Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 744 Blindly smelling Chinese medicine

When he was in elementary school, Bian Mu discovered that some children were particularly afraid of dogs. A wild dog was lying in the middle of the road. Many children were so frightened that they would rather walk around. Even if they were late for class, they would not dare to walk past the big wild dog.

In middle school and even college, Bian Mu found that almost all his classmates were afraid of snakes, especially venomous snakes, including male classmates who usually looked very timid.

Gradually, Bian Mu slowly realized a truth: people, maybe any person, always have something in their bones that he or she is particularly afraid of, whether it is a real object, an ethereal image, or a fragment of some kind of imagination. A certain scene... varies from person to person, and no one is perfect.

So far, he has found no exceptions.

There is always something that a person fears deeply in his or her heart!

If a person lives a smoother life, arranges his daily life and diet more reasonably, pays attention to science, exercises strict self-discipline, and avoids all kinds of disasters, the probability of such a person suffering from serious diseases such as cancer will be greatly reduced. To the point of almost nothing.

As far as the "Four Diagnosis" traditional Chinese medicine information that Bian Mu has mastered, Bian Mu initially determined that the main source of Mr. Pan's disease should be "gallbladder".

Perhaps, Mr. Pan had suffered some serious negative stimulation back then, maybe even many times. That strong negative stimulation directly affected the normal relaxation of his "guts", which accumulated over time and became ill. In the following years, due to this, Due to other external factors, this stubborn disease began to spread along a certain meridian. For some reason, it finally found a good biological response in the liver area, so it set up camp there and simply didn't go anywhere.

A few years later, Mr. Pan developed symptoms of "rock disease" on his liver, which then developed into a benign tumor. Because it was not discovered in time, it eventually developed into a malignant tumor. Of course, it is also possible that it was malignant from the beginning.

In layman's terms, Mr. Pan has something that he has always feared in his heart. For so many years, he has never been able to completely resolve it. In the end, it turned into cancer.

In the dead of night, Wu Fenglan's old house.

Bian Mu moved the bronze acupuncture statue presented by Chen Yueqing to the table, opened the machine, and stood there repeatedly trying to figure out how to "lead" the liver meridian in a more reasonable way using the gallbladder meridian as the starting point...

One plan didn't work, so another one was tried over and over again, which made Bian Mu even a little upset...

"Forget it, let's talk about it another day! It's not a hurry anyway." Thinking of this, Bian Mu reassembled the small bronze acupuncture figure and moved it to the wall and placed it properly.

The little bronze figure of acupuncture was always placed next to the clinic. It is also regarded as a symbol of the industry. People can see it as soon as they enter the door. It is antique and adds a strong professional atmosphere to the clinic. Later, troubles kept happening in the clinic. Bian Mu knew that the bronze figure was a valuable thing and was worried about losing it, so he took it back to his residence. After everything calmed down, he thought that placing the bronze figure in the clinic would not be of much use, so Bian Mu didn't bother. It went back and forth.

Bian Mu casually opened his laptop and browsed the important domestic and international news, just to change his mind.

"Eh? Didn't that supervisor under Mr. Pan send some emails? Why did he forget about this? Really!" Thinking of this, Bian Mu quickly opened his mailbox and checked it.

It is related to Fan Sanqiao's vital interests. Fan Sanqiao's situation is directly related to when the "digital medicine" theory can be implemented. How can Bian Mu dare to be careless.

Advertising emails, spam emails, magazine emails...oh! Here it is! Bian Mu found those emails in the last few lines.

There is an attachment attached to one of the emails, and the file is not too small.

Opening them one by one, Bian Mu browsed through them patiently and carefully...

"There is almost no difference from what I expected. Chen Yueqing is indeed a short-sighted person who is greedy for profit. Even before this happens, he has already begun to contact big customers privately. He is ready to resell 'Ren Geng' at any time! That Mr. Wu He vents his anger through the same nose, and he is also a bad guy eager for quick success!" Thinking of this, Bian Mu was somewhat worried in his heart.

When we usually get together to have dinner, Qi Yuewei often tells Bian Mu some important anecdotes about celebrities in the business world. From this, Bian Mu has heard more or less what happened to the person named Pan.

In Bian Mu's impression, Mr. Pan was so eager for quick success and quick profit that he ignored all relatives and turned against people when doing business. In addition to building a business empire, he also offended many colleagues, including the Qi family, who was a typical person who recognized money but not people. Number of ways.

Mr. Pan’s family has a great business and has many companies under his name. According to emails, Mr. Pan is recently preparing to acquire the “Ren Geng” company through a high-tech company called “Chenhe”. In principle, the relationship between Mr. Pan and Chen Yueqing is A verbal agreement has been reached.

"If the signature really comes into effect, Fan Sanqiao and Xiaoying will definitely be kicked out. By then, who can I ask for my 'digital medicine' software and hardware project?! Chen Yueqing is really bad. , are all businessmen like him? Oh no! No wonder you can't make a big fortune in your life!" Thinking of this, Bian Mu became a little angry.

Fan Sanqiao has finally found a loose platform where he can use his strengths, and that's not all yet! Chen Yueqing had the crooked idea of ​​crossing the river and burning the bridge.

Based on the internal information provided by the male supervisor, Bian Mu initially determined that Chen Yueqing was determined to package and sell the "Ren Geng" company to "Chen He". Mr. Pan's family had a big business and couldn't handle many things. To be specific, among the original employees, he only had Fan Sanqiao, and the rest were in principle terminated and sent to the public, and they would be compensated as much as they should. Anyway, "Chenhe" was not short of money.

Judging from the way Mr. Pan and others behave, Fan Sanqiao may not be able to adapt to it after changing to a new company.

Really bad!

Seeing that it was not too late, Bian Mu called the male supervisor who sent the email.

"I'm not disturbing your rest, right?" Bian Mu was polite on the phone.

"No, no! In our line of work, if you don't work overtime, you won't be able to sleep well at night. If you need anything, come to me?" On the other end of the phone, the male supervisor still seemed so polite.

"To make a long story short, Fan Sanqiao is quite important to me. I have a project that he needs to coordinate. No one else can do that, so please help him whenever possible." On the phone. , Bian Mu made some requests bluntly.

"No problem! You are already mentally prepared. If anything goes wrong, Mr. Fan will have a response. As long as I can help, I am obligated!"

"Thank you! The second thing is that Mr. Pan is rich anyway. You can find Mrs. Kuang early tomorrow morning and tell her this. Just say that Dr. Bian has said that Mr. Pan's illness is a bit serious and it will be difficult to receive better results without special methods. Starting from tomorrow, you might as well send people to the best traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy in the market to buy about ten kinds of Chinese herbal medicine every day, package them well, and don’t mix them with each other. Then, register them in the register and let Pan do the same. Always smell it, and write down the names of the herbs that Mr. Pan likes to smell the most, and the names of the herbs that he hates smelling the most. Don’t get confused. This will be the same in the future. Be patient and be honest. Go through it again. When the time comes, the statistical results you wrote down may be of some use." On the other end of the phone, Bian Mu explained in detail.

"No problem! I will start arranging such small things tomorrow."

"In addition, you have to do me a little favor. I have no personal interests. No matter what I do, it is out of the public interest of treating diseases and saving people. In case you also remind me that Mrs. Kuang is not active in this matter, you must Let me know as soon as possible, can you do it?" Bian Mu asked on the other end of the phone.

"Of course, don't worry! I'll hit you wherever you tell me to keep it!"

"That's good. It's getting late. Contact me as soon as you have the results." After that, Bian Mu hung up the phone.

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