At this time, Xiao Wang walked over with a document in his hand.

"Guan team, three years ago, when Fan Deli caught Wang Zhige breaking his shoes, his wife Tang Ying was almost seven months pregnant.

"It's just that it's been too long, and we can't find the woman who broke her shoes with Wang Zhige in a short time."

Guan Hongfeng shook his head and said, "Even if you find it, it's meaningless."

Later, his wife had a miscarriage, but according to his neighbors, the relationship between the two couples was as good as ever.

"In the case of Vanderly's murder, the officers at the time found a room card. "

They found four sets of fingerprints on the room card, and after the technical department collected Wang Zhige's fingerprints, they compared them, and there was no match. "


It was eleven o'clock in the evening.

Wang Zhige sat in the interrogation chair and kept tapping his fingers on the table.

"Lao Guan, do you say that this Wang Zhige's

psychological defense line is loose?" "Not yet, this kind of calm criminal psychological defense line is very sound.

"If we can't find substantial evidence, we can only detain the other party for 48 hours." "

Lao Guan, then I'll try it and see if I can pry this guy's mouth open."

Guan Hongfeng nodded.

Interrogation room.

After Zhou Xun and Officer Cui entered, Wang Zhige heard the movement of opening the door and opened his eyes suddenly.


", "Wang Zhige

!", "Gender!", "



"Wang Zhige, I'm very curious about something

!" "You say!"

"I wondered, how could a person like you, who is extremely clean, accept such a dirty woman.

"So what

?" "Have you ever thought about how uncomfortable these innocent people you brutally killed would be when their families found out

?" "Don't you feel guilty in your heart?"

Wang Zhige crossed his hands, the corners of his mouth rose, and he shook his head.

"Zhou Xun, I have no idea what you're talking about. "


After that, Zhou Xun tried his best, but no matter how he persuaded him.

Wang Zhige was like being shrouded in a barrier, invulnerable.

Seeing that he couldn't ask anything substantial, Zhou Xun could only reluctantly end the quick question.

After walking out, Zhou Xun didn't see Guan Hongfeng, asked Zhou Shutong, and learned that the other party had gone home.

"This old Guan is too little brother, and he doesn't say hello.

Although Zhou Xun understood that Guan Hongfeng knew that he couldn't ask for substantive evidence before leaving, he couldn't help but whisper.


Since Wang Zhige had been caught, Zhou Xun saw that everyone had stayed up for several days without sleeping well.

Let everyone go back to rest and regain their energy.

After Ling Fei walked out of the gate of the detachment, it was already nearly half past eleven.

There was no one on the street, and the bus had already left work at this point.

Ling Fei took a taxi back.

In the car, Ling Fei thought: "It's so late, and I don't know if this little girl is asleep." He

sent a message to Xia Jie: Xia Jie

came back less than ten seconds after the message was sent.

The two just chatted without a word.

Ten minutes later, the taxi arrived at the neighborhood where the two had rented.

After opening the door, Ling Fei smelled a fragrance.

"Is this braised beef noodles?"

Ling Fei changed into slippers, hung his down jacket on the hanger, and walked to the living room.

"I'm hungry, I just soaked it and added two fried eggs.

Ling Fei took a bite of the fried egg, and the sugar heart overflowed from the edges.

"It tastes good!"

"The candy inside tastes sweet." "

I put a little honey in it.

As soon as Xia Jie mentioned honey, Ling Fei immediately thought of the barley and red date porridge before, and couldn't help but shudder.

After eating, Ling Fei went to take a shower first.

Xia Jie was a little bored lying on the sofa brushing her voice.

After a while, the bathroom door opened.

Ling Fei was wearing a bathrobe and was wiping his hair with a dry towel.

The droplets of water dripped down the Adam's apple, and Xia Jie's eyes were straight.

After Ling Fei dried his hair, he turned off the light and prepared to rest.

In the past two days, the day and night have been reversed, and I have been so busy that I have no time to eat.

Ling Fei only felt a pain all over his body, his hands were stretched out, and he was lying on the bed, and the tiredness on his body had also decreased a little.

Drowsiness gradually hit, and after Ling Fei set the alarm, he turned off his mobile phone and prepared to sleep.

Not long after closing his eyes, there was a "squeak", and the door was opened.

A figure slowly approached Ling Fei's bedside.

In the next second, a soft jade-like body drilled in.

Xia Jie pressed directly on Ling Fei's body, and her slender legs rested on Ling Fei's legs.

The two of them are very tight, and they can feel each other's heartbeats.

Xia Jie leaned next to Ling Fei's ear and blew softly.

A burning sensation spreads upwards from the earlobe.

Ling Fei instantly felt like an electric shock rushing to his whole body, crispy and numb, and a little itchy.

At the beginning, Xia Jie was still a little jerky and didn't know how to cater to it.

Slowly, Xia Jie's skills gradually improved under Ling Fei's teaching.

Outside, it was more than ten degrees below zero, and the wind was cold.

The room was full of fire, exuding the smell of youthful hormones.

In the dark, the two men each explored an unfamiliar area.


In the early morning, the sun shone through the window on the faces of the two.

Xia Jie was pillowing Ling Fei's arm, sleeping soundly, with no sign of waking up at all.

Ling Fei slowly opened his eyes and carefully pulled out his arm.

The moment he took it out, Ling Fei couldn't feel the existence of his arm at all, and he was already pressed unconscious.

Ten minutes later, Xia Jie also woke up, opened her hazy eyes, and couldn't help but blush slightly when she saw the messy battle situation in the room.

"Get up, wash up, and hurry up to breakfast, otherwise it will be cold in a while

!" "Okay!"

Xia Jie yawned and walked to the bathroom.

Breakfast was simple, toast bread with milk.

Xia Jie took a bite of bread and said,

"Last night, my mother told me that she was going to go to Sichuan and Chongqing with Uncle Liang to play.

"The man who went to Qingdao with our mother last time is called Liang Guodong, right?"

Xia Jie nodded, and then sighed.

"What's wrong

?" "Brother Fei, you said my mother won't fall in love at dusk, right

?" "Isn't that good?" "

We're not with our mother now, and she's going to be very lonely and need a companion." "

You don't understand, Uncle Liang is too soft, my mother is so tough, I'm afraid that Uncle Liang will be bullied."

Ling Fei was stunned for an instant, and he didn't react at once.

Immediately, Ling Fei couldn't help but complain in his heart: "It's really a daughter, it's just that this little padded jacket is a little breathable!"

Xia Jie saw Ling Fei stunned and asked

, "What's wrong, is there any problem?"

"No, no!"

Ling Fei hurriedly shook his head.


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