Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 289 A Breakthrough Under Repression, Heavenly King

Spirit transfer!

Accompanied by Nazi's icy voice at this moment, Hu Di aroused mysterious power to hint.

Using the power of the skill, the poison in the body was directly transferred to the biting land shark that failed to attack, and then the self-regeneration was activated again, and Hu Di almost returned to a full state.


The two bursts of biting the land shark consumed a lot of physical strength, and the poison transferred into the body also began to erode its little physical strength.

Suppress it!

As if seeing this, the light in Na Zi's eyes became brighter, she increased the boost to Hu Di, and gave an order.

Hu Di~

A faint sound sounded, and the biting Lu Shark, which consumed a lot of power, was suppressed to the ground by Hu Di with all his strength.

At this moment, the biting land shark is not only in a super-evolved form, but also has multiple buffs on its body. It is difficult for Hu Di to suppress it as perfectly as the Dragon King Scorpion, so he can only let it roar and roar under the power of thought.

Under such suppression, the red light in Lie Bite Lu Shark's eyes became brighter and brighter, his blood and murderous aura broke through the original limit, and the deeper power in his body was constantly stimulated and stimulated by it.


With the last roar, the biting land shark broke free from the shackles and made a final impact on Hu Di.

It's a pity that as soon as the teleportation was activated, Hu Di disappeared in front of Lie Bite Lu Shark. Even though the latter kept changing directions to attack, he still couldn't keep up with Hu Di's speed, and finally fell to the ground exhausted.


In a battle, it seemed that Biting Land Shark had been played for a long time, but in fact, its strength had achieved a breakthrough, and it was generally only a thin line away from the Heavenly King level with the electric shock monster and the earth turtle.

After taking back the biting land shark, Shinji threw out his fourth Poké Ball.

Taitai Turtle, get ready to fight!


The gigantic body of the platform turtle landed on the field, and it took root and grew instantly. At the same time, the small sun created by the sunny day made the whole field look like daytime.

Sun beam!

After the preparations were completed, a beam of sunlight shot out from the mouth of the tortoise on the earth platform.

Psychic thoughts, shadow ball.

Shinji's information, Nazi, has naturally known it. It's okay for the other elves to help suppress and stimulate the potential, but the earth turtle is fine.

This turtle is too fleshy, the more you beat it, the more fleshy it will become.

Instantly moving to dodge the attack, Hu Di's spiritual power exploded instantly, and the terrifying thought power suppressed the platform turtle so hard to move, and then raised his hand, one after another, shadow balls condensed out and smashed towards the platform turtle.

The whole scene was like a hail of bullets, and the ground was washed away by artillery fire.

Hold on!


The powerful moves of the champion-level elves have never seen the scene of the tortoise smashing indiscriminately. Almost at the same time as Shinji's words fell, the tortoise appeared around the body with all his strength under the mental suppression.

It's a pity that it would be fine if it was just a simple attack. With so many shadow balls combined with the suppression of mental strong thoughts, the protective cover was broken in less than two seconds, and all subsequent attacks fell on the earth turtle.


After a round of explosions, the earth platform turtle lay motionless on the ground, and the deep unwillingness of the earth platform turtle was revealed in the eyes that were still open.

It has never been so suppressed since following Shinji.

Even Sirona's Bite Land Shark was defeated only after inflicting damage on it.

Now, don't you even have the ability to touch each other?

This unwillingness fermented in the heart of the Tutai Turtle, and a rich green light suddenly shone on its body, enveloping the entire elf in it.

Lush, start!

Although Mao Sheng's power is weak, but for the Turtle Turtle at this moment, it is like the dew after a long time.

Under the emotion of unwillingness, this power was infinitely magnified, and the power in the body burst out instantly, breaking through the shackles that had been blocked for a long time.

Level breakthrough!

King class!

Very good, Crazy Plant!

The brand-new power allowed the Turtle to stand up from the ground successfully, and the endless hardened plants around it broke through the ground, turning the whole site into a world of plants. Under the control of the Turtle, all the plants attacked the Hudi.

Spiritual Blade.

The spoons around Hu Di's body glowed purple, and they swung like swords. Suddenly, countless spiritual blades slashed in all directions like a storm.

Wherever it passes, the plants split into two in an instant, and they can't get close to the ground.


The sound of the wind gradually picked up, and a storm formed by green leaves hit, completely covering Hudi, but within a moment, it was easily chopped into pieces by the spiritual blade.

Afterwards, the attack never stopped, and the sun beams, crazy plants, flying leaf storms, and magic leaves took turns to fight without a moment's rest, and in turn suppressed Hu Di so that it was difficult to move.

Although Hu Di is strong, high explosiveness also consumes mental and physical strength. Even with Na Zi's off-court assistance, he still feels a headache.

Okay, let's end it.

Nazi's icy voice sounded, and an abyss-like aura appeared on Hu Di's body. The terrifying power of thought directly turned into a storm and tore everything around him to pieces, engulfing the tortoise in the storm and continuously hurting it.

At the same time, the soup spoon keeps making spiritual blades and pouring them into it.

The Tutai Turtle did not admit defeat, and held on to cooperate with the release of multiple abilities such as photosynthesis, forest healing, and rooting, and worked hard to survive the storm.

After resisting for a long time, it took Hu Di a lot of physical and mental strength before the Tutai Turtle fell to the ground.

It is conceivable that if the strength of the two is not much different, it should not be so difficult for Tutaigui to defeat Hu Di.

Good job, come back.

Although defeated, it is good to have a breakthrough.

Shinji was in a good mood and took back the elf, and threw out the fifth elf ball——

Electric shock monster, thunder!

Ah Kelu~

As soon as he appeared on the stage, the lightning from the Electroshock Monster burst out, and the sky filled with lightning fell to Hudi.

However, in this regard, Hu Di Jingjing just propped up a shield and successfully blocked the attack.

But then there was a flash of lightning in front of his eyes, and the figure of the electric shock monster appeared in front of him, and a fist bigger than a casserole bombarded him.

Spatial fluctuations emerged, and Woody disappeared in front of his eyes in an instant, successfully dodging the Plasma Lightning Fist that had just started from the Electric Shock Monster.

The monster was not discouraged when it failed to hit the electric shock. The thunder and lightning surged on its body even more intensely, and rushed towards the place where Hu Di appeared at a faster speed again.

At an increasingly powerful speed, Hu Di had just appeared, and the next moment the electric shock monster rushed to his side and waved his fist, which made Hu Di feel a little pressure.

Psychic thoughts!

Feeling a little aggrieved, Hu Di and Na Zi no longer tolerated it. After blocking the plasma lightning fist with a spoon as a shield, they successfully grabbed the electric shock monster and knocked it to the ground.


Just after receiving the attack, the moment the Electric Shock Beast raised its head, what caught its eye was the hypnotic wave floating from Hu Di's eyes.

Although the electric monster reacted quickly and immediately blocked it with mental force, it was still forcefully hypnotized by Hu Di's strong breakthrough and fell to the ground.

Eating dreams.

Hu Di floated to the top of the sleeping electric monster, and a strange purple light fell on it, and began to dream-eating the latter.

It's just that this eating dream is not a normal eating dream. It is mixed with a lot of nightmares that arouse the opponent's anger, so that the sleeping electric monster can't help but grit its teeth and clenched its fists.

In fact, this is a different kind of training, don't treat it as a battle

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