"The surname Huang, where

is the money?" "Don't worry, the money is indispensable to you, at nine o'clock in the evening, the money is still in the old position." "


Immediately after, a busy tone of "beep" came from the phone, and the other party had hung up the phone.

"Comrade policeman, the specific location is at the intersection of the South Second Ring Road, looking east, there is a small alley with a garbage can in it.

"It's in the middle of nowhere, and I used to keep my money behind the trash can.

Zhou Xun nodded to indicate that he already knew, and looked at his watch, it was now seven o'clock in the evening, and there was still more than an hour before nine o'clock.

"Xiao Wang, you go to the scene to see the situation first, and then let everyone gather in the conference room when you come back. "

Okay, Team Zhou!"

Half a minute later, in the conference room.

Xiao Wang clicked on the map, and there were several photos of the scene on the right side of the map.

"Entering from this intersection is the small alley in Wang Zhiqiang's mouth. "

There is a secondary school near the alley, so there are a lot of vendors on this street in the evening.

"But now it's so cold, usually around half past seven, there are very few pedestrians.

"After walking into the alley, there is a pharmacy, and a dozen meters ahead, there is a black garbage can.

"Once you walk out of the alley, it's a residential area.

As soon as Xiao Wang's words fell, Zhou Xun added:

"There are more people to be arranged here, once the other party escapes into the residential area, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"There is a high probability that the other party is carrying firearms, so everyone must pay attention to safety.

"Half an hour later, let's go immediately. "


After dividing the groups and their respective divisions, the meeting was over.

Everyone went to the equipment room and began to collect the equipment.

Ling Fei's concept of a killer was still understood in film and television dramas and novels before he crossed over.

It's the first time I've ever experienced it in reality.

"Xiao Ling, don't you feel a little nervous?"

Officer Cui noticed that Ling Fei's face was a little solemn and said with concern.

"It's a little bit.

"Don't be nervous, most of this kind of professional killer is mythologized.

"Now the eye of the sky is everywhere, even if the other party is professionally trained, he can't escape the punishment of the law.

"Five years ago, I was only half a year old when I first joined the detachment, and the situation was the same as now, I wanted to arrest a professional killer.

"I was also very nervous before I left, after all, it was the first time I was dealing with a professional killer.

"After that, the whole arrest operation went very smoothly, and it didn't even take half an hour before the other party was caught.

When Ling Fei heard Officer Cui say this, the tight strings suddenly relaxed.

It seems that he has been substituted by the mystery of the killer.

''What do you think of the other party, in fact, in front of the eye of the sky.'' Thinking

of this, Ling Fei hurriedly thanked

, "Thank you, Brother Cui, I don't feel nervous at all when I hear you say that." "


At nine o'clock, everyone had already arrived at the designated location.

Zhou Shutong and Guan Hongfeng were the last to arrive.

Wang Zhiqiang was holding a black plastic bag containing 200,000 yuan in cash.

After putting the money behind the trash can, Wang Zhiqiang left the scene directly.

Zhou Xun looked at his watch, and after waiting for more than ten seconds, he said into the pager: "It's 9:05 sharp, everyone is on the watch

!" "Received!"

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the suspicious person did not appear, Zhou Xun turned his head and asked Guan Hongfeng in the back seat:

"Lao Guan, what did you just go, weren't you and Xiao Zhou the first to set off

?" "

Why did you arrive last?"

I had some weakness in my lower back, so I went to the pharmacy and bought a pair of plasters. As

he spoke, Guan Hongfeng tapped his back lightly.

"Hey, I said why is there such a big smell of plaster in the car, Lao Guan, don't you say it earlier, I know an old Chinese medicine doctor. "

The massage and acupuncture skills are first-class, and when I catch this grandson, I will push him to his prestige." "


everyone waited for more than ten minutes.

A garbage truck slowly drove down the alley and stopped next to the garbage can.

A figure walked down, wearing a mask, gloves, and a hat.

Coupled with the cold weather and wearing a thick down jacket, the whole person looks like a bloated penguin.

The man looked around and saw that there was no one.

First, take out the liner from the trash can and dump it into the back of the garbage truck.

Zhou Xun, who was located not far from the mouth of the alley, said to Xiao Wang in the walkie-talkie:

"Do you see the license plate of this garbage truck?"

"Team Zhou, I have memorized it."

"Okay, immediately contact the sanitation station in this area, report the license plate number, and verify the attendance of this car." "

Okay, Team Zhou!"

"The rest, act!" Zhou

Xun gave an order, and all the police officers got out of the car and walked slowly into the alley.

At this point, the man crouched down, leaning on the faint moonlight, looking under the garbage can.

Soon, he saw a black plastic bag, which he held very naturally in his hand, and was about to return to the car.

Ling Fei and Officer Cui were the closest, only about ten meters apart.

Ling Fei leaned sideways, waiting for Zhou Xun's instructions.

Zhou Xun saw the other party turn around and walk to the car.

Immediately made a gesture of action.

Ling Fei and Officer Cui immediately rushed over.

The rest of the officers followed.

When Officer Cui rushed forward, he noticed a black shadow flashing, as fast as lightning.

This person only felt a strong wind coming from behind, and before he could understand what was going on, he was pressed by Ling Fei on the car.

Ling Fei pressed his knees against the opponent's back, and grabbed the opponent's wrist with both hands.

The black plastic bag also fell to the ground.

'Oh yes, this guy is a monster!' The man's heart was already stirring up.

He is professionally trained and has been working out every day throughout his career.

I think I am extraordinary and have a lot of strength.

But what he didn't expect was that the man who grabbed him behind him was even more powerful.

No matter how much he struggled, he couldn't move.

Officer Cui ran over and restrained the other party before Ling Fei let go.

Now that the people have been caught, the two detachments have also returned.

In the interrogation room, the man refused to cooperate, lowered his head, and did not say a word.

After identification by the technical department, it was confirmed that the man's DNA was consistent with the DNA of the hair found in the car.

The case was also handed over to Officer Li and others, and they were asked to prepare materials, physical evidence, and investigate the man's identity information.

Officer Li first told the man to be put in a detention cell, and when these preparations were complete, he appealed to the court.

In the face of ironclad evidence, even if the man does not cooperate completely, he will not escape the punishment of the law.

Although this case has been solved, there is still no substantive breakthrough point in the serial murder case.

Zhou Xun just returned to the office and reported the case to Director Gu.

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