Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 287: Nazi


Without waiting for Shinji's reaction, the door in front of him opened by itself, revealing an empty battlefield.

At the end of the interior of the room is a woman sitting on a special throne.

The woman was wearing a red windbreaker, with a delicate face under the long dark green hair, but her complexion was a little cold, holding a lithe elf in the shape of a purple cat in her arms, with a forked tail and a ruby ​​embedded in her forehead.

It was Nazi and her Sun Ibrahimovic.

When Shinji walked into it, Nazi, who was gently following the hair for Taiyang Ibrahimovic, looked at the former.

Miss Nazi, I'm Shinji from Curtain City, and I'm here to visit and challenge you.

Shinji walked into it and looked up at Nazi in the distance.

Nazi patted Sun Ibrahimovic's back lightly.


Taiyo Eevee yawned lazily like a kitten, jumped off Nazi after stretching his body, stood beside her on the ground, and looked at Shinji with casual eyes.

Well, I've been waiting for you for a long time.

Saying that, Nazi slowly got up, and then disappeared in place together with Sun Ibrahimovic, and appeared on the other side of the field in the next moment.

His expression was no longer as cold as before, and he smiled like a glacier melted by flames.

wait for me?

A trace of doubt flashed in Shinji's eyes.

Although I made an appointment for the battle, it seems inappropriate to wait for a long time to use it here.

He was very clear that he and Nazi had never met before.

Dad said you are special, and I think you are special too.

Nazu looked at Shinji seriously, her eyes seemed to be shining with some kind of light, and she continued:

The moment you approached the Golden City, I felt the specialness of your existence. Even Chi Hong and Xiaozhi didn't make me feel this way.


Shinji was silent.

He was special himself, he knew that.

Traveler, Emrido Chosen One, mastering the power of yoga... Barely considered Arceus' Chosen One.

Although some of these identities are not on the stage, but combined, it may be a special reason.

But... the chosen one of Arceus only had it after traveling, and the self who met Nazi's father before was just a time traveler.

Could it be that because I am a time traveler, my soul strength is high? Have a powerful supernatural talent?

Can't it?

Anyway, he couldn't think clearly.

Come out, Hu Di.

Nazi didn't care about Shinji's strange behavior, and a poke ball appeared out of nowhere and flew out of her hand.

Hu Di~

After the poke ball was opened, a yellow fox-like elf in brown armor appeared on the ground, holding a spoon in each of its hands.

Just release your elf, I will do my best.

As she spoke, a bright blue light shone in Na Zi's eyes, and a terrifying power of thought swept out, and instantly reached a certain link with Hu Di who was connected with her heart, and then white light shone on Hu Di.

Mega evolution!

After super evolution, the armor part of Hu Di's body turned into a purple robe. A red crystal appeared in the center of his forehead, and his long yellow beard had turned into a huge pale beard.

Putting the two feet together, and using superpowers to float in the air, the number of spoons has increased to five, which are no longer held in the hands, but are lifted in the air by superpowers.

On the whole, it looks like a well-educated mage and Taoist priest.

The super-evolved Hu Di gained the release of real strength at the expense of his muscles, his body became thinner, and his strong spiritual energy overflowed from his forehead to the surroundings.

It is different from the autonomous super-evolution developed step by step by biting the land shark through the blood recovery model.

Hu Di's super-evolution is because Nazi analyzed and imitated the super-evolution process with her powerful superpower talent, so she was able to directly let Hu Di perform super-evolution without relying on the power of keystones and super-evolution stones.

In essence, one is relying on oneself, and the other needs a trainer. Compared with ordinary super evolution, the latter only omits the props needed for super evolution.


Hu Di quietly floated in the air, his spirit resonated with Nazi, and his power was shared and amplified.

This strength...

Shinji looked at Hu Di seriously.

With Nazi's increase, Hu Di, who was already close to the champion's strength, has already surpassed the average champion at this moment. Even Sirona's fierce bite of the land shark may not be able to win against Hu Di.

On the eve of coming to the Golden Gym, Shinji exchanged his elves and chose the six most suitable for challenging the Gym.

Nine Tails, prepare to fight!

After thinking for a while, Shinji took out the Poké Ball and threw it out.


Kyuubi's slender body landed on the ground, proudly looking up at the opponent.

Nazi said coldly: Mental thoughts!



The next moment, Hu Di's eyes shone brightly, and the power of terrifying thought was pressed down. In just an instant, the arrogance of Nine Tails was completely shattered, and he lay on the ground in embarrassment, howling, even Nine Tails were pressed down on the ground Can't move.

When the opponent is strong and still does not let go of water at all, the super power attribute spirit is much stronger than the other attribute spirit.

Fixation method!

Shinji said quickly.

Kyuubi lay on the ground and tried to open his eyes, enduring the pain and using the body fixation technique, strange energy rushed towards Hu Di.

Attack hit!

In other words, Hu Di didn't dodge or block at all.

The body-holding technique hits, but Jiuwei's situation still hasn't improved in the slightest. The mental force is locked, but Hu Di directly and seamlessly connects the force of thought, and forcibly suppresses Jiuwei.


Under Hu Di's absolute super power, Kyuubi felt that every pore in his body was suffocating, every bone was trembling and screaming, the pain was incomparable!

It can be said that it is not difficult for Hu Di to deal with Nine Tails, but he is not in a hurry to solve it, like boiling a frog in warm water, it will continue to cause higher damage to Nine Tails.

Facing the powerful super-powered elf, the super-power that Kyuubi was proud of completely failed. No matter how it used its supernatural power to resist, it still lay on the ground, unable to move.

At this time, Shinji's voice came.

Big characters burst into flames!


Kyuubi decisively gathered all his strength in his mouth, the flames of his body ignited and entered the state of ignition, and finally a flame that gathered all his strength burst out.

The scorching flames flew out in the shape of big, like a little light blooming in the dark night.

But under Nazi's words and Hu Di's super power, they were instantly shattered.

Spiritual shock.

After Na Zi finished speaking, a substantial impact gushed out from Hu Di's body, dissipating the explosive flames of the big characters in an instant, blooming like fireworks.


The sound of an explosion caused Nine Tails to fall into a brief stupor, which turned into a more violent struggle.


Under the absolute super power suppression, Nine Tails struggled non-stop, trying to ignite the super power and fire power as fuel, and burst out of power to break away from the bondage.

Time and time again, the bright flame was finally extinguished.

The blue light in Hu Di's eyes subsided, his thoughts stopped releasing, and Nine-Tails also lay motionless on the floor.


After taking Kyuubi back, a sentence appeared in Shinji's mind——

In the face of absolute absolute power, all conspiracies and tricks are useless. If they are useful, it means that the power is not strong enough to be absolute.

Nazi and Hu Di may not be the opponents of Sirona and Biting Land Shark, but the former is definitely easier than the latter to deal with elves below the champion level.

There is no need to move, and the super power of the crushing level is enough to crush the opponent.

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