Chapter 126 The law of the ancestral witch, the primordial spirit [one more automatic]

The Eastern Emperor nodded, then said to Emperor Jun:

“Yeen, this Hongjun is really too much, Heavenly Dao can prove it by luck, but he didn’t say it when he preached!”

Di Jun thought for a while and said:

“I don’t think it is possible. I have said so many things. It is not bad to prove the Dao by air luck, and the holy positions are all divided. I guess it is because Hongjun Daozu has not established a power, and I don’t know the method of proofing Dao by air luck. , So I didn’t say it.

He is the three corpses proving the Dao, and he knows that the power is used to prove the Dao because Pangu is this way of proving the Dao.

That Ling Bao Daoist has gained so many merits, it’s not that they haven’t demonstrated the Dao yet. It is estimated that this merits demonstrating the Dao also needs the foundation of the Dao, so we only need to know this Qiyun Demonstration Dao. ”

Donghuang Taiyi said suspiciously:

“I just don’t know if the 12th Ancestor Witch will tell Ling Bao Daoist!”

Emperor Jundao:

“Huh, that’s impossible. Qi Luck and Dao are competing for Qi Luck. No matter how good the relationship between the ancestors and witches and Ling Bao is, they will not tell Ling Bao Daoist. This is related to the Dao, Ling Bao Daoist is so strong. , And there are so many Ling Bao, if you really come to participate in the Qi Luck Proving Dao, then there is nothing to do with our Lich~Demon races!”

Donghuang Taiyi:

“Yes, what the big brother said is reasonable, we are now increasing the strength of the monster race, and then we will use our powerful strength to crush the witch race and annihilate the ancestor-witch in one fell swoop!”

And the inheritance that the Twelve Ancestor Witches gained after such a long period of cultivation has already exhausted the Innate staleness and Innate Killing intent that they had absorbed before-not much difference.

So there are many benefits this time.

When Ling Bao saw Donghuang Taiyi and Emperor Jun set up the demon clan, and the twelve ancestor witch set up the witch clan, he knew that the grand curtain was about to be opened.

The arrival of own delayed the promotion of the Lich’s Great Tribulation, but this time Nuwa Fuxi did not participate in the monster clan, and the witch clan also had a good relationship with him.

After waiting for ten thousand years, the monster race vigorously conquered various races to join the monster race in the precipice.

Ling Bao contacted Houtu several times, but it didn’t work. Nuwa said to Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao, if you don’t worry, go to the Wu Clan to see!”

Ling Bao thought about it and shook his head:

“No, wait for them to get out!”

Just after Ling Bao finished speaking, Ling Bao’s communication jade talisman was moving. Ling Bao took it out and took a look. It turned out to be Dijiang’s. Dijiang saw that Ling Bao’s communication jade talisman had been connected, and Ling Bao said:

“Brother Ling Bao, come to Pangu Hall, I have something to look for you!!

Ling Bao said:

“Okay, I’m going now!”

Nuwa Road:

“Ling Bao, I want to travel through the wilderness, I always feel that my chance of enlightenment is coming soon!”

Ling Bao knew that Nuwa was strong enough, but now is not a good time for the birth of the human race, and then said to Nuwa:

“Wawa, I have calculated your chance, now is not a good chance for you to become holy, you are waiting, waiting for your three corpses to merge into one, I am telling you your chance for preaching!”

Nuwa asked curiously:

“Isn’t the three corpses unifying the Dao? Why is there a chance for the Dao?”

Ling Bao shook his head. The three corpses are a sub-sage, not the real Sage. Only when the three corpses are combined and then they want to merge with the body, can they prove and become sacred. .

You must know that Dao ancestors said that you have great merit, your chance is great merit, when the time comes, the three corpses will prove the Dao, the merits will prove the Dao, and both methods will be used.

Your strength is definitely higher than that of preaching alone!’

Nuwa said excitedly:

“Okay, this is good, then I will continue to Closed Door Training cultivation, and strive to cultivate the three corpses to the peak, and then the three corpses will become one!”

Ling Bao nodded, then said to Nuwa:

“That’s all right, I’ll go to Zhoushan to see what Dijiang is looking for me!”

Nuwa nodded, Ling Bao took a step towards and stepped forward, Ling Bao went straight to the outside of Pangu Hall. You must know that Ling Bao’s supernatural powers such as shrinking the ground into an inch are Dzogchen Realm.

One step at the end of the world, one step at the corner, just one step outside the Pangu Hall, Ling Bao said outside the Pangu Hall, Dijiang felt it.

Then Dijiang came out, saw Ling Bao, and said to Ling Bao:

“Brother Ling Bao, you are here, great!”

Ling Bao asked suspiciously:

“Brother Dijiang, you called me anxiously, what happened?”

Di Jiang confronted Ling Bao and said:

“Come in and talk about it!”

After speaking, he brought Ling Bao into the Pangu Hall, and then said to Ling Bao:

.0 Seeking flowers…

“Guess, what did we get this time?”

Ling Bao thought that Dijiang was talking about luck, so Ling Bao said:

“Brother Dijiang, what are you talking about is the enlightenment of luck?”

Di Jiang was taken aback for a moment, and then said:

“Brother Ling Bao, do you know this too?”

Ling Bao explained with a smile:

“When you were born, the war of the three clans was over, but when I was born, the three clans had just been established, and before the three clans, when the fierce beast was in the catastrophe, although I was not born, I also know the god of the fierce beast. Reverse why the establishment of the dynasty of fierce beasts.

In addition to God’s rebellion, many great powers established dynasties.

But in the end Shenni died and disappeared. In addition to Shenni, in addition to the allocation of Luohou in the three races war, the three clans also wanted to be enlightened by luck, but they did not succeed. Why? I also know. , You come to me, don’t you want to tell me your ancestor witches want to become the Dao through luck?”

Di Jiang disdainfully said:

“How is it possible that I would not choose this kind of luck to enlightenment? Our father is Pangu god-tier, and the method of preaching left by God the father is correct, but as the children of God the father, we are only I won’t let those two crows harm the prehistoric!”

Hearing Di Jiang’s words, Ling Bao felt that things were beyond own control this time, and asked curiously:

“Since it is not a matter of luck and enlightenment, then what is the purpose of Brother Dijiang looking for me!

Di Jiang was also very happy when he saw Ling Bao’s expression, because since he knew Ling Bao, it seems that Ling Bao knows everything. Ling Bao has never been unclear about it, but this time Ling Bao really didn’t know.

Di Jiang whispered to Ling Bao:

“Brother Ling Bao, I have come to cultivate a god of law!”

Ling Bao was taken aback, then asked in a trapped circle:

“Fa Shen? What is that? Why haven’t I heard of it?”

Dijiang Road:

“It’s the soul of the law, the soul of the law, referred to as the god of law, is it powerful?”

Hearing Di Jiang’s words, Ling Bao was stunned, and then asked:

“You said that you have come to cultivate the primordial spirit?”

Di Jiang retorted:

“Not the soul, but the god of law!”

Ling Bao asked again. P.

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