Chapter 228 Shennong ruled the world [seeking subscription]

“Jingwei, do you want to see your father!”

Jing Wei nodded very excitedly, then suddenly thought of something, then shook his head:

“Still not watching, I can’t hold my father behind, Jingwei must be a good boy!”

Ling Bao looked at Jing Wei’s small appearance, very distressed, and then waved his hand, a circle of light appeared in front of Jing Wei.

In front of Yuanguang, Shennong was tasting Baicao. Jingwei was shocked:

“Master, look, that’s the father, that’s the father, Master, how did you do it? Can you teach me?”

Ling Bao nodded:

“Okay, no problem, Jingwei cultivates with Master, this is all simple, then Jingwei will be able to see your father anytime, anytime!”

Jing Wei nodded heavily, then Jing Wei opened his eyes and looked at Shennong without blinking. After a while, Jing Wei said to Ling Bao:

“Master, is it okay to teach Jingwei cultivation now!”

Ling Bao nodded, and then began to teach Jingwei cultivation.

Jingwei cultivates very seriously every day, in order to see his own father, Ling Bao uses circle of light every day to let Jingwei see Shennong.

Jingwei looked at Own father happily every day, and then plunged into Tao cultivation.

Shennong automatically got the ocher whip, and the speed of trying all kinds of herbs has kept up. There is no scripture on the machine. Shennong looks for herbs that he has not seen during the day, and at night, he will try the medicinal properties, names, pictures, and growth environment of the herbs. , What diseases can be treated, are all recorded in the Wu Zi Jing book.

The present Wu Zi Jing is the future “Shen Nong Jing”, but it hasn’t been completed yet.

After eighty years, Shennong finally found the corresponding herbs for most of the human diseases. In the past eighty years, Shennong has tasted more than 60,000 kinds of herbs. Of course, many of these more than 60,000 kinds of herbs are not available to the Humans now. .

Among these 60,000 kinds of herbs, Shennong found three hundred and sixty-five kinds of herbs that are very common, but can cure most diseases, and then they are collected by people.

As for Shennong, he returned to Chendu to teach people how to understand herbal medicine, how to deal with herbal medicine, and the combination of herbal medicine.

Since then, many diseases of the human race are no longer obstacles restricting the development of the human race, and the human race has since embarked on the road of rapid development.

Shennong is optimizing the human race while perfecting his own “Shen Nong Jing”.

He also wrote “Shennong’s Materia Medica”, “Shennong’s Forbidden”, “Shennong’s Number”, “Shennong’s Occupation”, “Shennong’s Education” and other works for mortals.

While Shennong was slowly dealing with government affairs, the various urban tribes of the Human race developed very rapidly. With no resistance from food and disease, the Human race developed vigorously.

Various weapons have been manufactured, plus the preaching of the Three Religions, and many human races with great wisdom, in the process of preaching of the Three Religions, have comprehended various cultivation techniques.

The Three Religions see that if the Human Race develops its own Cultivation Technique, it may affect its own preaching, so countless preachers have also passed on the Cultivation Technique of the Three Religious Cultivation Techniques.

The development of Terran entered the fast lane in this way, and Shennong taught his own book to others, and then spread Terran widely.

More than 100,000 years passed in a flash, the development of the human race once again entered the bottleneck, and Shennong’s Cultivation Base also reached the quasi-sage middle stage.

Shennong forgot, knowing that he should look for the next co-owner of the human race, so Shennong said to own:

“Everyone, the current development of the human race has entered the bottleneck. We need a new co-lord to continue to lead the human race. Everyone pays attention to the great sages of the human race to see if anyone can become the future co-lord of the human race n^!”

Many people know what this is because, because the previous Emperor Fuyi was like this, everyone is no longer surprised, and all the leaders of the human race know that the new human co-owner can definitely lead the human race to glory again.

Therefore, the human race has spread that Shennong will look for the co-lord of the human race. Many people with great wisdom want to contribute to the human race, and if they want to become the co-lord of the human race, they must manage the territory under own jurisdiction.

So everyone is doing their best to their own territory, hoping to enter Shennong’s eyes and become the next co-owner of the human race.

Ling Bao saw Shennong’s decision, smiled slightly, and said to himself:

“It seems it’s time for Shennong to complete his merits! But this Shaodian and Fubao have just gotten married and have yet to have children. It seems that I have to wait!”

After speaking, Ling Bao called Jingwei over. After these 100,000 years of cultivation, Jingwei had already said the Realm of Taiyi Celestial Immortals.

Jing Wei rushed over and asked Ling Bao:

“Master, what are you looking for?”

Ling Bao faced Jing Wei Dao:

*, Jingwei, you now have the ability to protect yourself. Your father has almost completed the task of co-ownership of the human race, don’t you want to be with your father?

I will send you back to reunite with your family!”

Jing Wei thought Ling Bao would follow him home, and was very excited:


Ling Bao smiled slightly, then waved at Jing Wei and sent Jing Wei back to Chen Du. Jing Wei saw that his master cast a spell on him, instead of summoning colorful clouds, he knew that he had been deceived!

Shouted loudly:


But Jingwei’s voice was already in Chendu, and Ling Bao came to the China tribe. The patriarch of the China tribe was Shao Dian. At this time, Shao Dian had just become the leader of the tribe and took a beautiful wife.

Ling Bao found a place to live, and did not disturb Shao Dian and attached treasures.

In Chen Du, Jing Wei’s voice spread throughout Chen Du, and Ting Wo ran out excitedly:

(Good money) “Jingwei, Jingwei, is that you?”

Jingwei was very unhappy, but when he heard his mother’s words, he quickly answered:

“Mother! It’s me!

Tingwo shouted to Shennong:

“Husband, come out quickly, Jingwei is back!”

After speaking, he came to Jingwei, hugged Jingweiwei tightly, and told each other sincerely. After the mother and daughter had finished recounting the past, Shennong asked Jingwei:

“Jingwei, your master didn’t come back with you!”

Upon hearing Shennong’s words, Jing Wei said angrily:

“Hmph, Master said that he would take me to see my father. Who knew that Master waved my hand and I came back, Master didn’t follow him back!”

Shennong forgot, knowing that Ling Bao is no longer in the Taoist temple, and Shennong can’t figure out where he went, but to Jingwei Dao:

“Jingwei, it may be your teacher’s business, so please stay by my side!”.

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