Chapter 229 Guang Chengzi died, and the original was sealed [seeking subscription]

Jing Wei nodded, and ten years passed in a flash.

On this day, Fubao took the people to the Sage Temple to worship, praying for the smooth birth of his own child, because Fubao was pregnant nine years ago, but both Fuyi and Shennong were born after many years of pregnancy.

So these did not make Shao Dian and the attached treasure nervous, and even very happy.

When the attached treasure came back from the sacrifice, suddenly attached treasure felt a terrible stomachache, and the miserable cry of attached treasure made everyone very nervous, but the tension became nervous.The butler of attached treasure commanded everyone:

“You guys, hurry up to help the lady over there, and then surround the lady with sackcloth to be careful of the cold. You, hurry up and notify the patriarch on horseback, saying that the lady is going to give birth and can’t go back, so the patriarch should come quickly.

Guard, protect Madam, don’t let Madam be frightened!”

When everyone heard the butler’s words, they all started in an orderly manner.

Fubao touched Own’s belly and said with sweat on his face:

“My child, it’s been so many years. I didn’t expect that you just finished worshipping the Father and Mother, you can’t wait to come out, don’t torture your mother!”

As soon as the voice of Fubao fell, the belly of Fubao flashed. Fubao felt less painful, but Subao 803 knew that he was about to give birth.

The attached treasure was forced to give birth in the linen cloth. Two hours later, Shao Dian came over. The butler watched as Shao Dian came, and immediately saluted:

“I have seen the patriarch!”

Shaodian asked anxiously:

“Wonderful, how’s the madam?”

Butler said:

“The people are taking care of it!”

The butler just finished!


A loud cry came out. When Shao Dian heard this sound, he was very excited and was about to rush in. The butler stopped Shao Dian:

“Patriarch, don’t worry, you can’t go in now!”

A doctor rushed out and said to the butler:

“The housekeeper, he is a Young Master, mother and child are safe!”

Shao Dian rushed into the tent, looked at the weak attached treasure, and asked the attached treasure very anxiously:

“Attached treasure, are you okay!”

Because Fubao gave birth to a son, he was very happy and weakly said to Shao Dian:

“It’s okay, just a little tired, husband, let’s give our child a name!

Shao Dian said:

“Since I was born in the hills of Xuanyuan, I should call it Xuanyuan, Gongsun Xuanyuan!”

(bafa) The attached treasure smiled happily, and then said:

“Not bad! Good name!”

At this moment, a voice said:

“The Immeasurable Tianzun, I am the son of Guangcheng Twelve Golden Immortals, and I have met the patriarch of the human race!”

Human race is not so in awe of these people now, Shao Dian asked:

“Who is Dao Chief?”

As soon as Guang Chengzi was about to speak, he heard Ling Bao come out in the void and said to Guang Chengzi:

“Guangchengzi, do you want to die!”

Guang Chengzi saw that Ling Bao had appeared, and was very surprised, but Shao Dian and Fu Bao had both seen Ling Bao’s statue and saluted them:

“The Young Master of the Human Race, with a treasure to see the Father!”

Ling Bao said to the kneeling crowd:

“No gift, get up!”

Then he said to Guang Chengzi:

“Guangchengzi, I have told all Sages that you are not allowed to interfere with human affairs, do you think I dare not do it to you?”

At this time a voice rang:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, why is it so angry, and Guang Chengzi has a relationship with Xuanyuan, this is in line with Heavenly Dao, I believe that the fellow daoist will definitely calculate this Xuanyuan and my apprentice Guangchengzi, fellow daoist will not have a relationship with Heavenly Dao Do it right?”

Ling Bao saw the person coming, and said:

“Original fellow daoist, what is the identity of Gongsun Xuanyuan? I think fellow daoist must know. I said in the Zixiao Palace. I don’t care about all your Sages, but I don’t care about the preaching of all your Sages. , Or don’t blame me for being polite!”

I originally saw that Ling Bao was not so Giving face, but still suppressed his own anger, and said to Ling Bao coldly:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, this is obedience to Heavenly Dao, don’t fellow daoist want heaven-defying to succeed? Besides, fellow daoist doesn’t lack merit at all, so why bother with the junior to grab merit?”

Ling Bao said:

“The merits of the three emperors and five emperors of the human race, no one can interfere, or don’t blame me for being polite!

Seeing Ling Bao’s oil and salt not entering, the original said:

“How about I can give fellow daoist some Innate Ling Bao in exchange for this emperor teacher?”

Ling Bao did not agree and did not reply, the original said angrily:

“Guang Chengzi and Xuanyuan are predestined, and please fellow daoist to follow Heavenly Dao, don’t be heaven-defying!

Listening to the original words, Ling Bao looked at Guang Chengzi who was standing next to him, Ling Bao angrily said:

“Are you destined? Guang Chengzi, right?”

After Ling Bao stretched out his hand, he shot Guang Chengzi into scum in front of the original Tianzun, even without Samsara’s chance, it turned into ashes!

Primordial Tianzun never expected that Ling Bao would suddenly attack Guangchengzi. You must know that Guangchengzi liked him very much. Among the twelve disciples, Primordial Tianzun loved Guangchengzi alone, because Guangchengzi was too much like himself.

Seeing that Ling Bao didn’t even give himself a face, he turned Guangchengzi into ashes in front of his own face.

The original Tianzun said angrily:

“Fellow daoist, you are too much, this is my personal disciple!”

Ling Bao smiled and said:

“If you count fellow daoist, does Guang Chengzi still have a relationship with Xuanyuan?”

The original Tianzun said angrily:

“Well, well, since you dare to kill my disciple, don’t think your garden is full!”

After speaking, he would take the shot to kill Gongsun Xuanyuan. Ling Bao snorted coldly, then stretched out his hand to activate the large space technique, and a space barrier surrounded the original Tianzun.

Then Ling Bao coldly said:

“Original, since you dare to disturb my human plan, don’t blame me for being rude!”

After speaking, he must seal the original. The original took out the Pangu flags and opened Ling Bao’s large space shield. Ling Bao has a big curse, a catastrophe, a big Five Elements, and a big space to control the original.

The original feeling that own Cultivation Base has dropped by three or four grades, from the Sage Fifth Stage to the Sage First Stage zenith, the original is very scared.

Ling Bao said to the original:

“It’s not that I haven’t told you before, but you don’t listen. In that case, I will seal you for a million years. When the human race three emperors and five emperors return, you will naturally get out of trouble!”

After talking about Ling Bao launching the Great Seal Technique to seal the original seal under the Kunlun Upper Yuxu Palace, everyone saw that Ling Bao was so tough, and everyone who was planning to fish in troubled waters and preparing to share some merits stopped.

Ling Bao turned around, facing Shao Dian and Fu Bao Dao:

“Gongsun Xuanyuan has a relationship with me, I want to be a disciple, do you think it is good?”.

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