Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 262 (2) Teleportation, Elle Duo

Psychic thoughts!

Shinji gave an order, and the mental power of the giant metal monster that had been secretly boosted by the power of the universe burst out instantly, and the powerful mental power instantly controlled all the boulders around him.

As soon as his heart moved, all the boulders fell on Bricaron.

Bricaron turned the missile needle slightly and easily crushed all the boulders, but the figure of the golden monster disappeared in front of his eyes.

Shinji said: Mental thoughts!


A cry sounded from the sky, and when Karum looked up, he saw that the golden monster was located directly above Bricaron, and then a beam of thought power gathered together shot out.

Spike defense!

Without thinking too much, Karumu shouted immediately.


Bricaron put his hands together, and the thorny barrier appeared outside his body again, perfectly protecting himself in it.


The mental strong attack fell, but still did not break through the protective cover.

Seeing this scene, Shinji just spit out two words coldly:


The next moment, a terrifying thought force gushed out from the giant golden monster

This time, the mental force is no longer the previous form of attack, but directly acts on the protective cover of the spike defense like ordinary force, constantly exerting force towards the inside.

In this case, as soon as the spike defense disappears, Bricaron will definitely be attacked by mental strong thoughts.

In reality, defensive moves can be maintained for a while longer, but just like in games, they cannot be used all the time.

Therefore, if Bricaron can't come up with a way to deal with it, failure is inevitable!

Bricaron, hold on, prepare for the ultimate impact!

Karum clenched his fists and shouted.


Bricaron also knew that he was in crisis, and began to accumulate strength while supporting the protective cover.


At the moment when the spike defense stopped, the mental force instantly flooded into Bricaron's body, causing huge damage to him.

Bricaron was also very stubborn, and didn't give the golden monster a chance to control himself.

Without a groan, it unleashed the ultimate impact to break through the barrier of strong mental thoughts, and slammed into the giant golden monster in the sky.

Hold on!

The Metagross didn't rely on its speed to dodge, instead it created a protective cover to block in front of itself.


The final impact hit successfully, but was perfectly blocked by the protective cover.

No matter how hard Bricaron tried, he couldn't break through the giant golden monster that was defending the attack.


A ferocious smile appeared on the corner of the giant metal monster's mouth, as if to say - do you think you are the only one who will hold on?

While ridiculing, the giant gold monster did not stop moving, and its mental power was ready.

When the final shock attack weakened, strong mental thoughts surged on his body and instantly grasped the immobile Bricaron, causing terrible damage at the same time.

Let's end it.

Shinji said.

With the power of the giant gold monster, Bricaron slammed down towards the ground like a meteor shell in an instant.


With the sound of the explosion, Bricaron was seen lying in a deep pit and did not move.

Come back, Bricaron, you've done a good job.

Karum took Brikaron back, shook his head, and Koga Ninja gave way to Manchu.

It's really hard to deal with.

Manchu led Elledo to the opposite of Shinji, a headache appeared on his face.

If it is a normal line against the Metagross, there is no problem, but the current Metastases are not easy to deal with.

The two high-speed movements strengthened the speed, and several times of special boosted cosmic power improved the defense and special attack.

It can be said that the golden monster at this moment is simply a small boss, and it is not easy to defeat it.

My only advantage might be that the Metagross doesn't have much physical strength, so if I can find a chance to attack the Metastases twice, then it is possible to win.

And among his elves, there are only two elves who can do this.

One is the Arrow Eagle, and the other is his trump card——

Elledo, leave it to you.

Manchu turned his head and cast a trusting look at Elledo, but he didn't hold the super pendant on his chest tightly.

Shadow clone.


Although he has not undergone mega evolution, Elledo is still fearless, and slowly walked forward. After a twist around his body, he turned into dozens of queens and all rushed towards the giant gold monster together.

Shadow clone!

At this moment, the giant metal monster has the upper hand, and Shinji will naturally not wait for the opponent to attack.

Psychic thoughts!

As soon as the words fell, a blue light appeared in the eyes of the giant metal monster in the air.

The invisible power of thought skipped across the audience in an instant, and all the Elledos who came into contact with it disappeared, but the real body of Elledo was not seen.

At this moment, the giant metal monster suddenly felt a strange fluctuation appearing on him, and then he heard Man Chong's words.

Ambush the vital point!


Elle Duo's body appeared on the giant metal monster, and the arm turned into a sharp blade and slashed out

Hold on!

It was the first time he encountered this situation, and Shinji's response was a step slower, and the giant metal monster didn't respond either, only feeling a pain in his body and being chopped off from the air.

The effect is outstanding!

With the blessing of sharpness, Elle Duo's move fell, and the giant golden monster was bleeding instantly.

Psychic thoughts!

On the way of falling, the electric floating around the giant metal monster uses electromagnetic force to control the body, and the mental force is launched towards Elledo again.

Psychic force strikes, but...

Ambush the vital point!

When the words were full, Elle Duo's figure disappeared in the same place in an instant.

Suddenly, the giant metal monster once again felt a strange fluctuation appearing around his body, and the alarm sounded in his heart.


Without Shinji's command, this time, the Metagross activated the defense immediately, and a green film of light appeared on the body.


In the next moment, two arm blades filled with dark breath landed on the light film.

Ambush the key point, the attack failed!

Feint attack, sneak attack!

Man Chong shouted again without waiting for the light film to dissipate.


Elle Duo's eyes became sharper, with one hand emitting white light, he slashed at the gold monster's defense, and the other hand sneaked to attack the vital point, and then fell.

No matter whether it keeps its existence or not, as long as this move falls, the giant gold monster will still have residual blood even if it is not dead.

If you are made normal once, you will appear very incompetent again and again.

After the situation just now, the giant gold monster was already prepared, and before the feint fell, the mental shock was sent out first, and Elle Duo was sent flying, making its attack unable to hit.

Just as the giant metal monster was preparing to catch and deal with it with a strong mind, the body of the knocked-off Elle Duo distorted for a while and disappeared in place, reappearing tens of meters away.


Obviously, Elle Duo has not forgotten that this game is not very useful, but in reality it is full of infinite magical skills.

Not to mention not forgetting, but combined with its own melee ability, perfect integration, and become extremely powerful.

Psychic thoughts!

Seeing this, Shinji didn't even have the heart to play close combat with Elle Duo.

The opponent masters teleportation, how can he hit it?

Direct mental force to control the defeat is the kingly way!

The giant metal monster also knew this very well, and launched another attack with a strong mind.

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