After listening to the report, the leaders of the municipal bureau were very satisfied, especially the Gu Bureau.

This time the detachment was able to solve the case in a short time, which gave him a lot of face.

"Xiao Zhou, Guan Hongfeng's role in this case, we are also very clear.

"We don't bother to ask about Guan Hongfeng's continued role as a special adviser in the detachment. "

Thank you, Wang Ju!" The

other leaders also nodded one after another, expressing their approval.

The report is here, and it is coming to an end.

Zhou Xun secretly took out his mobile phone and sent a message

to Guan Hongfeng: The city leaders are very satisfied, and our brothers have finally survived this catastrophe!

Until Zhou Xun returned to the detachment, Guan Hongfeng still did not reply to him.

Zhou Xun learned from Zhou Shutong that Guan Hongfeng had gone home.


And just like that, two days passed.

The materials and physical evidence have been appealed to the court.

A week later, the court will conduct a first trial against Wang Zhige.

The Changfeng detachment needs to send Wang Zhige to the detention center for detention.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, inside the office of the detachment leader.

Zhou Xun looked at Liu Changyong and asked

, "Lao Liu, in our detachment, Lao Cui and the others went out on duty.

"Lao Guan is a special adviser again, so he can't lead the team. "

I think about it, I think you have to go out, brother can rest assured!" Liu

Changyong couldn't hear the meaning of Zhou Xun's words.

It's nothing more than solving the case, a great achievement.

Errands like escorting prisoners can only be done by tool people like themselves.

"Okay, Team Zhou!"

"It's so troublesome, you can share it for me, brother, I'm really grateful."

"Lao Liu, when you have time, my brother will invite you to dinner.

After Liu Changyong agreed, Zhou Xun stood up suddenly, stepped forward to hold Liu Changyong's hands, and said gratefully.

Liu Changyong was too lazy to take care of this guy, and he had said almost 800 times about inviting guests to dinner.

It's been so long, Zhou Xun invited guests to dinner, and in Liu Changyong's memory, he came once or twice.

After Liu Changyong returned to his office, he began to draft the "Petition for Detention Report".

After all, he was an old criminal policeman, and he finished writing it in less than half an hour.

Sending the report to the First People's Court of Pingling City, Liu Changyong made a cup of tea, crossed Erlang's legs, and tasted tea leisurely.

Two hours later, the report was reviewed and the detention warrant was faxed.

Liu Changyong stretched his waist and sent a message of prestige to Officer Ma and Officer Li.

In the detachment, Officer Ma and Officer Li had the best relationship with him.

Liu Changyong parked his car in the compound.

Two criminal policemen escorted Wang Zhige down, while Officer Ma and Officer Li followed.

Liu Changyong drove, Officer Ma sat in the passenger seat, and Officer Li and Wang Zhige sat in the back of the car.

As for the other two officers, they drove behind.

It's five o'clock in the afternoon, and it's almost time for dinner.

There were not many vehicles on the road, and the group soon came to the East Second Ring Road.

I didn't expect to encounter a traffic jam as soon as I drove here.

Liu Changyong suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"What's the matter, Lao Liu?" Officer

Ma hurriedly asked when he saw Liu Changyong's gloomy face.

"It's okay, I'm a little apprehensive in my heart, pay more attention to the surrounding situation. "

I hope I can get there!" a

detective in the back knocked on the driver's window.

After Liu Changyong lowered the window of the car, he asked

, "Why is

the front blocked?" "Deputy Liu, I just contacted the traffic police team, and there was a car accident in front, and I had to be blocked for at least two or three hours."

"Why don't we go around Limbin Boulevard." "

Far is far away, it's better than blocking

!" "Okay!"

Liu Changyong nodded and immediately turned around and went out.

After driving to Boulevard Limbin, just to be on the safe side.

Liu Changyong informed Zhou Xun of the situation.

Liu Changyong and Officer Ma stared ahead, while Officer Li observed the situation around the vehicle.

"Lao Liu, be careful on the left..."

Before Officer Li could finish speaking, a black Land Rover suddenly changed lanes and crashed into the police car.

After Liu Changyong heard Officer Li's warning, he turned his head to look, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

The distance between the two was already very close, and it was too late to dodge, so they could only watch each other crash into each other.

There was a loud "bang", and everyone in the car only felt a huge force coming from the left, and the whole person was dizzy, and there was no resistance at all.

The airbags in the driver's and passenger seats popped out, unloading a lot of the impact force.

However, Officer Li and Wang Zhige, who were sitting in the back seat, were not protected by airbags, and hit their heads on the car seat, blood dripping down their foreheads.

After the impact, Liu Changyong was unable to step on the accelerator, and the police car drove towards the sidewalk due to inertia.

Fortunately, there were no pedestrians on the sidewalk at this time, and the snow on the road was thick, so the car quickly stopped.

At the same time, the police car behind was also hit by another Land Rover.

After completing the task, this Land Rover drove away without the slightest stop.

Another Land Rover got out of a man in black who was wrapped all over his body, quickly rushed to the side of the police car and opened the door.

dragged Wang Zhige out.

Wang Zhige stepped on the snow with one foot, and he didn't step on it steadily, and fell on his heels.

He struggled to get up, wiped the snow from his face with his elbow, and looked up to see that the man in black had returned to the car and was looking at him coldly.

Wang Zhige didn't dare to stay for a second, ran over quickly, and got into the car.

The Land Rover sped away, and when Liu Changyong slowed down and got out of the car to check the situation, he only saw a vague car shadow.

Liu Changyong kicked the snowdrift next to him fiercely.

returned to the car and told Zhou Xun about it.

At this moment, Zhou Xun was writing a summary of the case, after receiving a call from Liu Changyong.

After understanding what happened, a nameless fire surged into my heart.

In broad daylight, it is too bad to dare to hijack criminals from the police.

Zhou Xun immediately contacted the traffic police brigade and reported it to Director Gu.

Five minutes later, five police cars drove towards the scene of the crime.

In the detachment, Guan Hongfeng stayed behind, and with him, there were five criminal policemen.

Of course, people from the technical and forensic departments are also there.

After arriving at the scene of the crime, several medical personnel were treating the injuries of Liu Changyong and others.

"Lao Liu, are you okay?"

"It's not a big deal, it's just a skin injury, just a simple bandage." "

Lao Li was a little seriously injured, and the doctor just looked at it and suspected that it was a concussion, and he was sent to the hospital. Two

minutes later, the traffic police brigade had already transmitted the video from that time.

Zhou Xun clicked on the video, and the rest of the police gathered behind him.

In the video, two black Land Rovers follow behind the police car, without license plates.

Then he suddenly changed lanes and crashed into two police cars respectively.


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