Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 284 Biting Land Shark VS Iron Palm Lux

It's decided, Iron Palm Warrior, you go first!

Cucumber Xiang took the lead in deciding the elf for the battle.

The venue of the battle arena is relatively small, and there is an invisible restriction on the fast elves. The iron palm wrestler known for his strength will definitely open up the situation if he steps forward.

The iron palm wrestler also walked forward imposingly, with two huge iron palms ready to go.

Bite the land shark and prepare to fight.

Not surprisingly, Shinji made his own decision.

Ah Kelu~

Come on, don't lose face to my uncle, fuck him to death!

The electric shock monster grinned and patted Liebite Lu Shark on the shoulder, giving him encouragement.


Biting Lu Sha nodded slightly and jumped in front of Shinji.

ready, go!

As soon as the referee finished speaking, the eyes that bit Lu Shark suddenly changed, the original relaxed smile instantly subsided into endless cold killing intent, traces of blood floated around him, and the terrifying Longwei surged around.

Bloodline, revive!


With Shinji's order, Lie Bite Lu Shark, who had already locked onto Iron Palm Lux, charged with a blue light shining on his body.

Reverse Scale, Dragon's Dive!

The two moves are perfectly integrated.

True Qi Fist!

The already stronger iron palm wrestler was not afraid at all. He clenched his two huge fists and greeted Lie Bite Lu Shark.


In just a moment, there was a collision sound, and the two elves actually collided.

The two elves with elf power instantly collided and wrestled with each other.

In terms of strength, Iron Palm Warrior is naturally stronger, but the strength is not enough to combine, and the fierce biting land shark with multiple abilities integrated with each other is not weaker than the former, and even the strength is still suppressed.

Seeing that the power of the move was slightly inferior, Cucumber Xiang said decisively: Adjust your posture and push hard!


The iron palm wrestler suddenly released his strength and retreated, and at the same time pushed his hands up to Lie Bite Lu Shark one by one, blocking most of Lie Bite Lu Shark.

Dance of the Dragon, Dragon Claw!

Seeing that the attack could not cause effective damage to it, Biting Lu Shark didn't foolishly give the opponent a chance. With the strength of the opponent pushing himself, he flipped and flew into the air, and at the same time launched the Dragon Dance to strengthen his strength and speed.


At the moment when the strengthening was completed, with a flick of both hands, it turned into two green light sickles and swooped down, slashing towards the Iron Palm Hercules with the dragon claws interlaced.

Let's talk about the iron palm wrestler.

After Lie Bite Lu Shark broke away from the development and launched the Dragon Dance, Iron Palm Luxembourg also launched bodybuilding enhancements, but obviously, Iron Palm Luxor's bodybuilding speed is not fast, let alone as smooth as Lie Bite Lu Shark.

Therefore, when Lie Bite Lu Shark rushed in front of him, the Iron Palm Warrior was able to complete his bodybuilding and improve his attack and defense.

At such a juncture, with the speed of the iron palm wrestler, naturally he could not dodge, so he could only raise a pair of iron palms to block the front.


The dragon claw fell, and there were two eye-catching scars on the hands of the iron palm warrior.


Before the iron palm wrestler adjusted his posture, the dragon claws that bit Lu Shark slashed down continuously like crazy, forcing the iron palm wrestler to defend.

see through!

All of a sudden, the eyes of Iron Palm Hercules flashed, and he let go of his hands suddenly. With an unimaginable agility, his body dodged the attack of the dragon claws that bit the land shark, and suddenly pushed out with a palm.

Such a sudden attack, if it were an ordinary elf, would have already been hit, but Lie Bite Lu Shark has rich experience in fighting and has already developed a strong adaptability.

The moment the iron palm hit him, his hand suddenly retracted, and the strong wings blocked in front of the iron palm.

The two hands met, and unexpectedly, the iron palm wrestler's palm strength was not strong.

But in the next second, as Cucumber Xiang uttered the word Fa Jin, a huge force suddenly appeared in the hand of the iron palm wrestler and knocked Lie Bite Lu Shark into the air.

Heavy impact.

With a triumphant hit, the iron palm wrestler ignored the pain in his hand and rushed to bite Lu Shark with all his strength.

Dragon Wave!

On the way to fly upside down, he bit Lu Shark's mouth fiercely, and a violent fluctuation landed on Iron Palm Lux first, causing injuries.

But this attack did not interrupt the offensive of the heavy impact, and the iron palm wrestler was still charging.

Get away!

Although the block was unsuccessful, Bite Lu Shark was not a reckless man. After falling to the ground, he jumped five meters high with his feet and wings, and narrowly escaped the heavy impact of the iron palm wrestler. Adjust the posture in time and use the dragon claw to make up two knives.

The inertia of the heavy impact and the strength of the dragon's claws caused the iron palm wrestler to lose his balance and fall to the ground in an instant, exposing his entire back to the biting land shark.

let's go.


In the air, biting Lu Shark's eyes pumped red light, and the killing intent condensed to lock the iron palm warrior, and the green light on his hands suddenly swooped down.

Dragon's Dive, Dragon Claw, and Reverse Scale are three in one!

Iron Palm Warrior, True Qi Fist!

At this critical moment, the iron palm wrestler showed terrifying explosive power and agility. He turned over and faced Lie Bite Lu Shark in just a moment. His two iron palms gave off a strong white light and clenched his fists with his back against the ground to hit Lie Bite Lu Shark. shark.


There was an explosion, and thick smoke billowed and enveloped the two elves together.

Before people can check the internal situation, a gray-blue figure jumped out of it with a backflip.

If it is an ordinary opponent, Lie Bite Lu Shark has naturally solved it, but it is a bit difficult for the iron palm wrestler who has been a bodybuilder at the king level.

Shinji decisively commanded Lie Bite Lu Shark to make up the knife, saying:



Lie Bite Lu Shark did not launch the meteor swarm as he had done before, but directly turned the meteor swarm into energy bombs floating around his body after condensing the energy, and then smashed them all in the direction of the iron palm warrior.

In this way, the attack range of the meteor swarm is reduced, but the falling meteors are more dense, and the damage caused is much higher.

The meteor fell into the smoke, dispersed it and exploded creating another cloud of smoke.

After exhausting one move, Lie Bite Lu Shark stopped chasing and checking the Iron Palm Warrior, but just stared at the smoke from a distance, and the killing intent and deterrence accumulated on his body became stronger and stronger.

If the eyes could kill, the iron palm wrestler would have turned into a pile of dead bones.

The waiting time was not long, and the smoke cleared, revealing the iron palm wrestler lying motionless on the ground.

Iron Hand Luxe loses his ability to fight, bites the land shark and wins!

announced the referee.


Lie Bite Lu Shark won the first battle, but the electric monster who watched the battle couldn't help but shook his head.

It's normal to win, but it feels that Bite Land Shark's performance is not very good.

As long as you change your mind slightly, you can easily crush your opponent to death.

It seems that it has been a long time since I have played against myself seriously, and I will let my younger brother be intimate with myself, and feel the love from my elder brother with all my heart and soul.

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