Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 288 Suppression Anger Progress

Ever since, then Shinji felt the horror of the super power attribute elves.

Dragon King Scorpion, prepare to fight.

Kyuubi, who has mastered superpowers, was defeated so easily, so Shinji chose the dragon king scorpion with evil attributes.

Speed, Missile Needle!


As soon as he appeared on the stage, taking advantage of the opportunity when the opponent's super power could not take effect on him, Dragon King Scorpion raised two large pincers, and fired countless missile needles, covering Hu Di in it like covering the sky and covering the sun.

Need power.

With a thought in Hu Di's mind, all the missile needles stopped moving and floated in the air, then they all turned around and flew towards the Dragon King Scorpion.

Ambush the vital point!

At this time, the Dragon King Scorpion, which had been secretly acupointed and increased its speed, flashed rapidly. After dodging the attack, it flashed to Hu Di's side, and the two large pincers fell rapidly.


However, the moment before the attack hit, Hu Di immediately moved to the distance in an instant, opened and closed his eyes, and a strange purple light fell on the body of Dragon King Scorpion.

Miracle Eye, it can hit the moves that have no effect on the evil-type Pokémon, and can also break the opponent's fake body.

The moment he saw the Eye of Miracle activated, a strong sense of crisis appeared in Shinji's heart, and he said quickly:

Quickly dig a hole!


The Dragon King Scorpion, who was well aware of the opponent's strength, bent down, dug a hole and disappeared on the field without any hesitation.

Look for it and grab it out.

Nazi who had entered the state said coldly.

Hu Di~

The light in Hu Di's eyes became even brighter, and his mental power frantically flocked to the ground, looking for the location of the Dragon King Scorpion.


Before Hu Di could find it successfully, the ground beneath him burst open, and the Dragon King Scorpion's three dark-colored pincers pinched towards Hu Di.


After Hu Di's body became distorted, he teleported again and disappeared, and the next moment he appeared behind Dragon King Scorpion.


Suddenly, the dragon king scorpion who was aware of it twisted 180° to look at Hu Di, and a strong toxin rose from under him and invaded Hu Di's body.


The poison brought pain to Hu Di, and even Na Zi, who felt the same way, had a look of pain on her face.

But then, coldness and anger appeared in the eyes of the two.

Endless thoughts surged crazily, and in an instant, the Dragon King Scorpion, who had been seen through by the Miracle Eye, was restrained into immobility, and even breathing became extremely difficult.


Shinji yelled, but Dragon King Scorpion didn't move at all except for a more painful expression on his face.

How could the Dragon King Scorpion, which couldn't even cry out in pain, be able to roar loudly?

But it was such a situation that made Dragon King Scorpion feel angry and endlessly unwilling.

Since its birth, it has already suffered countless setbacks, and it is normal to lose a battle, but it has never had a battle, let alone struggle, and even has no ability to scream.

The opponent can easily defeat him, why should he slowly defeat him like this?


This is insulting!

Burning with anger, Dragon King Scorpion's eyes glowed red, staring at Hu Di not far away.

It seemed to be motionless, but it was actually struggling with all its strength.


Just like that, time passed slowly, and an angry roar shot up to the sky. The Dragon King Scorpion, who tried his best, broke through the suppression of his thoughts, and launched a loud roar attack with all his strength.

Although the attack was blocked by the mental power barrier created by Hu Di, he was not suppressed to death after all, breaking through his original strength and roaring.

Do your best.

After taking back the Dragon King Scorpion, Shinji comforted him.

Failure is normal. In the case of a big difference in strength, Hu Di with super power attributes is several times more difficult to deal with than Sirona's biting land shark.

Because... superpowers, only when the gap is too big will superpowers appear so incomprehensible.

For the failure, Shinji had expected that this battle was not so much a battle as it was a training, suppressing explosive training.

Immediately, Shinji took out another Poké Ball and threw it.

Bite the land shark and prepare to fight!


As soon as he appeared on the stage, Bite Lu Shark had not had time to turn on the bloodline mode, or even had time to see the situation clearly, when he was overwhelmed by a powerful force of thought and couldn't move.

As soon as Lie Bite Lu Sha looked up, there was an unknown woman and a weird old fox, both of them looked at it with blue light in their eyes.

That gaze was like looking at ants and garbage, which immediately made Lie Bite Lu Sha feel unhappy and angry.

The eyes are red, and the blood mode is activated!

Before attacking, Biting Lu Shark had already entered a blood rage.

Stimulate all your strength.

Shinji said.


Bite Lusha put his hands on the ground and tried to get up, but before it could get up a few centimeters, a stronger force suppressed it on the ground, and the force became stronger and stronger.

After repeating this several times, Bite Lu Shark's anger is full.

Suddenly, a touch of purple appeared on Hu Di's body.

Toxic, attack!

It was no longer the first attack of the poison that made Hu Di no longer calm down, and the pain weakened the power he released.


It was this point that allowed Lie Bite Lu Shark, who was staring at it, to seize the opportunity.

All the murderous aura rushed out from Hu Di, and all the power in his body exploded in an instant. A white light suddenly appeared, and the phantom of a giant dragon floated on his body.

Psychic thoughts!

Hu Di made a move with both hands, and the surrounding spoons stood in front of him, and the powerful mind was attached to the spoon. This shield seemed indestructible, and immediately blocked the dragon.

Despite the dragon's ravages, this shield is still unbreakable.

Gradually, the power of the giant dragon was lacking, gradually revealing the super biting land shark.

Dragon wave, tornado!

Super Bite Land Shark resolutely stopped attacking, and flew to a higher place with a movement of the body. The wave of the dragon in the mouth hit Hu Di from outside the shield range, and then set off a tornado to engulf Hu Di.

The wave of the dragon successfully hit, causing some damage to Hu Di. Combined with the power of the poison, Hu Di's physical strength is not much at this moment.

It seems that it can be defeated directly by delaying for a while or hitting one or two attacks.

It's a pity that Hu Di disappeared in the tornado as soon as he used the teleportation without waiting for Lie Bite Lu Shark to pursue him.

After appearing in the distance, Hu Di was not in a hurry to pursue, a white light flashed on his body, and the self-regeneration activated to instantly heal most of the injuries and physical strength.

Go all out.

The bloody murderous aura on Lie Bite Lu Shark's body was too meditative, even if he dug a hole and hid in the ground, it was difficult to hide, so he had to fight with all his strength while his opponent recovered.


Amidst the roar of the dragon, Bite Lu Shark's multiple moves were perfectly integrated, turning into a dark blue dragon and pounced on Hu Di again.

With the help of Dragon Dance's increase, this time the offensive was a bit stronger than before.

However, this time, Hu Di and Na Zi no longer fought head-on with Lie Bite Lu Shark, they just teleported and disappeared from its attacking route, appearing on the other side of the field.

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