigan asked:

“My lord, didn’t Ji Chang have any contact with Yuan Futong?”

King Zhou smiled and said:

“How could it be possible that if he had contact with Yuan Futong, he would not come this time, and he would definitely fight against Yuan Futong.”

But Ji Chang’s reputation in Xiqi was too high to allow him to go back, so he could only be placed under house arrest. After a long time, his reputation in Xiqi would slowly fade, and it would not be enough to be afraid.

But I can’t let him go back now, who made him hit the gun!

Bigan knew that all his performance in the Great Hall was pretending to be the king.

Just then Bi Gan said:

“Yes, King, don’t worry, I will definitely look after him!”

King Zhou nodded, then said:

“You can also contact other people to see who is loyal to Dashang and who is not loyal to Dashang. I can also see how to deal with it!

Bigan nodded.

King Zhou said to Wen Zhong next to him,

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