The next day, all the officers in the detachment were still busy.

Guan Hongfeng rubbed his eyebrows, thinking about what went wrong in this case.

The murderer carried out a total of four cases, each of which did not reveal the slightest trace.

According to common sense, the murderer who commits a crime in a row should gradually improve his modus operandi and cleaning up the scene as the number of crimes increases.

In the first case, in addition to the fact that it took a long time to clean up, the murderer's skills were the same as those in the next three cases.

Guan Hongfeng believes that there can be no perfect crime.

It's just that he didn't find the slightest clue, which made Guan Hongfeng feel a little tricky.

At this time, Zhou Shutong walked in, saw Guan Hongfeng's brows furrowed, and asked suspiciously:

"Teacher Guan, what's wrong with you?"

Guan Hongfeng's thoughts were interrupted, and he suddenly heard someone calling him, and when he looked up, he found that it was Zhou Shutong who walked in.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Hongfeng told Zhou Shutong his thoughts.

Zhou Shutong thought for a while

and said, "Teacher Guan, you said that the case a year and a half ago would not be the first case committed by the murderer.

"The killer may have committed other types of crimes before, but because the conditions are different from those in this case, they were not screened out.

After hearing Zhou Shutong's words, Guan Hongfeng's eyes suddenly lit up and he thought of a new idea.

"Our original screening criteria were rainstormy weather, a man and a woman, the modus operandi and cleaning up the scene after the crime.

"Of these four conditions, only the fourth is a criminal marker, and at the same time it is the most difficult to change.

"The reason why we added the first three criteria is simply because it's easier and faster to filter.

"It also happens to mislead us.

After finishing speaking, Guan Hongfeng went to Zhou Xun's office.

At this time, Zhou Xun was looking forward to the two great gods making a discovery.

After seeing Guan Hongfeng rushing in, Zhou Xun was a little excited, thinking that the other party had discovered some new clues.

"Lao Guan, is there anything you have found here?"

"Our original screening conditions were limited, and this time we only re-screened the scene after the crime.

Zhou Xun was momentarily stunned and felt incredible.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Zhou Xun swallowed his saliva and asked with some uncertainty:

"Lao Guan, do you really want to re-screen

?" "Thousands of cases, you can't screen them in a week, right?"

"Then screen the G-sized files first."


Guan Hongfeng knew through Zhou Xun's expression at this time that the other party agreed very reluctantly, so he told the other party the reason.

After knowing the reason, Zhou Xun felt a lot more at ease, and immediately informed everyone in the work group.

After leaving the office, Guan Hongfeng actually had some apprehension in his heart.

If the first case committed by the murderer cannot be found in a short time, the case will not be solved within the specified time.

Then his brother's file will also be transferred to the city bureau, and he will not be able to overturn the case for his younger brother in his life.


Archives room.

The crowd began to sift through the case files.

Since there is only one condition for this screening, the progress is very slow.

An hour has passed, and only one-fifth of the files starting with G have been screened.

"Hey, how long will it take to sift through this!" Xiao

Wang looked at the stack of files in front of him, and felt his scalp tingle, and couldn't help but complain.

In the past two days, he felt dizzy and dizzy, and he was a little ghostly when he read words.

"Okay, Xiao Wang, hurry up and speed up the progress, I feel that even if I finish screening the files starting with G size, there will be no results.

"At that time, you can only start with the dossier that starts with the A number, and you have to sift through to the Year of the Monkey."

Officer Li couldn't help but urge.

Ling Fei flipped through them one after another, and it lasted for more than two hours, and he still didn't gain anything at all.

"Xiao Ling, did you find anything about that?" Officer

Cui walked over and asked after sifting through his file.

"Not yet, I still have seven dossiers left, I guess there is no play.

Ling Fei said as he picked up the top one and flipped through it.

Five minutes later, Ling Fei's eyes suddenly lit up.

I saw that the file was impressively recorded: the murderer handled the crime scene very cleanly, and no fingerprints were found at the entire scene.

So, after Ling Fei said hello to everyone, he went to Guan Hongfeng's office.

"Xiao Ling, have you found out?"

After Guan Hongfeng saw Ling Fei come in, the whole person bounced up from his seat and walked towards Ling Fei quickly.

Ling Fei handed the file to Guan Hongfeng and said,

"Team Guan, this is a case from two years ago, the place of the crime is in the Jasmine Hotel on Jinchun Road, and the room number is 308. "

The body was found at 10:07 a.m. the next morning, when the cleaners entered the door to clean the room.

"Judging from the autopsy, the time of the crime should have been the night before, between nine and ten o'clock. "

The victim's name is Fan Deli, a 31-year-old from Pingling City, unemployed, and his family is supported only by his wife's meager salary. "

He had a criminal record and was sentenced to three years of administrative detention for robbery.

On the day of the incident, Van Deli and a middle-aged woman came to the hotel to open a room.

"According to the surveillance footage, the killer was wearing a black shirt, a hat, a mask, glasses and gloves, and mixed in with a group of tour groups. "

The murderer entered the room and came out fifteen minutes later.

"The victim was choked by the neck, resulting in suffocation to death, and the skin tissue in the fingerprints, hair, and nails at the scene was cleaned clean.

"Even the items in the room and the victim's daily necessities were classified by the murderer and placed neatly.

Guan Hongfeng looked at the file carefully, for fear of missing the slightest detail.

After determining that this case was the first case committed by a serial murderer, Guan Hongfeng asked everyone to rush to the conference room.

Ten minutes later, Guan Hongfeng presented the details of the case on the projector and introduced the case to everyone.

"Xiao Ling, did you find anything?"

"Guan team, after the murderer killed the deceased, he folded the victim's body into a curled up. "

It shows that the murderer hated the victim very much and showed contempt for the victim.

Guan Hongfeng nodded, agreeing with Ling Fei's statement.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Hongfeng added:

"Everyone divides labor and cooperates, Officer Cui, you take someone to check this Fan Deli's social relationship." "

Han Bin and I went to the Jasmine Hotel to find out the situation. "


After the assignment of work, everyone immediately set off.

According to the personal information on the police bulletin, it shows that Van Deli's wife is named Li Li, and she has remarried since Van Deli died.

Ling Fei and Officer Cui drove according to Li Li's current address on their personal information.

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