Chapter 134 Helpless compromise [Second more automatic]

Nuwa said to Ling Bao:

“Be careful!

Ling Bao said:

“Do not worry!

Ling Bao’s body hardness is at the level of Chaos Ling Bao. These Taikoo Stars can compete with Innate treasure, but they want to kill Ling Bao, but they are not enough!

The Twelve Ancestral Witches felt very aggrieved, but sometimes they couldn’t escape from the attacks from time to time, and there were not many Ancestral Witches, and they resisted the attacks for others.

In this way, the twelve ancestral witches were quickly beaten with scars, and when the ancestral witches were about to blew themselves up and died together with the monster race, Ling Bao appeared in the universe star battle array.

The sound of killing spread all over the starry sky:

“Emperor Taiyi, you are looking for death!”

Donghuang Taiyi saw Ling Bao rushing into the formation and was very happy, and laughed:

“Ling Bao, you can kill me outside, but here, under this starry sky, I am the ruler. Since you are also here to die, then die with the ancestor witch!

Hearing what Donghuang Taiyi said, Ling Bao said:

“Give you a chance to survive, if you don’t want it, then just die for me!

After talking about grabbing from the void with one hand, he grabbed Donghuangtai from the void with a colorful palm.

Donghuang Taiyi was shocked, and then asked:

“Impossible. This is the first time this Universe Star Dou Array has appeared. No one but me and the big brother can know how you found me!”

Ling Bao disdainfully said:

“Playing formation with me, when daddy played formation, you were still an unconscious crow. Since you are given a chance and you don’t want it, then go and die for me!”

Ling Bao is about to kill the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. The current Ling Bao is very angry, and the injury to the land made Ling Bao forget about the Lich War.

The Star Dou formation controlled by Emperor Jun attacked Ling Bao’s hand and rescued Dong Huang Taiyi in Ling Bao’s hand. Ling Bao was very angry and shouted angrily:

“Dijun, it seems that you also want to die with Donghuang Taiyi, no problem, I don’t care about killing one and killing two, I can give you your merits / ||!”

When he finished speaking, he was about to do it, and Di Jun’s voice rang:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist wait a minute!”

Ling Bao coldly said:

“Is there any last words? Say it quickly, and I will send you on the road after finishing talking!”

After speaking, Ling Bao stretched out his hand, and the Killing Spear appeared in Own’s hand, and the Killing Intent made the space in the starry sky unstable!

Purple Thunder Palace:

“The Killing Gun, it was in your hands!”

Kunlun Mountain:

“The first assault is the Greatest Killing Spear!”

The ancestor of the sky:

“The Killer Spear is born!”

Qingtian ancestor:

“The Killing Spear has appeared!”

Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun could also feel the power of the Gunkiller, and Di Jun shouted loudly:

“Erlang, we have no chance, we are going to blew up Taikoo Star!”

Di Jun’s voice was full of determination:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, I know you are strong, but if I blew up the Star Dou Great Array and the Taigu Star, I can believe that these twelve ancestral witches will not survive.

You may run away, but you have the merit to offset the huge karma, but it must be uncomfortable. Since you won’t let us live, then we shall die together!”

After hearing Di Jun’s words, Ling Bao calmed down. He was able to kill Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, but it is absolutely impossible to kill three hundred and sixty-five Da Luo Jinxian at the same time. If he really blew up this Universe star battle formation, There is no need to fight, just three hundred and sixty-five main stars explode.

None of the Twelve Ancestral Witches can survive. Although he can save Hou Tu, with Hou Tu’s character, it is estimated that he will not live alone!

At that time, Heavenly Dao will surely transform Samsara from the soil. Everything is not ready yet, Ling Bao said:

“Okay, I can let you go this time, but from now on, the ten yuans of the demon palm sky, the witch palm land, and the lich clan will not be able to fight!”

Emperor Jundao:

“Okay, I can promise you, but you are not allowed to intervene in the battle after the ten Yuanhui!”

Ling Bao thought of the second Lich War, the ancestral witches will be in great formation. When that time comes, they will summon Pangu out and abuse you every minute.

Ling Bao said:

“Well, I won’t participate in the next Lich War, but if someone else helps you Monster Race, then I won’t stand by!”

Di Jun was very confident in this Star Star Battle Array, and then said:

“Well, that ten yuan will fight again from now on!”

Then Emperor Jun said:

“Let go of the big formation and let the Ancestral Witch go!”

Everyone was very reluctant, but still opened the big formation. Ling Bao came to Houtu, held Houtu, and asked Houtu:

“Houtu, are you okay!”

Hou Tu looked at Ling Bao very apologetically. Houtu knew that if he hadn’t had himself and his own Big Brother Big sis, Ling Bao wouldn’t be so shackled, even if this star battle array blew up, Ling Bao would be safe.

Houtu said to Ling Bao:


Ling Bao Big Brother, thank you!”

Ling Bao said:

“Silly girl, what are you talking about, you are my woman, and my purpose is to save you out!”

Ling Bao said:

“The people who told you stop attacking the Wu Clan, if I go out and see something that makes me angry, don’t blame me for not telling you in advance!”

Donghuang Tai was very aggrieved. He originally thought that Ling Bao could be abused by the Universe Star Dou formation. He didn’t expect Ling Bao to be so perverted that he could find his own position at a glance.

Emperor Jun ordered:

“Stop attacking! Let the Witch Clan leave!”

All the monster races escaped into the void, and the Wu race did not attack. Ling Bao took the twelve ancestor witches in addition to the Universe Star Dou formation. When Di Jun saw that Ling Bao was so easy, except for the Universe Star Dou formation, he also knew this. The big array is not perfect.

Determined to perfect the Universe star battle array, Ling Bao said to everyone:

“All withdrew to the Pangu Hall!

The Wu clan came eagerly to take revenge, and was almost exterminated, one by one, all listless, Emperor (Nuo Zhaohao) Jiang knew that his clan leader had to speak, so Emperor Jiang said:

“Let’s go back!”

All the witches went back. Ling Bao took everyone back to the Pangu Hall. When they arrived at the Pangu Hall, Zhu Rong said very aggrieved:

“This is too suffocated and bloated!”

Ling Bao said:

“Let’s go, go to the Pangu god statue to heal, there is Pangu god-tier heart suppression, be safe!”

Everyone nodded, the twelve ancestor witches were all seriously injured, and all of them were very aggrieved.Everyone came to Pangu’s heart.The twelve ancestor witches thought of the scene where his father and the three thousand demon gods did not fail in the battle, as Pangu’s The descendant, the Twelve Ancestral Witch is very difficult to accept this result.

Tears of humiliation leaked one by one. When the tears of the Twelve Ancestral Witch fell into the blood pool, a flow of chaotic colors flashed in the Pangu Blood Pool, and then it was divided into twelve and plunged into the mind of the Twelve Ancestral Witch.

The twelve ancestor witches were stunned, it turned out

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