After everyone took Guo Can back, they immediately questioned him.

The interrogation was handled by Officer Cui, and Ling Fei took notes on the side.

Zhou Xun and Guan Hongfeng stood outside the corridor of the interrogation room, observing Guo Can's every move through the SLR glass.

When Guo Can faced Xun Qian, his mouth was quite hard at first, and he insisted that he and Cao Yanru were ordinary classmates.

After that, Guo Can's psychological defense slowly collapsed, and he was only one last step.

At this time, Wang Yu came over and reported:

"Team Zhou, we found the information that the other party bought murder in Guo Can's mobile phone. And

in the chat between Guo Can and Cao Yanru, the words were very explicit, and Guo Can often asked Cao Yanru to go to his house.

"Immediately afterwards, we found that Guo Can owed a total of 300,000 online loans some time ago.

"The money was paid off three days ago.

Zhou Xun nodded, and informed Officer Cui of all these situations through the headset.

Wang Yu also handed over the information record to Officer Cui.

In the face of ironclad evidence, Guo Can confessed to the crime of buying a murderer and explained the incident.

Guo Can and Cao Yan are lovers, and the two have been getting along for almost a half year.

Not long ago, Guo Can borrowed 300,000 yuan online, and he couldn't afford to pay it back.

So, he borrowed money from Cao Yanru, but the other party was only willing to lend him 100,000 yuan.

100,000 yuan is a drop in the bucket for his money.

So, he hit Cao Yanru with his idea.

Once, after Cao Yanru ordered takeout, during the payment process, Guo Can secretly remembered the other party's payment password.

After the two rolled the sheets, Guo Can secretly took Cao Yanru's bank card and car keys.

After Cao Yanru left, Guo Can immediately ran to the bank and transferred the 700,000 yuan in Cao Yanru's card to the account.

After repaying the loan, Guo Can introduced him through an old man, found a killer, and asked the other party to kill Cao Yanru with a reward of 200,000 yuan.

After doing all this, Guo Can felt that the other party was already a mortal person.

took a taxi to Cao Yanru's community and drove the other party's car back.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that in less than a day, the police came to the door.

After the quick questioning ended, the police officers of the technical department began to check the personal information of the old man in Guo Can's mouth.

Soon, the technical department found out the information of the other party.

Lao Yu's real name is Huang Zhiqiang, a native of Anle Town, Pingling City, with a criminal record, and he was released from prison for five years.

Zhou Xun also reported to the city bureau at the same time.

Xiao Wang and three other plainclothes policemen, according to the address provided by the technical department, arrived in advance to carry out monitoring.

At six o'clock in the evening, the arrest operation officially began.

There were four groups of people in total, and after arriving at the scene, Zhou Xun knocked on the car window.

After Xiao Wang rolled down the window, he poked his head out and said to Zhou Xun:

"Since five o'clock in the afternoon, this Wang Zhiqiang has not come out since he entered the community. "

Koyanagi: They have also blocked the back door of the community.

Zhou Xun nodded and came to the car behind.

In the car, Guan Hongfeng, Ling Fei, Zhao Xincheng and other police officers were already fully armed.

Zhao Xincheng saw that Zhou Xun didn't even wear a piece of body armor, and asked a little uneasily:

"Old Zhou, wear a body armor!"

After speaking, Zhao Xincheng handed over the body armor.

Zhou Xun waved his hand, signaling that he didn't need to.

"Team Zhou, this Wang Zhiqiang is a well-known middleman on the road.

"And the other party has complex social relations, and it is very likely that there are guns hidden in the house and wearing safety points.

Zhou Shutong added.

"No, you can't dodge bullets with this thing. Everyone

saw that Zhou Xun insisted on not wearing it, and they no longer insisted.

At this time, Officer Cui had already explained to the staff of the property in the community, asking them to quickly evacuate the crowd on the floor where Wang Zhiqiang was.

Ten minutes later, the operation officially began.

The group arrived at the door of Wang Zhiqiang's house.

Ling Fei knocked on the door and said to the house:

"Hello, property, we have received a notice from the owner that there is a problem with the power supply system. "

Let's check!" The

deep voice of a middle-aged man came from inside the house:

"I have no problem here!" "

That's right, if there is a problem with the power supply system, the distribution box is easy to short-circuit and burn out, and the power will go out.

"We're here to prevent it from happening!"

"Okay, you'd better hurry.

Not long after the middle-aged man's words fell, the door "clicked" and opened a crack.

Ling Fei slammed the door open in an instant.

Then, grab the opponent's right arm and press it to the ground.

The middle-aged man struggled desperately, but he felt that Ling Fei's hands were like vices, holding him down and unable to move.

At the same time that Ling Fei slammed the door open, Zhou Xun led people to rush in.

Subdued another middle-aged man on the couch in the room.

The rest of the officers searched the bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen, but found no third person.

After escorting the two back into the police car, the rest of the officers began to search the house.

Ling Fei saw several bottles of beer and a few plates of appetizers on the table in the living room.

There are also a dozen empty wine bottles under the table.

Soon, the search was over.

"Team Zhou, found a mountain knife and two daggers and 1.2 million cash.

Zhou Xun nodded, and then said to everyone:



In the interrogation room, Wang Zhiqiang insisted that he was drinking at home with his friend and did not know Guo Can.

Another middle-aged man looked calm, he was a businessman, and he had never done anything illegal or criminal.

He believed that the police would soon release him after the investigation was clear.

At this time, Wang Yu came over and said to Zhou Xun:

"Team Zhou, the cash found in Wang Zhiqiang's house, of which 200,000 is serialized. "

It is consistent with the Huaxia coin number that Guo Can took from the bank. Immediately

afterwards, Wang Yu handed Zhou Xun a mobile phone.

"This mobile phone belongs to Wang Zhiqiang, and someone sent a message half an hour ago. "

Zhou Xun clicked on it and took a look:

Huang Zhiqiang, I have already killed the target, when will I settle the payment?"

Okay, give this evidence to Lao Li, see if this grandson is still hard-mouthed. "

Okay, Team Zhou.

In the face of ironclad evidence, Wang Zhiqiang quickly relented and admitted his crimes.

"Wang Zhiqiang, we need you to actively cooperate with us to catch this killer.

"If you cooperate actively, you can get leniency.

"Okay, comrade policeman, I will cooperate as you want me to cooperate. Wang

Zhiqiang knew that he could no longer escape the punishment of the law, so it was better to cooperate with the police and strive for leniency.

Zhou Xun walked in, handed the phone to

the other party, and said, "Call that killer and lure the other party out on the pretext of giving him cash."

Wang Zhiqiang kept nodding his head to show that he understood.

Wang Zhiqiang dialed over, and after two rings, it was connected.

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