Chapter 328 Heavenly Dao warning [seeking subscription]

Ling Bao explained to Nuwa:

“It is estimated that he thinks he can fish in troubled waters this time. You have to know that all Sages are sanctified by merit, only Zhun mentions that he was sanctified through great ambition.

Therefore, if Zhunti wants to complete its grand aspiration, a large number of disciples and believers must be required. Otherwise, Zhunti will definitely suffer from the backlash of Heavenly Dao. With the current Cultivation Base and the backlash of Heavenly Dao, Zhunti will definitely do it. It’s gone.

Therefore, he will definitely promote the development of Sage for his own Sage position, but the promotion of Sage definitely needs people, but if you are willing to use you as the beginning of Sage, it will insult you.

Then his death date is not far away!”

Nuwa heard Ling Bao’s maintenance of own and was very happy, and then said to Ling Bao:

“Husband, you are so kind!”

Ling Bao saw Nuwa’s happy look and said silently:

“For the happiness of your own woman, please ask yourself if you want to mention it!”

And Zhun Ti also knew about the end of own through Heavenly Dao at this time. If he followed his previous plan, he would definitely be killed by Ling Bao, and he was a kind of soul-spattered.

You should know that the existence of Sage is the cornerstone for Heavenly Dao to improve quickly, but when Ling Bao came up, he lost Nuwa and the link who were originally Sage.

Moreover, Ling Bao has two positions of Sage in his hand, and he has not established Sage for a long time.

If Ling Bao were to kill Zhunti, Heavenly Dao would be left with Sanqing and Hongjun.

At that time, it is impossible to say that the tunnel and the humanity will surpass Heavenly Dao, which is not allowed by Heavenly Dao, so Heavenly Dao knew Ling Bao’s thoughts and told Zhunti the news as soon as possible.

After Zhunti knew it, I was very scared. You must know that if you really did that, Ling Bao would kill yourself. Heavenly Dao couldn’t help it. He had done so many and risked such a big risk, didn’t he just want to let himself Do you live longer?

If you control the king and insult Nujuan, the king will not end well, but you can’t survive. In this case, what is the use of planning so many by yourself.

Before the light of calcium carbide fired, Zhunti gave up the original plan, but it was impossible for Zhunti to give up.

In Zhunti’s eyes, such an opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If I give up now, then I really won’t have a chance at that time.

Although he is still alive, he can only wait to die.

Just when Zhunti was thinking about what method to use, Zhunti suddenly saw the statues of the Primordial Tianzun and the Daddy Moral Tianzun.

Suddenly, Zhunti seemed to have thought of something to watch, so Zhunti had to wait here, waiting for King Yue to bring people over to make sacrifices.

At this time, King Zhou was in the court song to entertain the officials, and King Zhou faced Bigan Wen:

“Father, have all the princes I banqueted here?”

Bigan stood up and answered King Zhou:

“Report to the king that Beihai Yuan Futong has not arrived! In addition to Yuan Futong from Beihai, there are forty-seven princes’ Hou Ye who have not arrived!”

King Zhou asked:

“Oh? Someone brought back news, saying that it was because something didn’t arrive?”

Bigan answered:

“Great King, no, not even the envoy sent by the Great King has come back!”

King Zhou can also guess what the situation is, but as a qualified king, King Zhou will still be able to use a little wrist, and the king asked in surprise:

“Oh? None of the widow’s messengers came back! Didn’t you send someone to investigate?”

Wen Zhong stood up and said to King Zhou:

“My lord, the minister has sent his confidant to investigate, but because of the long journey, there is no news yet!”

King Zhou said to the following princes:

“It seems that you are very dissatisfied with the rule of the widow. The widow invites you to eat, relax, and sacrifice. Why, is this not giving the widow a face?

The princes who came secretly cursed the princes who did not come:

Really a pig teammate, if you all come, there won’t be so many things, King Zhou will not play for excuses!”

But these princes are cursing in their hearts, because cursing them is useless now.

Therefore, countless princes immediately showed their loyalty to the king:

“My lord, I can’t wait!

King Zhou raised the table, and then said angrily:

“Don’t dare, look, forty or fifty princes will not give the widows Face!”

Ji Chang stood up at this time and faced the king:

“My lord, maybe it’s a long journey, or the lord’s messenger was delayed because something happened halfway!”

When King Zhou saw (Qian Wang Zhao) Ji Chang stand up, he knew that the opportunity to deal with Ji Chang was coming. King Zhou coldly said:

“Xibohou, you are a widowed minister, do you protect those traitors too?”

Ji Chang said immediately:

“Great King, the Weichen dare not!”

King Zhou coldly said about the toilet:


“Well, since Xibohou is begging for mercy, then I will spare their life, and I will give them another seven days.

Either the messenger I sent out, or they arrived in person and apologized to the widow.

If they don’t find it, then their princes don’t even think about doing it, huh, the yang is against the Yin, and he dares to kill the widow’s messenger!”

In order to win over other princes, Xi Bohou quickly explained to King Zhou

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