Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 286 Love from Brother

Shinji, do your elves always get along like this? It's really... unique.

Ahida said something awkwardly without losing a smile.

Just after a match, I couldn't help but practice more. Is this your confidence to play in the gym? It seems that we are still too lax.

Cucumber Xiang looked up at the strange and tumbling clouds in the distance, looked solemnly at the young Shinji in front of him, took out the symbol of perseverance and handed it to Shinji, and said solemnly:

This is a symbol of perseverance. Perseverance is indispensable on the road to becoming stronger. Maybe I need to learn from you. Please keep it up!

Yes, thank you.

Shinji, who took the symbol, looked it over carefully, put it in his pocket, and thanked him.

Which open mind do you plan to challenge first? Do you want to challenge Hills against the dome, Yukang against the palace, or Xiaojiu against the water pipe? I can help arrange it in advance.

Ahida asked proactively.

The battle dome was built near Pokémon Hollywood, the battle palace was built on Metal Island, and the battle water pipe was built near Light Red City. These three cities are the closest to Shinji.

(Hollywood is an animation location. It is located near Zhenxin Town and has been in a recession. It is not the same as Pokémon Hollywood here.)

As for why not challenge Lila?

The location of the battle tower is already near the junction of the Kanto area and the Chengdu area. The distance is quite far. Who would want to take such a long way to challenge first?

Sills or Yu Kang.

Shinji said casually.

The places where these two trainers are located are located near the target location in their plan. It doesn't matter which one you challenge first. It depends on the specific situation.

He has more important things to do now.

They're all pretty good. Hills is a rising star, and Yukang is a powerful veteran trainer. They're both good choices. I'll greet them in advance and let them get ready.

Ahida said.

I'm leaving.

Shinji was noncommittal, nodded and turned away from the battle arena under the different eyes of everyone.

He has already made a plan for this trip, and the next stop is the nearby Gold City, to visit one of the world's Kanto Four Heavenly Kings, the strongest superpower for thousands of years, and the trainer of the Golden Gym - Nazi .

If this world is an animation world, he will never get close to the gold market until he reaches the champion strength. After all, the superpowers in the Wuyin period belong to the unsolvable level.

Whether it's Nazi who can shrink people into dolls, or Chaomeng who can easily change the weather and create huge waves and natural disasters, they are so incomprehensible. If you go there rashly, no one knows what that Nazi will do.

But in this world, Nazi is still a normal person, she has not fallen into a period of autism, and superpowers are still within the scope of understanding, at least her life safety is guaranteed if she goes there.

The purpose of going there is simple, challenge and learn.

The distance was not too far, and Shinji didn't call out to the two elves fighting above his head, but walked towards the gold market by himself.

About twenty minutes later, an ice sculpture fell like a meteor, and hit Shinji not far in front of him at an extremely fast speed, and it was embedded in the ground in a blink of an eye.


With the sound of ice breaking, the ice sculpture was torn apart, and the biting land shark with a bruised nose and a swollen face got out of the ice sculpture. After shaking his body for a while, he fell to the ground and fell into a coma.


Shinji watched the scene silently, took out the Poké Ball and released the Turtle.


Looking at the biting land shark in front of him, Tutaigui couldn't help smacking his lips, beat the child like this, what should I do if I'm stupid~ What~

Shinji: Help it heal.


The earth turtle silently launched the forest treatment, and the green fluorescent light from the big tree on its back fell on the biting land shark and blended into it, so as to heal its pain and restore its strength a little bit.

Ah Kelu~

At this time, the electric shock monster also fell from the sky, grinning and helped the awakened biting land shark up.

Are you comfortable playing?

Shinji raised his head and looked at the electric shock beast, his face expressionless.

Ah~ Ke...

Looking at the expression of his own trainer, the original arrogance of the electric shock monster disappeared, and he always felt inexplicably guilty.

Next time, be careful and light.

Said lightly, Shinji took out the good wound medicine from the backpack and sprayed it on some of the more severely injured places of Lie Bite Lu Shark to speed up the healing.

Ah Kelu~

After hearing the words, the electric shock monster nodded obediently as if suddenly realized.

Just now I thought that Shinji was carrying an earthen turtle, and there were berries and wound medicine in his backpack, and the love he gave to the biting land shark was accidentally too heavy.

Be more careful in the future.

Shinji didn't say any more, took out the poke ball to take back the three pokemon, and then continued to walk towards the gold market.

golden city

Golden is the color of shining gold

As the most prosperous city in the Kanto area, as soon as you enter the Gold City, you will see countless high-rise buildings, and the streets are full of pedestrians.

When traveling with Leisi in the past, Shinji followed Leisi to Golden City once, but he didn't meet Nazi in the gym at that time, and Leisi's badge was also obtained from Nazi's father.

Now revisiting the old place, Shinji still remembers the location of the Golden Gym.

However, he was not in a hurry to visit. After resting with the elves at the elf center for a day and making an appointment online, Shinji went to the Golden Gym the next day.

The gate of the gymnasium was not blocked, and after knocking on the door, Shinji was led into it by the super-powered apprentice inside.

The appearance of the Golden Gymnasium is quite trendy and unique, but the interior looks quaint and gloomy. Walking in it feels like a ghost castle.

In some rooms in the outermost area of ​​the gymnasium, many men and women gathered together, practicing superpowers with a spoon in their hands, and some of them could easily control objects with their thoughts.

How about it? It's amazing. Thanks to Miss Nazi's teaching, everyone can master the mysterious super power.

Seeing Shinji looking at the superpowers, the apprentice leading the way couldn't help saying proudly.

Whether in the otherworldly or in the real world, people have always been fascinated by the power they possess.

Although elves can be very powerful, that power does not belong to them after all. It is for this reason that some people seek to possess mysterious supernatural power.

Although at a certain level, as long as fighters train hard to become stronger, they can defeat many powerful elves, but that kind of ability is not as fascinating as supernatural power in the true sense.

There are thousands of abilities, among which the supernatural power that is easiest for people to master is naturally superpowers.

But having said that, the threshold for learning superpowers is not low. Most people don't have much talent, and maybe they can't bend a spoon after practicing for three to five years.

How strong is the strongest superpower in the gym other than Nazi's family?

Shinji did not respond to the apprentice, but curiously asked another thing.

The elves of ordinary trainers should be able to defeat them, right?

The apprentice said with some uncertainty.

I see.

Shinji nodded.

The elves of ordinary trainers can't survive the elite level, but now he can defeat the elite level elves with bare hands.

From this point of view, the threshold for superpower learning is still quite high, and different talents vary greatly.

It's a pity that I didn't ask Nazi's father about my talent, nor did I learn any superpower training methods.

Miss Nazi is inside.

After a while, the apprentice led Shinji to a gate, bowed slightly and left.

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