Chapter 146 Traveling with Nuwa [Automatically changing the ball]

Nuwa’s voice is very small. Ling Bao’s Cultivation Base didn’t hear the last few words. You must know what Ling Bao is Cultivation Base, even mosquitoes can be heard.

It can be seen how quiet Nuwa said, Ling Bao asked curiously:

“Who is it better?”

Nuwa looked at Ling Bao and said to Ling Bao:

“Not as good as Houtu Little Sister!”

Ling Bao asked in shock:

“Houtu? He preached?”

Nuwa shook his head, but Nuwa said:

“Although there is no, but it is almost the same. I have understood 90% of the law of soil, and I can’t find much of it!

It seems that it was because of hurting the soul, otherwise, people would have understood the law to 100%, proving the Tao-Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!”

Ling Bao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Nuwa’s words. If Hou Tu proves Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, then Heavenly Dao will definitely calculate Hou Tu for the Lich’s calamity.

So Ling Bao intends to prepare Nuwa to preach, Ling Bao said:

“Let’s go, your chance is coming soon, let’s travel through the wild!”

Nuwa was very excited and said:

“Okay, let’s go now. Let’s take Houtu. Houtu has come to me several times, and I am afraid that it will delay your Closed Door Training, and I didn’t send you a newsletter!”

Ling Bao said:

“Okay, let’s send a message to Houtu!”

After speaking, Ling Bao sent messages to Houtu through the communication jade talisman. Soon Houtu got through Ling Bao’s communication, and Houtu said in surprise:

“Ling Bao Big Brother, are you back?”

Ling Bao nodded:

“Well, just came back, are you okay? We are going to travel through the prehistoric land!”

Hou Tu is very happy:

“It’s okay, am I going to find you? Or are you coming to pick me up?”

Ling Bao said:

“I will pick you up!”

Back soil:

“Well, then I’ll wait for you!”

After hanging up the communication, Ling Bao took Nuwa’s hand and said:

“Let’s go, let’s find Houtu!”

Nuwa nodded. Ling Bao took Nuwa to the Pangu Hall. Zhu Rong also knew that Ling Bao was coming. Zhu Rong saw Ling Bao and said to Ling Bao:

“Brother Ling Bao, you are back, hahaha, thank you so much Brother Ling Bao!”

Ling Bao was stunned. I just came back and didn’t do anything. Thank me for anything. Ling Bao didn’t know. So, I asked:

“I just came back, why do you thank me?”

Houtu Road:

“It’s nothing, mainly the Du Tianqi you gave us. We practiced several times, but there was no weakness!”

Ling Bao smiled bitterly:

“That’s all the previous things. Give you all the sky banners, which is the strength of Ascension, so you don’t want to thank you, see more!’

Zhu Rong laughed loudly:

“Well, well, I won’t thank you, am I not happy? I must take revenge at that time!”

Ling Bao shook his head and didn’t care. I guess he won’t make a move this time, but Hongjun will definitely make it. His current Cultivation Base really can’t help Hongjun.

Ling Bao said:

“Okay, I won’t say goodbye to the Dijiang brothers, Zhu Rong, you can help me say, I will take Houtu, and go for a walk. If you want Houtu, just send a message to Houtu!

Zhu Rong laughed loudly:

“It’s okay, Houtu Little Sister always said you recently, if you don’t come back, Houtu Little Sister should go to the chaos to find you!”

Hou Tu’s embarrassed way:

“Chu Rong Dage, don’t talk nonsense!”

Zhu Rong looked at himself as Little Sister was shy, and stopped making fun of Houtu, and said to Ling Bao:

“You must take good care of my sister!

Ling Bao confidently said:

“Don’t worry, we are going!

After bidding farewell to Zhu Rong, Ling Bao took the female snail and Houtu to travel through the prehistoric land. The three of them did not fly this time, but walked on the prehistoric land with their feet.

Walking on the wild land step by step, Houtu asked:

“Ling Bao Big Brother, where are we going this time? What are we doing?”

Thinking that since he was born, he has not yet returned to the own dojo to have a look, Ling Bao asked:

“Would you like to visit the place where I was born!”

Nuwa had never heard Ling Bao say where she was born, so she was very curious and asked Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao, where are you born?”

Ling Bao answered:

“Kongtong Mountain Yuanyang Cave!”

Nuwa said happily:

“Let’s go, I don’t know where to go anyway?”

After talking about Nuwa, he will fly to Kongtong Mountain, Ling Bao said:

“We are out to travel, come down, we are walking!”

Nuwa was surprised:

“Shall we walk?”

Ling Bao nodded:

“Yeah, going to Yuanyang Cave is just to find a goal for us. This time I came out to travel with you. Let’s walk. You used to fly, or you have all kinds of magical powers, you haven’t walked yet! ,”

.0 Seeking flowers…

Hearing what Ling Bao said, Nuwa also thought about it, yes, I haven’t walked around yet, the three of them started walking towards Yuanyang Cave of Kongtong Mountain.

The three people walked this way for 20,000 years. Compared with the happiness at the beginning, the eyes of the three people are full of vicissitudes.

Nuwa asked Ling Bao:

“Is this all of this prehistoric continent like this?”

Ling Bao answered:

“You can see, there are fights everywhere in this great wilderness, between the monster race and the monster race, between the monster race and the witch race, fighting every day!

On the way, we didn’t specifically look at these, but no matter where we go, it’s always like this!”

Just after Ling Bao finished speaking, a tiger head monster race was chasing and killing a rhino monster race:


“Niu San, stop for me, or wait until I catch you, I want you to look good!”

The rhino spirit named Niu San begged for mercy while running:

“King Tiger, I was wrong. For the sake of my hard work, please spare me!”

The tiger king said cruelly:

“Hand over your Monster core, I will give you a chance to rebuild it!”

Niu San was very low, knowing that own Cultivation Base was not the opponent of King Tiger, so he simply stopped to escape and asked King Tiger:

“What you said is true?”

King Tiger said loudly:

“Of course it is true, I only want your Monster core, and you don’t have any threat to me if you don’t have a Monster core!

Niu San thought about it and handed Monster Core over to King Tiger very unwillingly. King Tiger took over Monster Core and laughed:

“After refining this Monster core, my Cultivation Base can go further!”

After speaking, looking at the weak Niu San, Niu San was killed with a single knife, Niu San turned into a rhino, and his eyes revealed unwillingness.

Tiger King:

“Naive, I won’t give you a chance. If you have any chance, Cultivation Base will come up, and it will be me who died!”

He was about to leave, but King Tiger suddenly saw the three of Ling Bao, and King Tiger said deadly to the three:

“Hahaha, today is really the luck of my tiger king, boy, hand over your Monster core, these two beauties belong to me!”

Originally, the three of them saw too much of this kind of thing, and they didn’t want to bother, but they didn’t expect the tiger king to die.

Nuwa’s face is full of frost.

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