Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 745 People suddenly disappeared

In principle, it would be ideal for Fan Sanqiao to stay down-to-earth in the "Ren Geng" company. Of course, it would be even more ideal if he could legally and reasonably become independent from Chen Yueqing and Mr. Wu as soon as possible and set up his own business. .

The top priority is that Bian Mu must thoroughly understand what Chen Yueqing's truest intentions are. For this, Bian Mu must find a way to use his brain.

After much thought, it was already past midnight.

Bian Mu felt as if he hadn't eaten dinner. He was so hungry and a little flustered. So he got up and went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and took a few glances. It was very pitiful. Except for the remaining seven or eight eggs, the refrigerator was basically empty. Yes, recently, Bian Mu has too many chores on his hands and often doesn't even order meals. Most of the time, except for breakfast, Bian Mu basically eats out and rarely cooks by himself.

"There's a night market on the street right now, why not go out and get some delicious rice noodles!" Thinking of this, Bian Mu locked the door and quietly walked upstairs to get something to eat.

The night wind was cold, the stars were twinkling, and the street temperature should be about minus 25 degrees. Bian Mu was wearing a little less, so the cold hit him. At that time, he felt a little thin, so he didn't dare to go far, so he went straight to the back street to find the nightclub. The merchant in class just fried pancakes, made rice noodles, etc. and quickly returned.

The backstreet looked very deserted. A shop selling beef noodles was kneading dough in a tent he had set up. The red lights were flashing and the atmosphere was full of fireworks. There was a middle-aged man selling fruit in the distance who was a little sleepy at the moment. He was sitting in front of a small homemade stove in a thick military coat and fell asleep in a daze.

well! People's livelihood is not easy, and there are people who make whatever money they want.

Continue walking forward for a while, eh! Finally, we found a shop selling fried rice noodles. On a cold day, three young men were already sitting in front of the stall, eating enthusiastically. The stall owner is a woman, with glasses on her nose and a thick shawl around her head. It seems that she is just making do. At the moment, she is chopping green onions with a kitchen knife.

When Bian Mu was about to reach the stall, one of the men seemed to have finished eating. He got up and trotted over to the female stall owner.

"Get a Coke!"

"Who pays for the fans?" The female stall owner didn't bring him a bottle of Coke, but first confirmed who would pay for the fans.

"There's so much nonsense, why don't you bring me a bottle of Coke first! You're still asking for a few small coins, you must be mentally ill!" The man responded impatiently, insisting on drinking Coke first and then paying the bill.

Hearing that the words were a bit inappropriate, Bian Mu couldn't help but slow down, feeling a little wary in her heart. It was not easy for the female stall owner to come out to make ideas late at night. The three boys were all neatly dressed. He doesn't speak like a street kid from other places, and he won't embarrass a woman because of a few bowls of rice noodles.

"I'm's a small's not easy at night. You'd better pay for the rice noodles first! There's plenty of Coke. Let's make another payment." The woman said politely, but she was afraid in her heart. I have already made some mental preparations.

"NMD! Three bowls plus one buck only cost a few bucks! You fucking insulted my character and are seeking death!" As he spoke, the boy walked to the east end of the homemade food cart, stretched out his hand, and was about to grab a bottle of Coke and take a few sips. .

The female stall owner was quite stubborn. She quickly put down her kitchen knife and ran to the small container, trying to prevent the kid from succeeding.

As they went back and forth, the boy knocked over several of the plastic baskets that held the vegetables on the homemade dining cart, and the carefully prepared raw bean sprouts, lettuce leaves, shredded tripe, shredded radish... fell to the floor.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Bian Mu flew forward without saying anything. He lightly tapped the boy's right shoulder with his left hand. The boy was stunned and turned around to look at Bian Mu. Before the boy could say anything unpleasant, Bian Mu suddenly used his right hand to accurately grasp the kid's belt from his waist, not giving him a chance to curse. He took it hard, gently pushed it away, and then twisted it hard. He released it violently, and a burst of dark energy spurted out...

That kid had never withstood such a secret attack. His steps were frivolous, and he staggered two or three times in a row. The soles of his feet just happened to step on the bean sprouts that had fallen to the ground. Well, he even fell from the sliding belt. The kid fell far away and couldn't survive for a long time. climb up.

Bian Mu now has to receive 60 outpatients a day. In order to avoid harming his body, Bian Mu has already begun to strengthen his internal strength training. At this moment, his kung fu is much stronger than when he first entered the city. .

Bian Mu was about to say a few words when he suddenly felt a strong wind coming from the back of his head. He screamed inwardly and before turning around, he dodged sideways. Based on his intuition, he protected his head with his elbows and knocked down his body again. After dodging twice, he managed to avoid the sneak attack coming from behind.

Depend on! A steel-wood stool wiped Bian Mu's clothes and slid past. The sneak attack on the man failed. For a moment, his center of gravity was a little unstable. He couldn't control the height of his feet...

It was too late to say it, but it was so soon. How could Bian Mu dare to give him a chance to continue to be violent? He instinctively swept more than half a circle and "swept his legs", "Ouch..." "NM..." "Bang..." This whole mess Great, the second bad boy was also put to the ground by Bian Mu.

When the third boy saw that the situation was not going well, he was so angry that he dropped the chopsticks in his hands, pulled out something unknown from his waist, rushed over and showered his head with it.

This guy is even more ruthless.

"Plop..." Before Bian Mu had time to parry, the last kid who attacked him with a weapon fell to the ground inexplicably, less than one meter away from Bian Mu.

so close!

Taking a closer look, he didn't know when the knife-shaped face appeared behind the last bad boy. At this moment, he was rushing towards Mu Le with a steel and wooden stool in his hand.

Okay! Dao Tiao Lian struck harder, hitting Mentian hard, knocking the kid who was wielding the weapon to hurt people until he fainted.

The hands are dark enough!

Smiling at Dao Tiao, Bian Mu quickly stepped forward to check. The boy just stabbed himself with a knife. It was really dangerous!

Without saying much, Bian Mu took out his cell phone and called the police...

The female stall owner, Bian Mu and Dao Tiao Lian politely sent the police officers away, and the three bad boys were also caught by the police and taken away in the car for further examination.

"Why are you coming out now? Are you hungry?" Bian Mu asked quickly with a smile.

"A friend's car broke down, so I drove over to give him a lift. I smelled the fragrant rice noodles fried here and felt cold. I thought about coming over for a few bites, but I didn't expect..."

"Thank you, thank you! I'm treating you! Boss! Stir-fried meat, two big portions!"

"Okay! The dishes are a bit short. I'll give you two more shredded tofu!" She agreed, and the female stall owner happily started frying the rice noodles.

Taking a seat on the street, the two of them took a few sips of hot tea and immediately felt much warmer.

"How is your uncle?" Bian Mu asked with concern.

"No...the funeral was just done the day before yesterday. I will choose a date to go back to my hometown for burial without discussion!" When he said this, his face was filled with sadness.

"Ah?! I've read the relevant medical can't possibly develop so fast?!" Bian Mu was really shocked.

"It's not due to illness... My uncle is open-minded. He doesn't have radiotherapy or chemotherapy. He only takes some oral medication... Who would have thought that in the early morning at a T-junction, he drove a van and hit the front of a large truck. Maybe at that time I'm a little distracted...the speed of the car is not too slow..."

Hearing this, Bian Mu was silent for a while...

People, if you say no, it’s gone!

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