Chapter 125 Two groups of Lich are established [six more automatic]

That is the Chaos Zhuanling Array. The existence of the Chaos Zhuanling Array is to transform the Qi of Chaos into Innate Spiritual Qi, which is originally a chicken rib formation in the chaos.

After the Chaos Cauldron was broken and passed on to Ling Bao, it was also the last resort for Ling Bao to refine the ability of Innate Ling Bao before the catastrophe came.

But I didn’t expect Ling Bao to be able to refine Innate so quickly, so Heavenly Dao only gave birth to thirty Sixth Stage days so late, which gave birth to other Third Stage days.

According to the evolution of the original Heavenly Dao, it is only thirty Third Stage days.

This is the information that Ling Bao obtained after refining the boundary monument of Da Luotian. Ling Bao thought for a while. Anyway, it is not in a hurry. After all, the current prehistoric is not lacking Innate Spiritual Qi, and the current prehistoric is the time of prime. And how much time was wasted to refine so many Ling Bao.

I’ll talk about this later, but I’m not in a hurry anyway. Ling Bao didn’t tell anyone about this matter. Ling Bao began to refine Da Luotian and said to Nuwa:

“Let’s go, let’s go down and see how they are?”

Nuwa nodded:

“Okay, let’s go and see!”

When everyone went down, many people were fighting, Nuwa asked:

“Shall we stop?”

Ling Bao shook his head and said:

“No 973, it has nothing to do with us!”

After speaking, Ling Bao closed Da Luotian through the boundary marker. When Ling Bao was about to leave, Sanqing also came out, through Heavenly Dao:

“It’s too messy here, let’s go, the others have nothing to do with me!”

Everyone nodded, and Donghuang Taiyi also mobilized the demon clan, and started a war with everyone, robbing the remaining 30 Second Stage days.

Ling Bao asked Dijiang:

“How many heavens are you not robbing?”

Di Jiang shook his head:

“No, we have Pangu Hall, it’s good, it’s not as good as our Pangu Hall!”

Think of the Pangu Temple, that is also one side is the world, the space is not smaller than the Honghuangzhu, and the Spiritual Qi inside is much better than here.

Since the ancestor witch didn’t want him, Ling Bao went out with everyone. Ling Bao’s strength made everyone very jealous. Wherever he was fighting, when he saw Ling Bao and his party, he automatically stopped, and then looked at Ling Bao if they were there. The meaning of snatching, if there is, will automatically give way.

Ling Bao didn’t pay attention to the appearance of the people, but He Sanqing, +Second Ancestor Wu, Fu Yi Nuwa quickly left for thirty Sixth Stage days.

After everyone came out (bafj), daddy asked Tongtian:

“Are you going back to Kunlun Mountain with us?”

Tongtian shook his head and said:

“I want to go out for a tour!”

Daddy looked at Tongtian, and then asked in shock:

“Third brother, have you also cut off two corpses?”

Tongtian nodded:

“Yeah, didn’t the elder brother and the second brother also cut the two corpses? But I am not as fast as the elder brother and the second brother!!

Yuan Yuan was very happy when he heard Tong Tian’s words, and said to Tong Heavenly Dao:

“Yes, yes, we haven’t lived up to our Sanqing reputation!’

Tongtian smiled embarrassedly, and daddy said:

“In that case, go out and travel. With your current strength and the Zhuxian Sword Formation, no one can do anything to you, but if you really can’t make it, don’t try hard, contact us at that time!

Tongtian felt very moved, facing Daddy and the original road:

“Brother, second brother, don’t worry, I will be careful!”

When Daddy and Yuanyuan heard Tongtian’s words, they nodded. After Yuantian and Daddy bid farewell, they headed directly to the west.

But Dijiang and others returned to Pangu Temple, while Nuwa and Houtu planned to meet Ling Bao on Sanxian Island.

As for Fuxi, he also went to Sanxian Island Closed Door Training.

Time flies, ten thousand years later, Ling Bao refines the Innate Supreme Treasure, or cultivates the “Soul Gold Medal”.

Just when Ling Bao and the others were busy taking time out, suddenly a voice spread throughout Honghuang, even Ling Bao and others heard it:

“Heavenly Dao is here, my emperor is good, my eastern emperor Taiyi, established the demon clan Heaven Court, in charge of the prehistoric order, the predecessor should be respected by the demon clan! With the east emperor bell, the Hetu Luoshu suppress Heaven Court luck!

“Heaven Court! Stand!”

After speaking, Heavenly Dao gave infinite merits. Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi got 50% in total, and the others were divided among the Heaven Court.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi also used this merit to cut off the two corpses, standing up in Hou Tu where they were with Ling Bao:

“Ling Bao Big Brother, I want to go out!”

It turned out that when the demon clan set up the Heaven Court, the ancestor witch also received the Heavenly Dao message in his mind, which was the benefit of building a clan.

Ling Bao thought for a while, this catastrophe must be promoted, but he has to plan carefully. Ling Bao used the magic power to send Houtu to the Pangu Hall.

Di Jiang saw the sudden appearance of Houtu and asked Houtu:

“Sister, have you also received the message?”

Hou Tu nodded, and then said:

“Let’s start too!”

Di Jiang nodded and said loudly:

“Father Pangu is here!”

“I, Wudijiang, the ancestor of space!”

“My, the ancestor of time, the witch candle nine yin!

“My, the ancestor of the weather, the witch is more expensive than a corpse!”

“I, the ancestor of gold, Wu Shishou!”

“Establish the witch clan and guard the wild land. The witch clan should be respected in the wild land, and the Pangu Palace shall be used to suppress the luck of the witch clan. The witch clan! Stand!”

Heavenly Dao gave merits to celebrate the establishment of the Witch Clan, but because the Witch Clan is headed by the Twelve Ancestral Witch, the ninety percent of Heavenly Dao’s merit is obtained by the Twelve Ancestral Witch.

The Twelve Ancestor Witch felt that his true spirit was strengthened.

When the twelve ancestor witches absorbed the merits, the heaven-opening merits hidden in the twelve ancestor witches were also stimulated. The twelve ancestor witches looked at each other and were very shocked.

Then they went back to Closed Door Training.

Heaven Court

Donghuang Taiyi was very angry:

“Damn ancestral witch, damn witch race!”

Because the moment when the Wu Clan was established, the Demon Clan’s luck was directly reduced by half, so how could Dong Huang Taiyi and Di Jun, the masters of the Demon Clan, bear it.

Di Jun coldly said:

“For the sake of this great luck, I must destroy the Witch Clan for anything!”

Mrs. Dong nodded:

“Yes, I believe the Wu Clan also knows the importance of this great luck, so the Wu Clan will also become the enemy of our Monster Clan!”

Di Jun nodded:

“Yes, it’s not the time to compete with the Witch Clan. We should take advantage of this opportunity to recruit more Monster Clan and then occupy the Universe Star. Our Monster Clan has too much demand for the Universe Star. Many Monster Clan. Enabling the spiritual wisdom is to absorb the power of the Sun and Moon Stars.

Destroy the Wu Clan in one fell swoop.

At that time, we will also be able to prove the Dao with the help of great luck!

[PS: Recommend “Honghuang: I am the World Tree”].

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