Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 743: Freedom from loneliness, freedom from fear, and freedom from despair

Including Mrs. Kuang, Bian Mu sent everyone out of the door, leaving him and Mr. Pan alone in the newly moved study.

"The location of your liver is different from that of ordinary people, did you know?" Bian Mu asked.

Mr. Pan nodded slightly, indicating that he had known it for a long time.

"Have you mentioned it to the attending doctors in other hospitals?" Bian Mu continued to ask.

Mr. Pan nodded slightly to indicate that he had mentioned it.

"The sun sets over the mountains, and the Yellow River flows into the sea. Just this line, please write it down and let me take a look." Bian Mu said.

Nodding slightly, Mr. Pan followed the request and wrote a line of text on the title page of the notebook.

Haha... Mr. Pan has practiced it at first glance, and his skills are still more than ten years old. He is running neatly and has no signs of escaping. This is not easy when he is seriously ill!

"Do you know where the root of your disease is?" Bian Mu continued to ask.

"I can guess a little bit, not much... My brain is not good, and there are many things that I can't turn around..." Mr. Pan wrote this line of text on his notebook.

"It doesn't matter! The place you live in is not suitable for you to recuperate. Either change to a better environment; or, do you want to consider staying in the hospital for three to five months to recuperate?" Bian Mu suggested.

"That's okay! Just look at the arrangement! I'm so tired from I going to die?" Mr. Pan replied, using his pen as his representative.

"No! I don't dare to say anything else. With your current physical condition, if you change it to an environment that you can naturally accept, you can still have a long life in 5 years. During the 5 years, maybe those overseas medical elite teams have already If specific targeted drugs are developed, you will be fine." Out of sympathy, Bian Mu smiled and said a few words of relief.

Upon hearing this, Mr. Pan smiled, a rare smile. On the surface, Mr. Pan did not appear to be as "barbaric" as rumored by the outside world.

"I believe you! I've heard a lot about you, it's not simple! Who doesn't want to live longer, even for a day, or even half a day, as soon as you come in, I feel like I can't die... Thank you!" Speaking with his pen, Mr. Pan speaks quite honestly.

"You're welcome! have limited energy. Let me ask the last question. Even if today is over, do you have anyone you trust the most? Especially men, it is best to have more than two people, one for the day shift and one for the night shift. Two people have to work. I will stay with you on my behalf! If you have any, please give me a list."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Pan burst into tears...

"It's pretty much what I guessed, yes! Let him digest his grievances by himself first, and then talk to him later!" Thinking of this, Bian Mu fell silent and closed his eyes slightly to recuperate.

His fingers were numb and he had to think hard. Mr. Pan stared at the ceiling and thought for a while...

"Is this done? Are these two trustworthy? Okay, the third one is a lady... OK! Just the three of them should be enough. In case we discuss transferring to the hospital, the Provincial People's Hospital, Can you accept it?" Bian Mu asked.

"Okay, I also have a lot of acquaintances there, so it's easier to do things." Mr. Pan replied, speaking for himself with his pen.

" it okay to transfer it to Teacher Qi Shangqi?" Bian Mu continued to ask.

"He... seems to be a bit of a villain. You think it's okay, and I agree." Mr. Pan replied, speaking for himself with his pen.

"That's not the case. I'm just a little greedy for money and fame. My medical skills are quite good, especially in acupuncture. I'm a first-class master. The key is that there are all the facilities there. It's much better than at home, so let's make an agreement. , I will invite those two male friends to come over and take care of you now, will your ladyship not fall out on the spot?"

"She doesn't dare! Please arrange whatever you want! I can see that whether you live or die is all in Doctor Bian's hands."

"Don't say that. I don't take that responsibility. You just write these words here. From now on, you can never mention them again!"

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! As long as I understand in my heart..." Using his pen to speak for himself, Mr. Pan quickly expressed his position.

"Write down your phone number and other contact information, and I'll ask them to come over right away." After that, Bian Mu took out his mobile phone and put it next to the bed.

Mr. Pan is quite popular, and the two men came as soon as he expected. According to Bian Mu's instructions, the two men brought a lot of luggage with them. Judging from their posture, they planned to stay here for a long time.

Mrs. Kuang didn't say anything about whether he was good or bad, but deep down in her heart she realized that Dr. Bian was definitely not that simple.

After everything was arranged, Bian Mu was anxious to go out to the outpatient clinic in the afternoon. He simply explained a few words to Mrs. Kuang and then left.

Standing on the roadside and hailing a taxi, Bian Mu got in the car and went straight to "Bian's Clinic".

When he was approaching the "Yuntian Building", Bian Mu realized that there were two mid-range cars following him. On the way, Bian Mu asked the driver to deliberately take a long detour. The two cars never left him. They were definitely following him. Woolen cloth!

The blockbuster is visually exciting and exciting!

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Uncle Yang in Huatian Ghost City was probably ready to take a rest, so Bian Mu called the old man.

"Do you suspect someone of poisoning? The spread of toxins indirectly causes liver cancer? That's simple, right? Wouldn't everything be clear once you go to the hospital and do a blood test?"

"I can't say for sure. I have no intention of investigating who poisoned or what type of poison. I just want to understand the pathogenesis of this. The person named Pan is very ill. Let alone treating cancer, even if we try to use it now It’s difficult to get out of bed and walk normally, and besides, acupuncture won’t have much effect if the toxin is not detoxified.”

"Okay! I'll check everything for you and let you know as soon as I have any news."

"Sorry to trouble you!" On the phone, Bian Mu still seemed so polite.

"Don't be so polite! One of my own, Pan, is a good businessman. He is born with it, but... he has a bad reputation. Maybe he brought it upon himself!"

"Maybe! As doctors, we should at least save him from loneliness...from fear...from despair during the last period of his life. It's a little bit humane!"

"Oh... this is the first time in my life that I have heard of the 'three exemptions'. When we reach our age, we all have similar worries! Those who have some ability, just don't say it. Actually... I feel a little panicked, and I am no exception. You have taught me another lesson today!"

"How dare you, how dare you! You are so polite... If you are really free, come over one day and let's chat together."

"I want it, I want it!"

"It's getting late, so I won't bother you any more. Good night!"

"It's easy, let's talk later!" After saying that, Uncle Yang hung up the phone.

After a while, a text message came. Assistant Zhang said that the plaster was ready. Bian Mu would be free to inspect the goods another day. The procedures were also completed. As soon as Bian Mu signed, it would be ready. Put it on the market.

Bian Mu was naturally happy and casually replied with a message, saying that he would go over and take a look tomorrow.

Thinking that his parents were getting older and he had begun to make money, Bian Mu felt much more at ease.

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