Chapter 144 Red flower and white lotus root green lotus leaf [Five more automatic]

When everyone saw it, they didn’t know why they were crying. When everyone looked back, Zhunti was crying on the futon.

Hongjun looked at the crying Zhun Ti, and asked him a question:

“Why cry!”

Zhunti said in a crying cry:

“Teacher Jing, the disciple hasn’t found any Ling Bao in Honghuang for so many years. The disciple can’t cut the corpse even if he wants to cut his body. As a teacher and disciple, he is really ashamed of the teacher.

The disciple begged the teacher to be merciful and bestow Ling Bao on the disciple!

After talking about Zhunti’s constant worship, Hongjun thought for a while, and then sighed:

“Well, I still have a treasure. This treasure shouldn’t be born. If you say so, then tell me what you see!”

After speaking with a wave of one hand, a red Lotus flower appeared in the void. Hongjun pointed to the Lotus flower and said:

“This is the most precious treasure, the most precious treasure of Innate, this treasure is conceived by Heavenly Dao, which can suppress the great luck of the ancient world, and is called the primordial blood lotus.

Whether you can get it depends on your chance!”

Daddy Fuzhi stood up and said to the blood lotus:


I saw the red lotus stems falling into Daddy’s hands, and it was Daddy’s clean floating dust.

Hearing Daddy finished speaking, Yuan Yuan also stood up and said:

“White lotus root!”

The white lotus root turned into a stream of light and fell into the original hand and turned into a green Ruyi Scepter, which is the Sambo Ruyi Scepter.

Tongtian stood up and said:

“Green lotus leaf!”

All the lotus leaves in the pond are fused together and turned into a sword, which falls into the hands of Tongtian. It is the Qingping sword. All three Ling Bao are the best Innate Ling Bao of the 48 Restrictions, which can suppress the air transport.

Nuwa saw that Sanqing said that everything has Magic Treasures, and suddenly saw the lotus flower above the pond bald, thinking that I was the lotus flower, and then stood up and said:


I saw that the Lotus flower turned into a Baolian Lantern and fell into Nuwa’s hands. It was the best Innate Ling Bao Baolian Lantern. Forty-eight Restrictions’ best Innate Ling Bao.

Houtu stood up and said:

“Stone /|!”

At the pond level, a huge stone turned into a three-color gem and fell into the hands of Houtu, but it was the Innate Ling Bao three-life stone.

Seeing Hou Tu sitting down, she quickly stood up and said:


The lotus platform was transformed into the ten second rank lotus platform and fell into the hands of the taker. It is indeed a superb Innate Ling Bao ten second rank red lotus.

Zhunti saw the introduction and said, very greedy:


After Zhunti finished speaking, the entire pond shrank and fell into the hands of Zhunti, which is indeed the Eight Treasure Merit Pool in the future.

Hongjun Road:

“Okay, now the Magic Treasures are gone, you can leave if you want to leave!”

Whether it is the ten second rank Chilian or the Eight Treasure Merit Pool, it is the best Innate Ling Bao. I didn’t think much about it and thought it was over.

The two planned to go back to refine this Ling Bao, so the two also went out with everyone. Ling Bao took the Twelve Ancestor Witch and walked slowly to the end. Seeing everyone entering the chaos, Ling Bao dragged everyone. walking back.

Zhu Rong asked very curiously:

“Brother Ling Bao, why don’t you go back?”

Ling Bao said:

“It’s not time yet, let’s continue listening!”

After speaking, I entered the Zixiao Palace again. At this time, Sanqing, Nuwa, Houtu, Fuyi, Ling Bao, and the Eleventh Ancestor Witch were present. The town Yuanzi didn’t know what was going on, but he also stayed.

Except for these nineteen people, all the rest left.

The gate of Zixiao Palace did not have Guanshan this time, and it seemed that Hongjun still left a glimmer of life.

Hongjun Road:

“There are still two thousand seven hundred years, I will continue to preach!”

After that, Hongjun continued to preach. With Hongjun’s preaching, time passed by in a flash.

In addition to chaos, Zhunti happily faced the leading road:

“Brother, huh, that Ling Bao won’t give me Ling Bao, I also get it now, brother also has Ling Bao!”

Then Zhunti wanted to find Ling Bao, but after watching for a long time, he couldn’t find Ling Bao’s cool golden cloud.

Zhun Ti was very curious, and vomited to the link:

“I didn’t see Ling Bao Daoist’s Po Jinyun this time. I swaggered through the market every time!”

Although there are not many words about the introduction, Ling Bao has not been seen among these people, and even Sanqing and Twelve Ancestral Witches have not seen it.

Picked up and counted, and then said:

“No, the preaching is still over!”

Hearing the quote, Zhun said:

“Yeah, there are still two thousand seven hundred years, no, let’s go back quickly, these people are too bad!”

After finishing talking about the quasi mention and the lead, I hurried into the chaos. There is no direction at all in this chaos. It takes two thousand and one hundred years to go in and out.

When Zhunti and the lead felt Zixiao Palace, Hongjun still had six hundred years of preaching, and the two of them had no choice but to sit down and listen to the preaching.

Hongjun didn’t seem to notice that the two were the same, and continued to preach.

It’s not just two people who found out, Dong Huang Taiyi and Di Jun also found out that they had left. Emperor Jun was just about to pull Dong Huang Taiyi back to continue listening, and Dong Huang Tai together:

“. Dage, forget it, we don’t understand even if we go, and we don’t understand much if we go now!”

Di Jun thought about it, so he didn’t go again and didn’t think much about it.

But what everyone doesn’t know is that these three thousand years of generals are the core. The words that everyone didn’t understand before, after this time Hongjun’s preaching, everyone can understand what they didn’t understand before.

Of course, except for quasi mention and connection, Hongjun just finished the last word of this core when quasi introduction and connection were introduced. And the last one talked about the eight hundred side doors, and the two only listened to the eight hundred side doors.

Of course, the rest of the people also listened to these eight hundred people. Only Daddy listened very carefully and thought about it.

Except for Ling Bao, who understood all the Taoism, none of the others (Nonuo’s) fully understood the change.

When Hongjun finished speaking at the end, the Restrictions on Ling Bao had reached the peak of fifty. If Ling Bao now refines the Good Fortune Ding into his body, fifty Restrictions will be generated immediately, up to fifty. Second way.

However, Ling Bao did not worry, but looked at Chaos Zhu. When Hongjun finished the last word, Chaos Zhu’s injuries were completely recovered.

It has also become the chaotic treasure of the fifty-five Restrictions. For the time being, Ling Bao knows it is a chaotic treasure, but Ling Bao has not taken it out.

You must know that Hongjun’s good fortune jade disc can only be of Chaos Ling Bao level, and now he is no longer Hongjun’s opponent.

Through this time, Hongjun is estimated to have reached the peak of Sage, which is the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, next is Hedao Realm, which is also Hunyuan Taiji Jinxian Realm, and then is Hunyuan Wuji Jinxian’s Heavenly Dao Realm.

as predicted

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