At this time, Zhou Shutong walked in, his eyes and nose were a little red and swollen.

"What's the matter, Xiao Zhou, what's going on?"

Seeing Zhou Shutong's situation, Xiao Wang was even more sure of his guess.

"Brother Wang, I put that thread, I really regret it!" Xiao Wang

suddenly didn't know what to say, good guy, this is completely no need to guess, Zhou Shutong himself explained it clearly.

The two did not comfort much, which in itself was Zhou Shutong's fault.

Since you have made a mistake, you will naturally have to bear the consequences.


Guan Hongfeng took out his notebook, opened the video, and watched it repeatedly.

At this time, Han Bin walked in and asked

, "Team Guan, I just heard that you found evidence?"

"An oolong was accidentally dropped by me, which made everyone happy in vain."

Guan Hongfeng shook his head, his eyes kept staring at the laptop screen.

Han Bin didn't bother too much, sat next to Guan Hongfeng, and watched together.

"Team Guan, you pull back a little. The

picture keeps recalling, and when it comes to the time when the murderer stabs the victim with a sharp weapon.

Han Bin stared at the display screen and said with some excitement:

"This is it!"

Guan Hongfeng subconsciously paused, and the picture was fixed on the murderer's bloody right hand.

Guan Hongfeng kept zooming in on the picture, and the pixels became more and more blurry.

The viscous blood is like a patch of tiny patches of color.

"Lao Guan, brother, I'm really going crazy.

"Gu Ju put aside the urging again, no matter how diligent he urges, there is no point!" Zhou

Xun pushed the door in, and his loud voice directly interrupted the train of thought of the two.

"That's it, I'm annoyed by Lao Zhou!" Zhao Xincheng followed.

Guan Hongfeng and Han Bin looked at each other, and they could see the helplessness in each other's eyes!

"Come here, I and Team Guan have made a new discovery."

Han Bin beckoned to the two.

If you don't interrupt the two of them, these two people can suffocate Han Bin by talking too much.

After Zhou Xun and Zhao Xincheng heard that there was a new discovery, they walked quickly to Guan Hongfeng's back.

Han Bin pointed to a very small raised color block and said,

"This should be the ring that Wang Zhige has been wearing."

Guan Hongfeng then added:

"There are many tiny irregular protrusions in the inner ring of the ring, even if Wang Zhige has carefully cleaned them.

"We can also find the residual blood of the victims.

Zhou Xun and Zhao Xincheng suddenly realized.

"Damn, it's such an obvious place, why didn't I think of it?" Zhou

Xun patted his thigh, regretful.

"Come on, what can you think of in your pig brain?"

"We haven't practiced for a long time, have we

?" "After this case is over, I will definitely accompany you to practice."

"Come on, who's afraid of whom!"


After leaving the office, several people went to the interrogation room.

After being locked up for more than 20 hours, Wang Zhige was a little tired at this time.

After seeing Zhou Xun and the others come in, he looked a little impatient.

Since he was detained, the police officers have been interrogating him in turn.

At first, he didn't think anything of it.

Anyway, these policemen have no evidence, so they can't help him.

But there are many times, and I am also tortured enough, which is a kind of mental torture.

Zhou Xun didn't bother to talk nonsense with the other party, stepped forward and grabbed Wang Zhige's right hand and pressed it on the interrogation table.

"What are you going to do?" Wang Zhige struggled violently, showing extreme rejection.

Zhao Xincheng walked behind Wang Zhige, constantly wandering on the other party's back, neck, maxillofacial area.

Wang Zhige's expression was a little distorted, struggling more and more, and his eyes were full of anger.

"I forgot that you don't like people touching you.

"But have you ever thought about the innocent people you killed? "


Zhao Xincheng was interrupted by Zhou Xun before he could finish his sigh.

"Lao Zhao, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and take off this guy's ring.


Zhao Xincheng took out a pair of needle-nose pliers from the toolbox and cut off the ring on his hand.

The broken ring landed on the table with a "bell" sound.

Wang Yu on the side had already put on gloves, and the moment the ring fell, he immediately put it in the evidence bag.

Return to the technical department and immediately begin to do the residual blood extraction.

The results soon came out, and the technical department extracted the victim's blood from the inner ring of the ring.

In the face of ironclad evidence, Wang Zhige confessed to the facts of his crime.

Officer Cui and others were responsible for sorting out records, materials, and physical evidence.

Zhou Xun took Ling Fei and others to Wang Zhige to identify the scene.

In order not to identify the incident this time, during the escort along the way, police lights flashed and sirens whistled!

There were many onlookers around, pointing at Wang Zhige.

There were also relatives of the victims in the crowd, and they applauded the real murderers of their relatives.

This case has been fermented by the media and once appeared on the hot search.

How could the reporters of Shark Magazine, Pingling Daily, and Pingling Toutiao give up such good popularity.

Liu Changyong, as a courtesan in the detachment, was surrounded by a group of reporters for interviews, enjoying the feeling of the stars holding the moon.

Ling Fei took Wang Zhige's shoulders and came to the scene of the murder.

Wang Zhige gave a detailed account of the case.

During the whole process, Wang Zhige's face was calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

"Wang Zhige, you can't die well

!" "It's not a pity for this kind of scum to die!" "

God has eyes, thank you to the police comrades, and give my daughter justice." "


Led by the first person to insult him, other people also joined in condemning Wang Zhige.

Ling Fei saw the corners of Wang Zhige's mouth rise, slightly curvading.

This guy is already pointed at by a thousand people, not only does he repent, but he also has some complacency and disdain.

Thinking of this, an unknown anger burned in Ling Fei's heart.

Taking a few deep breaths, Ling Fei forced himself to calm down.

Ling Fei told himself: Wang Zhige has been arrested, and what awaits him will be severely punished by the law, and there is no need for him to be angry with this kind of person.

After the on-site identification was over, everyone escorted Wang Zhige back to the detachment.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task: arrest or kill the real murderer on a rainy night, and gain 20,000 justice points]

Ling Fei's current justice value has reached 49,900 points.

Ling Fei opened the system mall and thought about whether to exchange skills or increase the skill level.

At this time, Xiao Wang came over and shouted:

"Xiao Ling, Brother Cui is still sorting out the materials there, let's go and help them!"

"I can't wait to quickly submit these materials and physical evidence to the court, so that Wang Zhige can accept the verdict as soon as possible."

"Haole!" Ling

Fei heard Xiao Wang call him, and hurriedly closed the system mall and followed.


Zhou Xun did not follow everyone back to the detachment, but went to the city bureau and reported the case to the leaders of the city bureau.

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