Chapter 133 The First Lich War [One more automatic]

Nuwa knew that Ling Bao was worried about Houtu, so she nodded and said:

“Let’s go, let’s go and see!”

Ling Bao and Nuwa hid in the void and watched the crowd fight. At first, under the leadership of the twelve ancestor witch, the witch clan was like a broken bamboo.

“The strength of the witch race is much stronger than that of the monster race, and it was the ancestor witch who fought. Obviously, they wanted to fight the Heaven Court and destroy the monster race. There is nothing to see in this battle. The destruction of the monster race is only a matter of time!”

The other powers are also paying attention to the Lich War.

The west

“Brother, do you think the Demon Race is going to die? Now the strength of the Demon Race is not the opponent of the Wu Clan at all!”


“I don’t feel right, this monster clan is not a fool, and this Donghuang Taiyi is not a fuel-efficient lamp, the monster clan will not make such a big mistake, the monster clan must have killer copper!’

Quasi-lifting and pouting:

“What killer copper can be, at best, it is an Innate Supreme Treasure Chaos Clock, the best Innate Ling Bao Hetu Luoshu, nothing else, Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun only 10 are quasi-sage late stage, and the ten demon saints are also In the early stage of the quasi-sage, but the twelve ancestor witches are all quasi-sages late stage, this battle is obviously the witch clan destroying the monster clan!

No, the Yaozu has a lot of Ling Bao. If we can snatch the Donghuang Bell, we will have the treasure of Innate!”

Zhunti thought of this, facing the leading road:

“Brother, let’s go, if the war between the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan ends, we will get nothing!”

Think about it, even if you don’t get the Eastern Emperor Bell, it’s good to get the Hetu Luoshu. If the Wu Clan fails, the Wu Clan also has a lot of Ling Bao, so he didn’t speak, and followed Zhun Ti to the battlefield.

Wuzhuang View:

“Hey, this predicament is another eventful autumn, I should continue to cultivate!”

Fire Cloud Cave:

“It’s fighting, I’ll go see if I can help!”

Sea of ​​Blood:

“Fight, fight, the more people die, the more powerful my blood sea!”

Countless great powers are paying attention to the Lich War. Soon the Twelve Ancestor Witch and the Witch Clan hit the Nantian Gate. The Nantian Gate is the Innate Ling Bao, but it is only a top-grade Innate Ling Bao, which is soon broken by the Ancestral Witch. , Zhu Rong shouted loudly:

“Erlangs, kill all the monsters with me, and avenge our Erlang!”

All the ancestors shouted loudly:

“Take revenge for the brothers and kill all the monsters!”

Di Jiang shouted loudly:

“The other great witches led the clansmen to clear away the other demons, brothers, let’s find those two stupid birds and ten demon saints!”

Gong Gong shouted loudly:


The endless weak water rushed into the monster race, and countless monsters died in large swaths, and the Eastern Emperor:

“Let the order go on and bring in the ancestral witches, and the remaining people will drag me the witches. When we destroy the twelve ancestral witches, we will kill all the remaining witches!”

“Yes, Demon Emperor!

And the ancestor witch followed the rhythm of the monster clan into the base camp of the monster clan, Heaven Court, when the ancestral witch first arrived at the monster clan base camp, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi laughed and said:

“Ancestral Witch, I have been waiting for you for a long time!!

Zhu Rong held the Zhu Rong Fire God Halberd and rushed towards Donghuang Taiyi, shouting in his mouth:

“Dead crow, die for me!”

Countless Zhu Rong Shenhuo swept away at the East Emperor Taiyi, and Donghuang Taiyi put the East Emperor Bell on his head. Zhu Rong Shenhuo couldn’t hurt Donghuang Taiyi at all, and Donghuang Taiyi snorted coldly:

“I don’t know who lives and who died today, brothers, make formations!!

Hearing the words of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, all the monster races waved the Star flags in their hands, and countless stars were connected together, and the scenery around the Twelve Ancestor Witches immediately changed!

In the eyes of everyone, the Twelve Ancestral Witch had disappeared. Ling Bao quickly used his own magical powers to break the golden eyes and watched the situation inside the big formation.

Gonggong snorted coldly:

“You native chickens and dogs, a small formation can trap us. Deng Wu waits to kill you, a dead crow. This formation is self-defeating. I see what you have to rely on!

Give me ”

Before the Gonggong finished speaking, Eastern Emperor Taiyi hid into the void. In the void, Eastern Emperor Taiyi’s voice rang:

“Universe star battle array, turn me around!”

Countless people began to urge the Universe Star Dou formation, and in the void, countless Stars appeared!

Kunlun Mountain

“Ancient Star, the Wu Clan is in trouble now!”

The original heard Tongtian’s words and asked Tongtian:

“What is the Universe Star Dou Great Array?”

Through Heavenly Dao:

“Three god-tier formations in the wild and wild, in my record of formations, these are three formations that can compete with Sage, which is much more powerful than the Wanxian formation we saw before!”

Daddy heard Tongtian’s words and asked Tongtian:

“Contending against Sage, what kind of formation, my Zhu Xian sword formation, you know this, if there are five quasi-sage Realm’s main formation, dealing with a Sage is not a problem.

The second is this universe star battle array, the complete universe star battle array, even Sage can not be broken, and may still be injured.

The other is the Dutian Great Formation, but I have never seen the Dutian Great Formation. It is said that it can summon the Dao Body, and I know the details!

Hearing Tongtian’s words, Daddy and Yuan fell silent and watched the battle.

And the Twelve Ancestor Witch entered the universe star battle array, Zhu Rong searched for a long time but did not find anyone, suddenly Qiang Liang drank his whole life:

973 “Be careful!”

After speaking, Qiangliang launched a thunder shield to block the void, and a huge planet appeared in the void and charged towards the ancestor witch.

The twelve ancestral witches separately launched their own attacks!


The planet was broken by the Twelve Ancestral Witch!

Donghuang Taiyi sneered:

“That’s the same for your ancestral witches, today I will show you what an attack is! Give me full action to destroy these ancestral witches!”

After Eastern Emperor Taiyi finished speaking, he saw countless planets quickly attacking the ancestor witch.

Di Jiang shouted loudly:

“Get out of the way!”

All the ancestral witches dodge, and the ancestral witches took out their own treasures and began to attack. The twelve ancestral witches used the most powerful attack power to smash a planet.

How could an ancestor witch smash the Primordial Star, one ancestral witch never thought that the Primordial Star was so powerful, and all of them were injured.

Everyone glanced at each other, preparing to gather together, Dong Huang Taiyi laughed:

“I found out now, it’s too late, attack me!’

Ling Bao didn’t expect this Universe Star Fighting Array to be really powerful. In a blink of an eye, the earth was injured. Ling Bao said to Nuwa:

“You wait for me here, and come as soon as I go!”

[PS: Recommend “Entertainment Starts from the Extreme Challenge”].

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