Chapter 135 Inheritance of the Twelve Capitals Tianda Formation [Three more automatic]

It turned out that the humiliating tears of the Twelve Ancestral Witch awakened the inheritance of Pangu’s Heart, and the Twelve Ancestral Witch once again gained the inheritance of Pangu!

After passing a house, Di Jiang said excitedly:

“This time I’m going to see what this monster race does, huh! We will have to practice the twelve metropolitan formations in the next ten yuan meeting. When the time comes, Pangu’s real body will be summoned, and it will not be an instant. Break it!”

Ling Bao heard Di Jiang’s words, fucking, it turns out that the Twelve Capital Sky Formation was not invented by you yourself, it was left by Pangu, and you don’t have this formation yourself.

As soon as Di Jiang stretched out his hand, he passed the Twelve Capital Sky Formation he had obtained to Ling Bao, and said to Ling Bao:

“Brother Ling Bao, this time you rescued us. We won’t be grateful anymore. If we thank you, then we will be too far-sighted. At this time, we just got the Twelve Capital Array given to us by God the Father.

We went to heal, and when the injury is healed, we are going to practice the Twelve Capital Formation!”

Ling Bao closed his eyes and comprehended the twelve metropolises, and soon Ling Bao knew why the twelve metropolises could summon Pangu.

Because there are twelve imprints of time, space, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and weather engraved on own body. Collecting these twelve imprints can summon Pangu.

As long as there is something in Honghuang, the Pangu phantom can be summoned. Although this phantom is only one-tenth of Pangu’s strength, it is enough to contend with Sage.

Of course, if the ancestor witch cultivates all the twelve brands, then the power will still be ascension. As for the amount of ascension, Ling Bao is not clear.

I thought it was the first time that the Tianda Formation appeared. Ling Bao didn’t know how powerful it was, but could the formation power that can summon Pangu be worse?

However, this formation has stricter requirements for the ancestral witch’s body, that is, the physical strength of the quasi-sage or above can be used to arrange this formation.

The 12th Ancestral Witch went to heal the Insight formation, and Nuwa asked Ling Bao:

“Are they okay, will they be hit a bit harder?”

Ling Bao shook his head:

“If there is no inheritance just now, it is estimated that the blow will be a bit strong, but it will not be anymore. Now they are full of fighting spirit. If it were not for the ten yuan I decided to fight again, they would go to fight the monster race after healed their injuries. But this time is just right, just after a Yuanhui, we go to listen to the Tao, and wait for the listening to the Tao to finish.

After hearing the preaching, it is estimated that it will be time for you to preach!

(bafj) Nuwa heard Ling Bao’s words and said:

“Nothing, you send me to Da Luotian, I will try to put the three corpses together before the next sermon-!”

Ling Bao knew that the next sermon would be the avenue of sanctification, so the higher the Cultivation Base, the more you can get. Ling Bao nodded and said:

“wait for me!”

Ling Bao looked at the great witch who was left behind, and said to the great witch:

“When your ancestor witches wake up, you tell them, let them contact me! Just say that I have gone to Daluotian!”

The great witch naturally knew that Ling Bao was the savior of the Wu clan, and then said:

“Yes, Master Ling Bao, when Master Zu Wu wakes up, I will notify him as soon as possible!”

In addition to the Ancestral Witch Palace, Ling Bao put a layer of Restrictions on the Ancestral Witch Palace, and took Nuwa into the Daluo Heaven.

Nuwa talked to Ling Bao, and then went to cultivation. Ling Bao looked at the fourth elementary school, Fuyi and Nuwa, and then went to continue to refine the treasure.

Ten thousand years later, Ling Bao finally refined all the remaining Innate treasures.

Ling Bao began to refine the best Innate Ling Bao. You need to know that you need 129,600 best Innate Ling Bao.

Ling Bao continues to invest in treasure making

A thousand pieces

Two thousand pieces

3000 pieces

When Ling Bao refined eight thousand pieces, thirty thousand years passed. Ling Bao was about to continue refining, and Ling Bao’s communication jade talisman rang.

Ling Bao looked at the communication jade talisman, which was the information of Houtu. Ling Bao opened the communication jade talisman and said to Houtu:

“Houtu, are your injuries healed?”

Hou Tu said excitedly:

“Ling Bao Big Brother, the injury has healed long ago, are you busy?”

Ling Bao said:

“Nothing, you wait, I will find you now!”

Putting down the communication jade talisman, Ling Bao watched the six people still cultivation, and did not disturb them. After leaving Da Luotian, he took a step and went directly to the Pangu Hall. When Ling Bao approached the entrance of the Pangu Hall, Hou Tu was already waiting there. Finished.

When Houtu saw Ling Bao appearing, he jumped onto Ling Bao and held Ling Bao and said:

“Ling Bao Big Brother, you are finally here!”

Ling Bao inspected Houtu’s injuries and found that all Houtu’s injuries were healed. This was a sigh of relief. Ling Bao said:

“Are you OK?”

Hou Tu shook his head and said:

“It’s okay, I’m fine!”

Ling Bao said:

“That’s good, what about your Big Brother Big sis?”

Hou Tu said:

“They went to recover!”

Ling Bao was very puzzled when he heard Hou Tu’s words, and asked:

“How come the injury hasn’t healed?”

Houtu Road:

“The injury is healed, but we practiced the big formation passed to us by the Father God. I didn’t expect this big formation to consume a little bit, so they regained their strength?”

Upon hearing Houtu’s words, Ling Bao frowned and asked:

“How many times have you rehearsed?”

Houtu didn’t know what Ling Bao meant, but he still said:

“A dozen times! What’s the matter?”

Ling Bao Room:

“Does it consume so much every time?”

Only then did Houtu nodded lowly:

“Well, my soil law comprehension is ninety-nine percent, that’s only one point away, so it’s easy for me to respond, especially when standing on the ground, my physical strength will continue to flow.

But the Big Brothers and Xuanming Big sis will not work, they need to meditate to recover their strength!”

Ling Bao frowned and said:

“This can’t work. If you do, if you don’t completely destroy the enemy after using this formation to fight the enemy, you will be too dangerous!”

Hou Tu nodded and said:

“Yes, everyone thinks so too, so I want to practice a few more times to see if this drawback can be solved!”

Ling Bao thought for a while:

“Then ask? This is a formation. Wouldn’t it be better if it was supported by the formation flag!”

Houtu asked Ling Bao:

“We have also thought about it, but this formation must use the body of the ancestor witch as the base of the formation. Magic Treasures simply can’t work. We have sworn with our own treasure, and it won’t work at all!”

Ling Bao said:

“I’ll try it later!”

Zhu Rong laughed:

“Brother Ling Bao is here, what are you going to try?”,

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