Chapter 145 Hongjun Hedao【One more automatic】

Hongjun Road:

“My palm, good fortune, a magical tool. I should preach three times for the great creatures and attack for 90,000 years. Now my merits have been fulfilled, and I will not preach from now on.

My view of Heavenly Dao is not complete, I will use my body and Heavenly Dao to complement Heavenly Dao, and you can stay and watch!””

Sanqing pleaded again:

“Teacher, please think twice!”

Among them, Tongtian was even more sincere. Only Tongtian left tears in the Three Qings. Looking at the tears falling from Tongtian, Hongjun nodded with relief when he looked at Tongtian.

Then said:

“Don’t be a child, I hope you will teach the prehistoric well!”

Only Tongtian listened to Hongjun’s words, which also led to the coming of the next generations.


“Sure to live up to the Taoist teachings!”

Hongjun called out his own good fortune jade disc, and then glanced at Hong Huang through the chaos, a trace of reluctance flashed in his eyes, but there was still determination.

Hongjun shouted loudly:

“Heavenly Dao! Hey!”

Heavenly Dao appeared in the Zixiao Palace, the good fortune jade disc gave off light, countless Heavenly Dao principles were in front of everyone, and Ling Bao’s soul quickly absorbed these Heavenly Dao principles.

With the rotation of the good fortune jade disc, countless 990 avenues flashed out of the good fortune jade disc, and slowly merged with Heavenly Dao, while Ling Bao was the avenue released by absorbing the good fortune jade disc.

Soon Ling Bao completed the last remaining point. Ling Bao knew that if he went back to Closed Door Training for a while, “Soul Golden Chapter” would be able to break through the Realm of Nascent Soul.

This time Ling Bao received a lot of goods, and soon Hongdiao merged into Heavenly Dao. Everyone realized that Heavenly Dao was really difficult, not as easy as before.

But because Hongjun complemented Heavenly Dao, people with insufficiency felt that Heavenly Dao was a lot more difficult. Of course, the person who slashed the corpse had no influence. After all, this is the great road handed down by the predecessors.

When everyone saw that there was nothing left, they all saluted the direction in which Hongjun disappeared:

“Teacher is merciful!”

“Taozu is merciful!”

After finishing talking about everyone at this time, Ling Bao said to them:

“You go back first, I still have something to do!”

Nuwa asked:

“Where are you going?”

Ling Bao said:

“I have something to enter the predicament, but don’t worry, there is no risk for me in this chaos!”

(bafj) Houtu nodded and said:

“Then you be careful!”

Nuwa also said:

“Okay, then my Big Brother and I will go back to Zhoushan and wait for you!”

Ling Bao nodded, then entered the chaos and went to the depths of the chaos.

Ling Bao’s speed was very fast. Ling Bao kept entering chaos. When Ling Bao couldn’t feel Heavenly Dao, Ling Bao walked a long way into the chaos before releasing the suppressed chaos beads.

After the Chaos Orb was released, it began to absorb a large amount of Chaos Qi, and the Chaos Qi in the chaos continued to pour into the Dao Chaos Orb.

Ling Bao looked at the Chaos Bead and knew that the repair of the Chaos Bead would not be completed for a while.

Then Ling Bao began to refine the Good Fortune Ding, the best Innate Ling Bao Good Fortune Ding, under the refining of the Chaos Divine Fire, slowly turned into a lump of liquid and blended into Ling Bao’s body.

Ling Bao’s body also began to absorb the Qi of Chaos. With Ling Bao’s absorption, Ling Bao’s physical body continued to strengthen, and the Restrictions in Ling Bao’s body began to slowly increase.

After 10,000, Ling Bao’s body finally reached 51 Restrictions, becoming the low-grade Chaos Ling Bao.

However, the Chaos Orb continues to absorb the Chaos Qi, and Ling Bao also continues to absorb the Chaos Qi to increase its own potential.

After practicing the “Golden Soul of Soul”, countless great principles kept circulating in Ling Bao’s mind, and Ling Bao understood the profound meanings of great great ways.

With Ling Bao’s understanding of the profound meaning of the Dao!


Ling Bao’s Soul Gold Core broke open, forming a Nascent Soul. The moment Nascent Soul opened his eyes, Ling Bao felt his own comprehension rapidly increased.

Ling Bao didn’t worry, but kept running “Soul Golden Seal” to consolidate his own soul Cultivation Base, when Ling Bao completely consolidated the soul Nascent Soul.

Ling Bao only began to comprehend the profound meanings of all kinds of Dao. With Ling Bao’s constant spiritual things, the three thousand Dao magical powers, under Ling Bao’s spiritual things, it becomes more profound.

Other magical powers that had not been comprehended before have also been introduced.

Another thirty thousand years have passed, and Chaos Bead has finally evolved into Chaos Supreme.

The powerful Chaos Tide, at the moment when the Chaos Orb evolves into the Chaos Supreme Treasure, it exudes a series of mysterious movements and completely calms the chaotic tide.

Ling Bao is very happy to incorporate Chaos Orb into his body. Ling Bao’s potential has also increased by fifty-two Restrictions. If it is absorbing Innate, the potential of Ling Bao can also increase by three Restrictions.

Reaching the chaos treasure of fifty-five Restrictions, but Ling Bao did not rush to absorb Qiankun Ding.

In addition, Ling Bao good fortune real fire has also evolved into good fortune divine fire, and Ling Bao’s natal real fire has become chaotic good fortune divine fire.

And even better, the soul Realm Ascension said Nascent Soul Realm, and the comprehension also reached the Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal, which is Hedao Realm.

Ling Bao believes that the speed of his progress will not be much worse than Hongjun.

After finishing all this, Ling Bao sensed the position of the land and quickly escaped towards the land, and followed Ling Bao quickly towards the land and land.

Soon Ling Bao felt the majestic Heavenly Dao, and Ling Bao didn’t want to fly the rest of the journey. After communicating with Da Luo Tian, ​​Ling Bao disappeared into the chaos and entered Da Luo Tian.

Then Ling Bao left Daluotian, entered Buzhou Mountain, and went to find Nuwa.

When Ling Bao appeared in Buzhou Mountain, she informed her mother through the communication jade symbol. Nuwa came out of the secret realm and saw Ling Bao. She hugged Ling Bao very happily and said to Ling Bao:

“You finally came back. It’s been four to five thousand years. I thought something happened to you. There are so many dangers in the chaos. You don’t want to contact me!!

Ling Bao hugged Nuwa and stopped. Nuwa said it was not own, but every word was caring and missed. Ling Bao did not speak, but Nuwa said it for three years before stopping, which shows how much Nuwa missed and worried.

Ling Bao saw that Nuwa stopped talking, and then touched Nuwa’s hair and said:

“Wawa, haven’t I come back? You don’t know my ability yet, this chaos is without any risk to me, don’t you believe me?”

Nuwa pouted:

“Then people are worried about you!”

Ling Bao knew that he shouldn’t be entangled in this topic, so he felt Nuwa Realm and said in amazement:

“Wawa, after your three corpses are united into one, are you able to prove compatible with the ontology at any time now?”

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Nuwa was very happy, and then said lonely:

“But they are still not as good as

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