When Ling Fei arrived at the detachment, he was almost stuck and almost late.

"Xiao Ling, what did you do last night?"

"I remember that you came very early before, and this is the first time you have been stuck.

Xiao Wang leaned over and asked with a grin.

"It was almost twelve o'clock when I went back yesterday, and I slept very late, so I came so late.

"By the way, Brother Wang, has Wang Zhige explained?"

Ling Fei coughed lightly and quickly changed the topic.

"This grandson's mouth is really hard, and he stayed up all night, and he didn't ask for a fart.

Speaking of this, Xiao Wang's heart was full of fire, it was the first time he had encountered such a difficult criminal suspect.

In the interrogation room, several police officers took turns staring at Wang Zhige.

Last night, Wang Zhige was very quiet except for applying to go to the toilet.

Officer Cui was staring at Wang Zhige through the SLR glass when he suddenly felt someone tap on the shoulder.

turned his head and found that Guan Hongfeng was standing behind him.

"Lao Cui, it's hard work, I'll help you keep an eye on it for a while. "

Guan Hongfeng went back last night and has been thinking about whether there is any missing physical evidence.

After thinking about it all night, there was no result, so I had to come to the detachment to observe Wang Zhige and see if I could find the flaws of the other party.

"Okay, if you're tired, call me!" Officer

Cui rubbed his sour and dry eyes, and left directly.

Ten minutes later, Guan Hongfeng's mobile phone rang, and after pressing the answer, Zhou Xun's excited voice came from inside.

"Lao Guan, the technical department found a white cotton thread on Wang Zhige's car mat. "

There was blood left at one end of the thread.

"The technical department first conducted a blood stain comparison, which is exactly the same as Chang Aiai's, and now the DNA comparison is being carried out.

"After the results come out, let's see how this grandson still quibbles.

"Okay, I'll come right over.

After hanging up the phone, Guan Hongfeng was puzzled.

The mat on Wang Zhige's car was searched several times by the technical department yesterday.

He also searched for a long time with a magnifying glass, but found nothing.

This morning, however, the technical department searched again and made new discoveries.

It stands to reason that such a large target as the head of the thread should be discovered the first time.


this time, Zhou Xun felt relaxed all over, and the boulder hanging in his heart also fell.

Xiao Wang also informed everyone of this good news.

After Guan Hongfeng came to the technical department, he put on gloves, picked up the evidence bag, and observed carefully.

"Guan team, this is a pure cotton thread, the same material as Chang Ai Ai's underwear.

"The DNA comparison results had to wait more than two hours for them to come out.

Guan Hongfeng turned a deaf ear, put down the evidence bag, picked up the footpad, and observed again.

At this time, Ling Fei and his party also rushed over, talking excitedly.

Especially Lao Cui and others, shouting that the technical department has made a great contribution this time.

The police officers who came in, everyone's faces were full of excitement.

Only Zhou Shutong's face was very stiff, and after finding that Guan Hongfeng looked at him, he immediately avoided the other party's gaze, looking like a thief.

Guan Hongfeng suddenly understood that this thread should have been secretly put in by Zhou Shutong.

And the position chosen by this girl is still very hidden, and even the technical department has been deceived.

"I'm sorry, this physical evidence can't be used!"

"Huh?" "

Lao Guan, what do you mean by that."

As soon as Guan Hongfeng's words came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

Especially Zhou Xun, he only felt a tightness in his chest, as if there was a thousand pounds of weight on his chest.

"When I was searching for evidence in Wang Zhige's car yesterday. "

I took the victim's clothes and compared them with all kinds of textiles in the car.

"I guess the end of the thread should have fallen at that time. "

Team Guan, this..." Wang Yu was choked instantly.

The saddest thing should be Zhou Xun, who is the leader of the detachment.

If this case cannot be solved within the specified time, it is he who will resist the lightning.

And this is also related to whether Guan Hongfeng can continue to serve as an adviser in the detachment.

In the past half hour, his mood went from eagerness to excitement to hope.

Only he can understand the suffering.

Xiao Wang looked at Zhou Xun's expression and patted him on the shoulder to express sympathy.

"Lao Guan, if you think about it again, I don't think you can make such a low-level mistake. "

Zhou Xun is still holding a bit of luck now.

"What, do you still want to make mistakes?"

"This matter is my fault, let everyone be happy in vain. "

I'm sorry!"

Guan Hongfeng half-bowed and sincerely apologized.

"It's okay, Team Guan, I'm sure we'll find proof. "

Let Wang Zhige receive the punishment he deserves.

Wang Hong saw that everyone was a little depressed and encouraged.

After Guan Hongfeng left, everyone also returned to their respective posts one after another.

At the corner of the stairs, Guan Hongfeng looked at the snow outside the window and touched his chin.

Zhou Shutong wiped the sweat from his palms on his pants, walked to Guan Hongfeng's side, and buried his head very low.

"Teacher Guan, I'm sorry, I put the thread.

Guan Hongfeng glared at Zhou Shutong, and her sharp gaze made her break out in a cold sweat.

Zhou Shutong has been following Guan Hongfeng for almost a month, and it is the first time she has seen Guan Hongfeng so angry.

Zhou Shutong panicked all of a sudden, and kept insulting himself in his heart, how could he be obsessed with his mind and do such a stupid thing.

But since the matter has happened, Zhou Shutong has already thought of the worst outcome.

But what she didn't expect was that Guan Hongfeng didn't scold her, but warned in a deep voice:

"Xiao Zhou, have you ever thought that if you succeed in planting the sham this time."

"Wang Zhige has been punished by law.

"But if one day, when the case is re-examined, other criminal police officers find out that Wang Zhige is not the real murderer.

"Or after that, we caught the real culprit.

"At this point, no one can save you.

"Teacher Guan, I was really wrong, I don't dare anymore. "

I hope this is the last time!"


At this time, Ling Fei sat on the chair, supporting his face, looking at the snow scene outside the window in a daze.

Xiao Wang leaned back in his chair with a loveless expression.

"Brother Wang, don't you think there's something strange about this?"

"Strange, I just hope that a flash of lightning will strike down at this time and give me a good time."

"I thought this case was over, but I didn't expect it to be back to square one. "

If you want me to say, the most painful thing belongs to our Zhou team, his expression just now, I look at it and my heart hurts!"

"Brother Wang, I didn't mean this, I said.

"How could Team Guan make such a low-level mistake, I feel that this should be done by someone else, Team Guan is just helping him fight against lightning."

"What do you mean, I'm Xiao Zhou?" Xiao

Wang heard this, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and he vaguely felt that this matter was inseparable from Zhou Shutong!

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