Chapter 131 Zhun mention the aggrieved [six more automatic]

Donghuang Taiyi is very angry. Others have Magic Treasures. Now, what do you say to understand Karma, is that you want to grab daddy Magic Treasures, but I can’t beat you, what can I say, what can I do?

Donghuang Taiyi said silently in her heart:

“Damn Ling Bao, wait, wait until I have strength, you will be the first to kill!”

But now Donghuang Taiyi knows that he is not Ling Bao’s opponent at all~, so he said to Ling Bao:


Turn around and leave after speaking!

Others Ling Bao ignored it. Ling Bao uprooted the Calabash vine and placed it in the Lingzhibaojian.

Then Ling Bao said:

“Nuwa, let’s go!”

Nuwa nodded, and then was about to follow Ling Bao to leave.At this time, a voice addressed Ling Baodao:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, wait a minute!”

Hearing someone calling himself, Ling Bao turned his head and saw that it was quasi mention, Ling Bao frowned and asked:

“What? Fellow daoist, what do you do?”

Zhun Ti confronted Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, you only have six Calabash, and there is one Calabash left! That Calabash has destiny for the poor!”

After looking at Ling Bao, so many people are Ling Bao. I won’t ask you for it this time, but you have to give me the compensation you should give. It is also good to give a top-quality Innate Ling Bao.

Ling Bao said to Zhun:

“I should mention that fellow daoist’s morality is still low, I just calculated the secret secretly, this Ling Bao is obviously related to me, you are wrong!”

Zhunti heard what Ling Bao said, and felt a thousand horses flying by. Damn, it’s not what you said if it was destined or missed. Zhunti hasn’t really felt what Ling Bao is destined for, it’s all cheating. , But Ling Bao said so, he still dare not do anything.

Therefore, the quasi-sufficient way:

“Since fellow daoist said so, forget it, maybe I have calculated it wrong!”

Seeing Ling Bao’s expression of wanting to move his hands at any time, Zhunti was stunned. You must know that Donghuang Taiyi is much more powerful than himself, but he still stunned, and he is not ashamed of himself. Ling Bao saw that Zhunti was not entangled, and then Turning around and leaving, Hong Yun thought Ling Bao had a good impression of him.

To Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, please stay!”

Ling Bao looked at the red cloud, and the red cloud arrived:

“Ling Bao fellow daoist, are you going back to the dojo? I happen to be fine, I want to be a guest at the fellow daoist dojo!

Zhun said his eyes brightened, just because he wanted to have a good relationship with Ling Bao, he also said:

“The same is true for the poor!”

Ling Bao said:

“Sorry, I won’t go back to the dojo, I’m going to travel through the wilderness with Nuwa!”

Hongyun not wanting face said:

“I will also go with you, there will be more people!”

Ling Bao coldly said:

“I don’t like the excitement, please find someone else to partner with you!”

After speaking, Ling Bao walked to Nuwa and disappeared.

When everyone saw Ling Bao gone, they all shook their heads helplessly, knowing that Ling Bao didn’t want to have anything to do with these people, but Ling Bao left without saying anything.

After Nuwa left with Ling Bao, she asked Ling Bao:

“What do you want that Calabash vine?”

Ling Bao said:

“It’s okay, I just like to collect Spiritual Roots, this Calabash vine, if I don’t accept it, let them pick the Calabash vine, this Calabash vine is just a dead end, for a few broken Ling Bao, it is a bit of losing such a Spiritual Roots. not worth it.

When Nuwa heard Ling Bao’s words, she was very helpless. Others did not hesitate to damage several Spiritual Roots for one Ling Bao, but Ling Bao lost so much Ling Bao for one Spiritual Roots.

But who can let Ling Bao make treasure? Innate Ling Bao is the same as Chinese cabbage in Ling Bao.

Ling Bao asked Nuwa:

“Wawa, how long will it take for your three corpses to become one!”

Nuwa Road:

“It will take hundreds of thousands of years. It is very difficult to know that the three corpses are going to make progress. If you want the three corpses to be one, you must cultivate them to the quasi-sage great perfection. I am still a lot short of it!”

Ling Bao heard Nuwa’s words and asked very curiously:

“Will it be so difficult?”

Nuwa rolled her eyes and said:

“You think they are all the same as you, but one corpse is cut. One of the three corpses is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The highest we can cut is the quasi-sage late stage, cultivation is slow!”

Ling Bao asked:

“How did you let the three corpses cultivate?”

Nuwa is very curious:

“How else can I cultivate, how I usually cultivate, how can I cultivate the three corpses?”

Ling Bao said very speechlessly:

.0 Seeking flowers…

“Come to Da Luotian with me, I will pick up four little guys, and then tell you how to cultivate, I really don’t know if I don’t say it!”

When Nuwa heard Ling Bao’s words, she felt very curious. There was still a way to speed up the cultivation of the three corpses. Ling Bao returned to Sanxian Island and called the four little ones.

The problems encountered by the fourth elementary school are similar to those of Nuwa. They all want to be the same as Nvjuan. Ling Bao brought Nuwa and the fourth elementary school to Da Luotian, and said to the fourth elementary school and Nuwa:

“Here, the Spiritual Qi is rich, I teach you how to cultivate!”

The five people looked at Ling Bao, and Ling Bao said to several people:

“I will pass to you first formation!”

After speaking, hand over the Four Elephants Spirit Gathering Array and Sancai Spirit Gathering Array to the five people, and then face the five people:

“You use the three corpses and yourself to set up the four-elephant gathering spirit formation, and then try it under cultivation!’

When the five people heard Ling Bao’s words, they followed Ling Bao’s words and began to lay the Four Elephant Spirit Gathering Array. After the five people laid the Four Elephant Spirit Gathering Array, countless Innate Spiritual Qi rushed towards the five people, and no one began to refine the Innate Spiritual. Qi.

As Innate Spiritual Qi continues to be refined by the five people, the Cultivation Base of the five people began to grow bit by bit. After the quasi-sage, the Cultivation Base grows very slowly.

Moreover, the three corpses were slower, but with the current gathering spirit formation, the cultivation speed of five people was much faster than before. Ling Bao saw that all five people were in cultivation.

Ling Bao has nothing to do, and also began to refine Magic Treasures by Closed Door Training. Ling Bao first needs to refine three hundred and sixty-five Innate treasures as the base, and then needs 129,600 pieces of the best Innate Ling Bao as the base. Lattice point.

A Yuanhui soon passed. Ling Bao only refined two hundred and seventy Innate treasures, and fifty-five Innate treasures. The base of this Chaos Transforming Spirit Array was refined.

Just when Ling Bao was about to continue refining, Hong Jun’s voice resounded through the wild:

“After a Yuanhui year, in the Purple Heaven Palace, I will preach for the third time. Those with great perseverance, great wisdom, great opportunities, great magic power can come and listen to it!”

Hearing Hongjun’s voice, Ling Bao put down the Magic Treasures in his hand, put away the treasures he had refined, and then woke up Sixiao and Nuwa, saying:

“Okay, don’t cultivate first, let’s go to Honghuang to see, and after listening to the Tao this time, we will come back to cultivate!”

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