Chapter 132 Yaozu’s conspiracy [seven more automatic]

Si Xiao and Nuwa slowly collected their strengths, and Nuwa excitedly said to Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao, such cultivation is really fast, it is simply great!

Hearing what Nuwa said, Ling Bao asked:

“How much time is left for the three corpses to become one?”

Nuwa Road:

“It should be about the same in 50,000 or 60,000 years!”

Green cage Road:

“The mistress is so powerful, it will take me more than a hundred thousand years before the three corpses can be combined-!”

White~Tiger, Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise also meet:

“Yeah, I’m almost the same as the green cage Big sis, the mistress is so amazing!”

“that is!

“The mistress is amazing!”

Nuwa looked at Ling Bao very happily, and was also very happy to see that Ling Bao did not refute the words of the four children.

Ling Bao said:

“Of course your mistress is amazing, let’s go, go and see Fuxi, and then we will find the “Nine Seven Three” Twelve Ancestor Witches to see how the Witch Clan is developing!”

Hearing Ling Bao’s words, everyone nodded. Ling Bao used the communication jade symbol to inform Fu Yi and the Twelve Ancestor Witch, and Fu Yi and the Twelve Ancestor Witch also woke up from the cultivation.

In this Yuanhui, the Wu Clan has reached tens of millions. Everyone in Ling Bao looked at Fuxi, and Ling Bao said to Fuxi:

“Fuyi fellow daoist, how about it, do you want to go out and have a look!”

Fu Yi shook his head, then said:

“I won’t go. I found that the way of deduction and the way of music are also good. I plan to insight into these two ways, waiting to accumulate luck! When Hongjun preaches, you come to me again!

Nuwa asked:

“Big Brother, you really won’t go out, you have been cultivating for 120,000 years!”

Fu Yi shook his head and said:

“I really don’t want to go, you go travel, if there is Ling Bao who is the way of deduction and the way of music, help me pay attention!”

Hearing Fuxi’s words, Ling Bao took out an Innate Ling Bao magic flute and handed it to Fuxi:

“If you don’t tell me, I have forgotten it. This is the Innate Ling Bao MIDI, so I will give it to you!”

Fu Yi was not polite, and took over the Secret Flute, saying:

“It’s really great, it just so happens that I don’t have other Ling Bao ways to verify my music!’

After speaking, Fu Yi waved his hand:

“Okay, you go, I will continue to Insight Music!”

Ling Bao and Nuwa glanced at each other, the fourth elementary school will stay in Sanxian Island to continue cultivation!

Ling Bao Nuwa had to start the cultivation of Si Xiaohe Fuyi, Ling Bao sent Si Xiaohe Fuyi to Da Luotian.

Then I was going to find the 12th Ancestor Witch in the Pangu Hall.

At this time, the Pangu Temple Workers said loudly:

“Dage, this can’t be tolerated, you must teach the monster clan a lesson!”

Zhu Rong:

“Yes, there must be a lesson to the Yaozu, that is more than one million Erlang!”

Strong Liang:

“Dage, this thing can’t be tolerated, otherwise the birdmen won’t give us Face at all. We are only forty million Erlang. These birdmen killed me a million people. I can’t swallow this breath! ”

Zhu Jiuyin said with a wry smile:

“But I found through the law of time that if we fight against the monster this time, we might lose!”

Zhu Rong said loudly:

“Failure? How is it possible? We are all Cultivation Base, each of us is the Cultivation Base of the late stage, the younger sister is the pinnacle of Quasi-sage.

We have eleven quasi-sages late stage, one quasi-sage peak, we call two quasi-sages late stage, ten quasi-sage early stage birdmen will fail?”

Hearing Zhu Rong’s words, Di Jiang thought about it, and said to Zhu Jiuyin:

“Second brother, you think too much, what Zhu Rong said is not unreasonable, and our Wu Clan people are generally better than the Monster Clan, this time if the Ten Great Monster Saints are dispatched by half, we can lose so many people!”

Hou Tu asked:

“That Ling Bao Big Brother is coming!”

Di Jiang waved his hand and said:

“You can’t let the Ling Bao brothers come in this time!”

Zhu Rongdao:

“Yes, the Ling Bao brothers have helped us a lot, we can’t involve the Ling Bao brothers!”

Other ancestral witches agreed, Di Jiang thought for a while and said:

“Gather the elites of all ministries and send out the monsters!”

Everyone yelled in excitement, and then set off toward the monster race, and the witch race set off for the Heaven Court mightily.

Yaozu Heaven Court:

“Report! Your Majesty Demon King, the Wu Clan has already set off and is coming towards the top of Buzhou Mountain!”

Donghuang Taiyi laughed and said:

“Colleague Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Star Lord, prepare it for me. This time I want to let the Wu Clan come and go! Notify the demon tribes and block them at all levels, but don’t love to fight, guarantee the strength, and wait for these Wu Clan to enter our demon tribe. The Universe Star Fight is making the Koro a happy kill!”


It turns out that Emperor Jun of the monster race understood a formation through Hetu Luoshu, the universe star battle array, the power of this large array is very big, three hundred and sixty-five big Luo Jinxian main banner, three thousand six hundred and fifty five big Luo Celestial Immortals is assisted by masters, with 12,900 Taiyi Golden Immortals as the matrix. 0

In addition, the two quasi-sages of Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Emperor Jun are in the late stage, and the whole formation is that Sage will suffer a loss. Therefore, Eastern Emperor Taiyi and Emperor Jun have eliminated one million people of the Witch Clan and wanted to attract the Ancestral Witch. , Catch it all in one go.

It’s just that the Wu Clan is really fooled. The single body cultivator of the Wu Clan is indeed much higher than that of the Monster Clan, but the Monster Clan actually has such a powerful formation.

Of course, these witches and Ling Bao are not clear. Ling Bao and Nuwa just got off the Da Luo Tian and are about to go to Pangu Temple. Nuwa pulled Ling Bao and said to Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao, look, is that what the twelve ancestor witches and other witches are doing?”

Ling Bao stopped his magical powers and watched the twelve ancestors smash a demon tribe into the water like a broken bamboo, and the demon tribes immediately ran back.

Nuwa Road:

“This witch race is really powerful, these monster races are simply mobs!”

Ling Bao said:

“No, it’s a bit suspicious. These monster races did not retreat because they were defeated. You can see that the ones who died were those who did not have a high level of 5.9, and even strengthened their wisdom, but the real cultivation monsters retreated. It’s all timing.

This monster race must have a conspiracy!”

Nuwa didn’t believe it:

“What conspiracy is there? Look at Little Sister in Houtu. They are all Cultivation Bases of Quasi-Saint Dzogchen, and everyone else is Cultivation Base of Quasi-Saints’ late stage.

The Yaozu is the master of an ambush, at most Houtu Little Sister, they are in a hurry for a while, and when they reflect, each of them has an Innate treasure.

At that time, it is not easy to come to a counter-kill, and I don’t know what these monsters think, why they provoke the witches, listen to the following propaganda, it must be the monsters who provoke the witches first!”

Ling Bao shook his head:

“No, let’s go take a look!”

[PS: Recommend “The God-level Prince of Tang Dynasty”],

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