Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 261 Three-person arena battle (1) Bricaron VS giant golden monster

However, how do three people fight? One of them commands two elves to fight with the other two?

Manchu raised a question. It seemed inconvenient for three people to fight against each other.

It's a good idea, but it's still better to show your strength in singles.

Karumu put forward a different point of view.

Although doubles is more suitable for the current situation, the reality is that reality is not a game. Doubles can be played, but it is not very popular.

At least in this world, singles is the real main theme, and most important events are played in singles.

It's very simple, one person with three elves, in a 1VS1 arena battle, no change of elves is allowed in the middle.

The loser retreats, the winner continues, until the last elf trainer is left, it is considered a victory.

Shinji spoke his mind.

The rules are not fair, but it's just a friendly exchange in the wild, and it doesn't need to be too fair, so be it.

It doesn't matter if there is a winner in this rule, the most important thing is to fight and communicate with the elves.

Karumu and Mitsuru have no objection to Shinji's rules.

If it's an official match, then naturally it should be as fair as possible. In a friendly match, victory or failure is actually not that important.

Let me play the first match!


Kalum, who was fairly confident in his own strength, did his part, and Koga Ninja stood quietly behind him, looking ahead calmly.

Shinji, do you come first or...then you come first.

Before Manchu finished asking, he saw Shinji walking beside him, and he consciously gave up his position and walked aside to rest.

After the mega evolution is over, you need to take a break before proceeding with the second mega evolution.

Otherwise, it may affect the battle state of the trainer, and then make some confusing behavior commands.

Of course, it is the default that only one super evolution is allowed in normal battles.

As for the biting land shark carrying the super evolution stone, it has lost its fighting ability?

He and Karum from the Hoenn region and Carlos said——

They don't only have a super evolution stone and a super evolutionary elf, and then they can naturally allow other elves to super evolve.

Kalumu said seriously: Let me see how strong you are as the champion of the Lily of the Valley Conference?

You'll see.

Shinji responded calmly.

The first one, it's up to you, Bricaron!


As the final form of Hali Li, one of the three imperial families in the Kalos area, Bricaron wears a chain mail with four large thorns, and his strong body shows his strength.

Shinji did not throw the elf ball, but looked up at the giant gold monster floating in the sky, and said:

Mega monster, prepare to fight!


The giant golden monster watching the battle heard the words, immediately entered the battle state and landed on the field, with four thick alloy arms standing on the ground, full of momentum.

A strange-colored giant golden monster like Mr. Dawu, I don't know how strong it is.

I have noticed the fullness of this golden monster a long time ago, and I can't help but think of the giant golden monster owned by the champion Dawu in my memory.

This made Manchu even more excited about this battle.

When the eyes of Shinji and Karumu meet, the game begins!

Moving at high speed!

As soon as Shinji's words fell, the figure of the giant metal monster disappeared in place, and rushed towards Bricaron as the ground continued to flash.


Bricaron, who has experienced many battles, is not afraid at all. While locking his eyes on the golden monster, he directly launches moves to deduct most of his physical strength and maximize his attack.

Psychic thoughts!


Grasping the moment when the opponent's strength increased, the golden monster that flashed behind Bricaron gathered a spiritual ray and shot it out.


For this attack, Bricaron was naturally aware of it, but in order to complete the belly drum move, he insisted on this move.


The mental strong thought hit, and the effect was outstanding. Although it didn't kill Bricaron in seconds, it also turned it into a trace of blood from the belly.

Bullet Punch!

The move hit, and the giant golden monster took advantage of the victory to pursue it, and its body rushed in front of Bricaron in an instant, and its hands shot out like bullets.

Spike defense!

Bricaron, who had just endured the damage from the move, did not turn around, and stood firm to launch the move immediately.

A barbed barrier appeared around the body, right between Bullet Fist and Bricaron.

Only a bang was heard, the bullet punch was successfully blocked by the spike defense, and the giant gold monster was also bounced out after being injured by the spike.

It's now, share the pain!

Bricaron turned around abruptly, and a strange light shone from his body on the bouncing golden monster.

Share the pain, add up the physical strength of your opponent and your own and divide it equally!

As soon as this move was used, Bricaron's physical strength instantly returned to half, and he pulled the golden monster to the same level as himself.

Psychic thoughts.

Shinji frowned slightly and said.

At this moment, just after the giant golden monster landed, it created a terrifying shock wave of thought power and hit Bricaron.

Arm hammer, photosynthesis.

Bricaron was not afraid, raised his arm high and smashed it down forcefully, smashing his mental strength with a punch, and then a white light appeared on his body, and began to recover his physical strength with the help of photosynthesis, trying to restore his physical strength to full.


The opponent's attack has already been fully charged, and it must not be melee with it casually.

Taking advantage of Bricaron's photosynthesis to return blood, the giant golden monster made terrifying grimaces to intimidate it, and the attack of mysterious forces greatly slowed down its speed.

Missile needle!

Bricaron, whose speed has been greatly reduced, can never be compared with the high-speed moving Metagros, so Bricaron simply doesn't move.

Raising his hands on the spot, the claws and the spikes on his back shone brightly at the same time, and then he created arrows of green light that filled the sky and flew out, shooting towards the golden monster.

Moving and flying at high speed.

High-speed movement was used again, and the electromagnetic force around the giant metal monster with a greatly increased speed flew up into the sky. With blue light in his eyes, he used his brain to analyze the trajectory of each missile needle, and used his speed to crazily dodge.

No matter how intense and intensive the missile needle attacks were, none of them hit the golden monster.

They escaped all of them?

Karumu frowned when he saw this scene. You must know that this kind of Brikaron's attack is difficult even for the Koga Ninja Frog behind him, but this huge giant gold monster dodged it all. unscientific.

But Karumu is not in a hurry. Brikaron is in good condition and has photosynthesis recovery status. As long as he keeps attacking, the scale of victory will continue to tilt towards him.


Why is there always a faint light shining on this giant golden monster? Could it be some boosting move?

Thinking of this, Karum decided to step up his offensive——

Rock blockade.


Bricaron, who was constantly launching missile needles, created a large number of light clusters and flew into the sky with two purposes. Each light cluster turned into a boulder and fell down, constantly compressing and blocking the golden monster's hiding space.

This puts the Metagross in a situation where it will either be attacked by stones or by missile needles.

But unfortunately, the opponent is a giant metal monster with super power attributes!

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