Chapter 226 Shennong catastrophe [seeking subscription]

Because Jingwei’s previous name was a girl, you must know that this is a homonym to the human mother Nuwa, this is the Sage era, you must know that this is the great Karma.

Now that the baby girl died and became Jingwei, she naturally lost Karma, who had the same name as Sage.

When Tongtian became holy, he wanted to call Ling Bao Tianzun, but in order to avoid forming Karma with Ling Bao, Tongtian gave up the title of Tianzun and became the leader of Tongtian.

This is also a manifestation of the name Karma.

However, Ling Bao is not in Heavenly Dao, so I don’t fear Karma. If Karma is too big, Ling Bao will kill him and turn it into ashes. Naturally, Karma will be gone.

Ling Bao held Jingwei and said to Jingwei:

“Little Jingwei, go, let’s go back and see your mother, and then Master will take you to find your father, OK!”

Jing Wei was very happy with the applause of “Eight H Zero Three”:

“Great, great, thank you Master, I miss my mother and father too!”

Ling Bao took Jingwei a step and came to Chendu. When Ling Bao appeared holding Jingwei, the Human Race didn’t know that Jingwei was dead at this time.

One after another greeted Jingwei:

“Girl, are you back?”

Jing Wei smiled and replied politely, but still added a sentence afterwards:

“People are no longer called girls, they have a name, they are called Jingwei, this is the name that the master, the father’s Master gave Jingwei!”

With the understanding of the middle-aged people, everyone knew that Ling Bao was the holy father of the human race, and everyone was very envious. They did not expect that the name of the co-lord’s daughter was actually given by the holy father.

In this way, most people in Chendu know that Shennong’s daughter is valued by the Holy Father and given a name.

Jing Wei was very happy when he saw the envy of Human Race, and he hugged Ling Bao’s neck and said happily:

“Master, Jingwei is so happy!”

The happy Jing Wei that Ling Bao looked at, said to Jing Wei:

“Let’s go, your mother should be worried!”

Under the leadership of Jingwei, Jingwei soon went home. As soon as he entered the gate, Jingwei shouted:

“Mother, I’m back!”

Tingyue heard Jingwei’s words, but before people saw it, they heard Tingyue’s excited and slightly crying voice:



The wooden door was pushed open vigorously, Tingwo ran out, saw Jingwei, strode three steps into two steps, and hugged Jingwei tightly:

“Girl, you are finally back, what have you been doing these days!”

Seeing how her mother was worried, the baby girl was very regretful. You must know that if there is no Master Own, the mother knows the news of Own’s death, and she still doesn’t know what the worry is like!

Jing Wei hugged own mother and said:

“Mother, Master sent me back!”

After all, Ting Jue is a co-leader’s woman. Although there is no queen now, the co-leader’s woman is still very respected in the human race. Ting Wo did not react and asked in confusion:


Jing Wei smiled and said:

“It’s my father’s master, Jingwei’s master, by the way, the girl will not be called a girl from now on, but will be called Jingwei from now on. This is the name the master gave to Jingwei!”

Tingyue naturally knew who the Master of Shennong was, and Tingyue immediately saluted Ling Bao:

“I heard that Wo has seen Lord Father, thank you Lord for sending the little girl back!”

Ling Bao smiled and said:

“It’s okay, you don’t need to be polite. Shennong is running around for the human race and has caused you to suffer. I plan to take Jingwei to see you, and then go to Shennong. Shennong is in trouble. I just came to save him this time.

Tingyue originally wanted Ling Bao to stay longer and then entertain Ling Bao, but when she heard Ling Bao’s words, Tingyue swallowed it immediately, and then said:

“Then Father Labor!”

Seeing Tingyue, Ling Bao nodded:

“Don’t worry, it’s okay, after this event is over, it’s time for Shennong’s merits to be consummated!”

Tingyue is also very happy, because Tingyue is also a cultivation person, Cultivation Base has already said the Realm of Xuanxian, and will naturally stay with Shennong for a long time.

Ling Bao hugged Jing Wei and said to Listening to Wo:

“Jingwei has never seen her father since I was a child, and it happened to take Jingwei to see her father this time, and then I took Jingwei to cultivate, so that Jingwei has the power to protect himself!”

Tingyue was very excited and said to Ling Bao:

“Thank you Father Father 1”

Then listening to Wo Jingwei said:

“Girl, oh, no, Jingwei, you have to listen to your master’s words carefully in the future, do you know?”

Jing Wei nodded obediently.Although Jing Wei is very lively, he is very well-behaved. Otherwise, there will not be so many people who like Jing Wei.

After Ling Bao and Ting Yue bid farewell, they set foot on the colorful clouds and took Jing Wei away. Jing Wei saw the colorful clouds under Ling Bao’s feet and liked it very much. He asked Ling Bao:

“Master, can Jingwei have such Rosy clouds in the future?”

Ling Bao smiled and said:

“Jingwei will cultivate well in the future, naturally there will be!”

Jing Wei was very happy and said:

“En, Master, don’t worry, I will cultivate well!”

After talking about Jingwei, he was very longing for such a colorful auspicious cloud, and the two were flying slowly. Shennong was a little worried at this time, and he didn’t know if his wife knew about his daughter, so he accelerated the speed of tasting Baicao.

Shennong plucked a herb and ate it in, observing his own belly, but when Shennong was about to record his death.

Suddenly I feel very painful in my stomach. Shennong knows that this grass is poisonous, but this is not the first time that Shennong has been poisoned. It is important to know that Shennong has a Cultivation Base of the big Luojinxian.

How could the mere toxicity stump Shennong? Shennong quickly mobilized Magic power and prepared to suppress this toxicity.

However, before the poisoning of Shennong 5.0, it did not eliminate the toxicity, but suppressed it with Magic power. For so many years, countless common herbs, Spiritual herbs, fairy grass, acquired Spiritual Roots, Innate Spiritual Roots, there are many poisonous, Shennong did not expect So much toxicity suddenly broke out.

Originally, the poison of this mere grass could be suppressed easily, but I didn’t expect that at this time the poison that I had accumulated began to rebel.

Shennong’s Magic power can’t be suppressed at all, countless toxins are mixed together, and even more powerful toxins are generated. Shennong is lying on the ground, very regretful, and said to the guards around him:

“You must choose another co-master when you go back, and bring the medicinal materials I recorded back to the human race to help the human race! I

At this moment, Huge Poison was about to attack Dao Shennong’s soul, and the guard shouted anxiously. At this time Ling Bao’s voice came from the air.

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