Chapter 127 The power of the law of the soul [two more automatic]

“Is there any difference between the Fashen and Yuanshen you mentioned?”

Dijiang Road:

“Of course, can your primordial spirit understand Heavenly Dao and various laws?”

Ling Bao nodded:


Dijiang Dao, my Dharma God, can only comprehend Heavenly Dao, but mine is the Primordial God of Space Law, and my Primordial God can realize the Law of Space ten times faster than the true spirit.

However, I just gave birth to the original spirit, and it can be faster in the future. This is my original spirit, how about? Isn’t it a step closer to the father god, now we also have the original spirit, although only the Ascension space law can be realized, it can also be realized. Heavenly Dao!”

Hearing Di Jiang’s words, Ling Bao was a bit stunned, and he planned to have a good relationship with Sanqing, trying to find a way to get a Pangu primordial spirit for Hou Tu, but he did not expect that they would actually give birth to the primordial spirit!

Ling Bao asked Dijiang: “Nine Seven Three”

“Does everyone else have a soul?”

Di Jiang nodded:

“Yes, because the primordial spirit was just born, it is very fragile. Everyone is going to strengthen the primordial spirit!”

Upon hearing Di Jiang’s words, Ling Bao asked:

“So you will be able to slay the three corpses in the future?”

Di Jiang was taken aback, we were walking the way of the law, what are we doing to cut the three corpses, and then Di Jiang uttered his own doubts to Ling Bao:

“Why do you want to cut the corpse of March? It would be great if you can understand the law!”

Ling Bao paused, not knowing how to answer this question, and then said:

“I don’t know what’s going on with your law primordial spirit. I’ll talk about it after everyone comes out!”

As soon as Ling Bao’s voice fell, Zhu Rong’s excited voice came from behind:

“What can I say after everyone comes out?

Ling Bao asked Zhu Rong:

“Do you have a soul too!”

Zhu Rong stayed for a while, and then realized that Di Jiang must have told Ling Bao, so he nodded and said:

“Yes, Dage told you that, our ancestor witches also have a primordial spirit, and can realize Heavenly Dao, no wonder you cultivation primordial spirits always like Closed Door Training.

The feeling of realizing Heavenly Dao is really refreshing!”

Ling Bao was taken aback, and then Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, I didn’t expect Zhu Rong to say this, Ling Bao said to Zhu Rong:

“Okay, let’s not talk about this, what abilities do your souls have?”

Zhu Rong:

“Don’t you have a primordial spirit? You can understand Heavenly Dao, but the best thing is to understand the law of fire much faster than before! No wonder those cultivators know that our Wu clan has no primordial spirit, and they don’t bother to argue with us, it turns out This is the Tao!”

After Zhu Rong finished speaking, other ancestral witches also came out one after another, and then said to everyone the magic of his soul.

Ling Bao said to everyone:

“I’m going to preach, look at your Ascension!”

Everyone is also curious, how do you feel when listening to the Tao this time!

Ling Bao sat down on the futon, and the twelve ancestor witches also sat around Ling Bao. Ling Bao began to preach. The voice of Taoism and Taoism fell into the mind of the ancestor witch. Ling Bao was only the most basic way to explain.

Following Ling Bao’s explanation, the ancestor witches sank into Ling Bao’s voice of the great avenue. The primordial spirit grew rapidly, and soon the ancestral witch’s soul entered a fairyland.

Following Ling Bao’s preaching: Earth Immortals, Celestial Immortals, True Immortals, Xuanxian, Jinxian until Jinxian Realm, all the ancestors woke up from enlightenment.

Ling Bao could also feel the ancestral witch’s primordial spirit fluctuating at this time. Ling Bao asked the ancestral witches:

“Now, how do you feel?”

Hearing Ling Bao’s question, everyone plunged their own minds into the soul, Zhu Rong said:

“It’s amazing, I now realize the law of fire a thousand times faster!”

Gong Gong Road:

“Me too!


“My Law of Wood is also!”

Everyone said that the own rule is good, and the speed of Ascension is very fast.

Ling Bao said:

“You have a good rest for a thousand years, I will preach to you after a thousand years, and see if you can still Ascension!

The ancestor witches nodded their heads and then began to cultivate. After a thousand years, Ling Bao continued to preach to the ancestor witch.

This time preaching for three thousand years, the primordial spirits of the ancestral witches finally arrived at the Realm of Daluo, except for the Realm of Daluo Xuanxian Hou Tu, and the other Realm of Daluo Zhenxian.

Then everyone continued to cultivate, and after three thousand, Ling Bao continued to preach to the twelve ancestor witches.

Thousands of years later, everyone’s primordial spirit has arrived at the Realm of Daluo Jinxian.

Ling Bao asked:

“How do you feel now, can you kill the corpse?”

The others are Yao Yaotou, Dijiang Road:

“Brother Ling Bao, I feel that the primordial spirit can still Ascension, but it is a normal Ascension, but we don’t feel at all about the three corpses you talked about. 0

As for the three corpses you said, there is no feeling!”

Everyone nodded, Ling Bao thought for a while, and then asked:

“Then continue, how does Ascension feel?”

Everyone shook their heads, and Zhu Jiuyin replied:

“I don’t know, but didn’t God Father Pangu also cut off the three corpses at the beginning? Ascension can continue. We put the law primordial spirit on our own law, and the speed of understanding is very powerful.

I believe that it will not be long before our law primordial spirit can enter the Realm of Celestial Immortals. It’s okay.

Hearing Zhu Jiu Yin’s words, everyone nodded, and even Hou Tu thought so. Ling Bao was also a little anxious. If you don’t chop the corpse, I won’t stop it, but Hou Tu must chop the corpse. If you don’t chop the corpse If you do, Houtu will become Samsara. You can’t leave Samsara at that time. This is not what I want to see.

Thinking of this, Ling Bao said:

“Okay, you continue to cultivate, as for the method of slaying the corpse, I will think about it again!”

Hou Tu asked very curiously:

“Ling Bao Dage, why do you have to chop the corpse? Isn’t it necessary to chop the corpse? Isn’t it the same as proving the way if you don’t chop the corpse? 5.9?”

Just as Ling Bao was about to explain, he heard a big witch running in and shouting:

“Master Zu Wu, it’s not good!

Zhu Rong stood up and asked:

“What’s wrong? Xing Tian!”

Hearing Zhu Rong’s words, Ling Bao looked at Xing Tian, ​​and then looked at Xing Tian. This Xing Tian is the God of War in the future, but he is still a child, and he is looking for Zu Wu for everything.

Punishment Heavenly Dao:

“Master Ancestral Witch, we were ambushed by the monster clan. The monster clan has a ghost saint who ambushed us. Now that tribe has suffered heavy losses!”

When Zhu Rong heard this, he immediately became angry, and then said:

“Cultivate first, and I will come here. I want to see if the demon saint of the demon clan has eaten the ambition and the leopard courage, dare to challenge our witch clan!”.

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