Chapter 227 Shennong Debao【seeking subscription】

“Go away!!

Shennong saw Ling Bao coming, and a touch of emotion and Confucianism flashed in his eyes.

Ling Bao waved his hand, and a light of good fortune fell into Shennong’s body, then came to Shennong’s side, took out a Nine Cycles detoxification pill and fed it to Shennong.

This Nine Cycles Detoxification Pill already contains some of the laws of the poison path. Under the effect of Nine Cycles Detoxification Pill, these poisons quickly disappeared.

Shennong knelt on the ground weakly and said to Ling Bao:

“Master, the disciple is incompetent, so Master is tired!”

Only then did everyone react and salute Ling Bao one after another:

“We have seen Lord Father!”

Ling Bao said to everyone:

“Okay, get up, don’t be polite!”

After speaking, everyone got up and asked Shennong:

“Common Master, are you okay?”

Shennong shook his head:

“It’s okay, it’s okay, don’t worry, I don’t have anything to do, my Master uses the mysterious method, and this little thing will come naturally!”10

At this moment, a weak voice said:

“Are you my father?”

Ling Bao faced Jing Wei Dao:

“Jingwei, this is your father. Don’t blame your father. Your father didn’t see birth and growth for the sake of the human race!”

Jing Wei nodded obediently:

“En, my mother doesn’t blame my father, saying that my father is a hero of the human race, I don’t blame my father, my father is a hero for the human race, I don’t blame him!,

Ling Bao faces Shennong Road:

“This is Tingyue and your child. Originally, they were drowned in the East China Sea by Ao Zheng, the nine prince of the dragon clan. The Jingwei was filled with righteous indignation, and his grievances were hard to dissipate. Ao Zheng resolved Jingwei’s grievances.

I think Jingwei has no name. In order to tell Jingwei that she has the ability to protect herself in the future, I named her Jingwei. The first thing is to bring Jingwei to see you and tell you that Jingwei is good.

The second is that I think you are in trouble, and come here to rescue you.

The third is to prepare something for you!’

Shennong hugged Jingwei and said to Ling Bao with tears in his eyes:

“Master’s great kindness, the disciple is hard to repay for death, the disciple kowtow to Master!”

Ling Bao helped Shennong and said to Shennong:

“I am also the holy father of Human Race. You work hard for Human Race and do not hesitate to take risks. You deserve this!”

After speaking, Ling Bao took out three Innate treasures and faced Shennong Road:

“Separate your Blood Essence and Divine Sense into three for me 1″”

Shennong gave it to Ling Bao without even thinking about it. Ling Bao used a secret method to completely refine the three treasures. If Shennong himself refining it, it would not take long.

Then handed the ocher whip to Shennongdao:

“This is the Innate Supreme Pig Whip. In addition to being a weapon, it is invincible. It weighs as much as a million yuan, and it can recognize everything in the world. Specifically, you have refined it, and you realize it yourself!”

Then handed Shennongding to Shennongdao:

“This Innate Supreme Treasure Shennong Ding is specially made for you by the teacher. This Shennong Ding is the Innate Supreme Treasure. It stands on top of your head. Innate is unbeaten. In addition, it can also pill refining. I also gave it!”

Then took out a book-style Magic Treasures and introduced to Shennong:

“This is the Innate Supreme Treasure Without Word Scripture. Of course, it is now the Without Word Scripture. There is nothing in this Wordless Scripture. It can help people enter the state of enlightenment. It can also record various words on it. I hope this Wordless Scripture one day. Can become Shennongjing!”

Shennong received the treasure from Ling Bao and was very moved to Ling Bao:

“Shen Nong thank you Master, don’t worry, Master, I will definitely complete the master’s request!”

Ling Bao nodded and said:

“Okay, then you complete your mission. I will take Jingwei away, and I will personally teach Jingwei cultivation!”

Jing Wei said pitifully:

“Master, Jing Wei wants to stay with his father for a few more days. Jing Wei sees his father for the first time, so I can’t bear it!”

When Ling Bao heard it, he said to Jing Wei’s petting:

“Okay, the master will order your father to stay with Jingwei for a few days, do nothing, and stay with Jingwei, okay?”

Jing Wei rushed and clapped his hands excitedly, and said happily:


Shennong looked at his happy daughter, and the apology in his eyes almost flew out, but Shennong still said:

“Master, this is not good, Human Race is still waiting for me. If I go back one day late, I don’t know how many Human Races die every day.

I also want to accompany Jingwei, but I am the co-master of the human race, and I can’t slack off!”

Then Jingwei supported Jingwei very uncomfortably, looked at Jingwei imploringly, and discussed with Jingwei:

“Jing Wei, my father is not good, but my father really wants to be with Jing Wei, but his father is the co-lord of the human race, Jing Wei will understand his father, right, Jing Wei is my most sensible child!”

Jing Wei was very aggrieved, tears in his eyes, Jing Wei resisted the tears not to let himself flow out, forced a smile on his face, and faced Shennong Dao:

“Father is a hero, Jing Wei understands his father, Jing Wei is not sensible, Jing Wei is not good, father, go and work on your father, Jing Wei will look at his father, and then go to cultivation with Shi Gong, and wait until his father is finished. Is Jing Wei playing okay?”

Shennong couldn’t help it anymore. Her own daughter made her feel so distressed. Shennong strongly hugged Jingwei in his arms and cried loudly:

“Jingwei, I’m sorry, my father, I’m sorry, Jingwei!”

803 Jingwei still tried to control own tears, but couldn’t control it anymore, two lines of clear tears flowed down Jingwei’s face, but Jingwei still smiled and comforted Shennong:

“Father, it’s okay. I’m going to cultivate with Master this time. We still have countless time. Human Race is the most important thing. Don’t delay Human Race’s livelihood for Jingwei!

The surrounding servants and guards saw that the young Jingwei was so sensible, and they obviously wanted to be with Shennong, but when they said this, everyone cried secretly.

Ling Bao said:

“In that case, then I won’t bother you!”

Jing Wei reluctantly let go of Shennong, and then faced Shennong Dao:

“Father, my master and I are gone, don’t worry about Jingwei, you also have to be careful!

At this time, Shennong really wanted to let go of everything and stay with his lovely daughter, but thinking that the Human race would think that so many people died from disease every day, Shennong had no choice but to nod his head cruelly, because Shennong himself could not tell at this time. Here comes the word.

Ling Bao knew that this was too cruel to the father and daughter. Ling Bao picked up Jingwei, then called out the colorful clouds, took Jingwei and flew away, one step, came to the own Taoist temple, looking listless Jing Wei, Ling Bao asked Jing Wei.

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