Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 285 Energy Storage Mega Evolution

Come back, Iron Palm Lux, you've done a good job.

Cucumber Xiang took back the iron palm warrior, looked at Charem behind him, and said seriously, I'll leave it to you, Charem.


Charem stepped forward slowly, and made a fighting stance.


A deep and angry voice sounded, and Lie Bite Lu Sha slowly raised his head, his red eyes locked onto Charem.

In an instant, endless killing intent rushed towards Charem, making him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his body and mind were icy cold.


The frightened Charem couldn't help taking a step back. It didn't know why the biting land shark, which was still normal just now, would be so violent at the moment.

What happened to biting the land shark?

Shinji is well aware of this.


The current situation of biting the land shark is somewhat similar to the fireball mouse that was just subdued by Xiaozhi in the animation.

It takes some time to continue the power in the fireball and mouse battle to launch the flame jet.

Although Bite Land Shark has not fully mastered the method of autonomous super-evolution, it can continue to accumulate murderous aura and energy by opening the bloodline mode to fight.

When it's about the same time, you can explode super-evolution on your own!

And now, the time has come!



With the sound of a dragon chant, Lie Bite Lu Shark's standing upright body began to super-evolve with white light, and his hands turned into blood scythes shining with green light.

Red and blue rays of light shone on the body that had become strong, and the whole elf turned into a dragon and rushed towards Charem.

Although Cucumber Xiang was surprised, she was not too stunned to command, and hurriedly shouted:

Charem, quickly use See Through!


The voice of the trainer awakened Charem from his stupor, and when the blue light in his eyes flashed, he immediately launched a move to see through the action trajectory of the biting land shark. His body bent slightly and erupted suddenly, passing the latter.

As soon as he dodged the move, Charem twisted his feet and adjusted his direction to bite the land shark, then jumped up suddenly and kicked away.

The timing of Charem's attack was ingenious, but Liebite Land Shark had already noticed all of this with its powerful fighting instinct.


Just when the move was about to hit, Lie Bite Lu Sha twisted his body, and the shining green tail was thrown out and collided with Charem.

Dragon Tail!


The two attacks collided together, and Charem flew out the same way, rolled around in the air, adjusted his posture and landed smoothly.

He raised his head one by one, aiming to bite Lu Shark's scarlet dragon eyes which were close at hand.


Biting Lusa's ferocious smile, the two sickles slashed down alternately.

Psychic thoughts, see through!

The light in Charem's eyes was shining, and his thoughts surged to block the biting land shark's movement, and at the same time, he lowered his body and jumped back.

But in the next second, a dragon-shaped wave swallowed him into his mouth.


With the sound of an explosion, Charem's body was thrown out.

Biting the land shark dragon's dive followed by flying it up again, its body flashed and then appeared above Charem, and the dragon claws of both hands fell at the same time.


In an instant, Charem turned into a bomb version and fell to the ground, followed by the body of the biting land shark.


The wind and waves blew in all directions, biting the land shark and stepping on Charem. Two sickles rested on his neck to control his figure.

Charem loses his ability to fight, Shinji wins!

announced the referee.


As a result, just after the verdict was pronounced, Super Biting Lu Shark exited the super evolution with a flash of white light on his body, bent slightly and began to pant heavily.

In addition to the need to accumulate anger, killing intent and energy, the current autonomous super-evolution ability also has an important flaw——

Perhaps it is because there is no trainer and fetters, resulting in more energy-intensive self-evolution, which cannot be maintained for a long time for the time being.

...Come back, Charem, you've done a good job.

Cucumber Xiang took out the elf ball and took Charem back, her face inevitably a little frustrated.

As an open mind, I am strong, but I was kicked by a challenger with a weaker elf level than myself, and I was kicked with only one elf, which made me feel a little embarrassed.


After resting for a few seconds, Lie Bite Lu Sha walked back to Shinji. He wanted to ask for some compliments, but before the compliments came, he was hit by the electric shock beast.

Ah Kelu~

Any idea what's wrong?

The electric shock monster looked seriously at Lie Bite Lu Shark, who was taller than him, but the latter didn't dare fart, and looked at his elder brother like a wronged baby, as if asking what was wrong with him.


have no idea?

You tell me you don’t know?

You are very proud of winning.

You think you are amazing, don't you...

Every time he said a word, the electric shock monster would bite Lu Shark's head fiercely, and slowly stopped attacking until he found that his hands were a little swollen.

This weird scene made it impossible for Yashida, who wanted to come up to say a few words of greeting, and Cucumber Xiang, who wanted to present a symbol of perseverance.

If you won the battle outside the team, you will be criticized when you return to the team?

How do elves get along like this in the team?


After being beaten for a long time, biting Lu Shark was still a little confused.

It couldn't figure out what's wrong with it, it had to dodge the attack, and it accumulated strength to successfully super-evolve once.

It's so stupid, it still has to be scolded?

Attack, your offensive is wrong, too many useless attacks, and you haven't learned the essence of the Great Sword Ghost.

Shinji couldn't stand it anymore, so he took the initiative to make a point.

Ah Kelu~

Dengeki Warcraft glanced at Shinji appreciatively, and nodded approvingly with folded hands.

Leaving aside the results of the battle, some operations in the battle of Biting Land Shark are simply relying on defense in the eyes of Dengeki Warcraft.

When using the dragon claws to attack the iron palm wrestler frantically, he even kept attacking the iron palm who had the most powerful defense and attack, and then he couldn't attack for a long time, but was seen through by him and got a chance to counterattack.

If the Great Sword Demon or the Electric Shock Beast entered the field and suppressed the opponent, they would definitely not bombard them with iron palms, but move their bodies and turn around to attack the target.

Not to mention attacking the back and side of the iron palm wrestler, but at least attack the parts that are not protected by the iron palm, such as the legs that are difficult to defend?

It can be said that it's a good thing that the iron palm wrestler didn't use the belly drum. If he had used the belly drum, the winning rate would be slim based on Lie Bite Lu Shark's operation just now.


Lie Bite Lu Sha heard the words, instantly understood, and lowered his head in shame.

Ah Kelu~

Does shame work? Guys who remember eating but not hitting, I will practice with you today.

As for the biting land shark, the electric shock monster immediately grabbed the former's tail and dragged it out of the arena, and the electromagnetic force surged under its feet and flew towards the sky and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Although the electric attribute cannot cause effective damage to the biting land shark, with its terrifying speed, it is not a problem for the electric shock monster to defeat it.

After the two elves left, everyone around them came to their senses.

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