Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 263 (3) Elle Duo Dragon King Scorpion VS Koga Ninja Frog


But this time, Elle Duo stood on the ground without moving.

A strange blue light was emitted from the eyes, which perfectly cracked the strong thoughts of the mind, and a mysterious purple light was emitted from the body, and the mysterious sealing formation emerged on the body of the giant metal monster.

Seal, if the opponent has the same move as yourself, then only the opponent cannot use this move.

As soon as this move was launched, the giant metal monster instantly found that he could no longer use several moves including mental force and high-speed movement.

Holy Sword!

At this time, Elle Duo teleported and appeared under the giant metal monster, and the blades of his arms turned into two holy swords, and slashed heavily on the giant metal monster.

Holy sword, attack regardless of the opponent's ability change!

The defensive holy sword previously upgraded by the golden monster can be ignored directly, but using it now, the effect is no worse than a sneak attack.

The attack fell, and the giant metal monster fell to the ground.

come back.

Shinji took out the poke ball and retracted the golden monster, making way for it.

In this battle, he can be regarded as seeing the problem of the giant golden monster——

The skill pool is too shallow and straightforward, and it is difficult to deal with particularly targeted elves.

After that, I will add a few suitable skills a little bit, just in case.

Is it the Elledo with the teleportation tactics? It's really hard to deal with. Go ahead, Koga Ninja.

Kalum, who came on stage, nodded to Koga Ninja.


A layer of smoke emerged from the body of the Koga Ninja Frog, and then disappeared in place. The next moment, I don't know why it appeared opposite Elledo.

As soon as the battle started, Elle Duo moved behind the Koga Ninja Frog in an instant, and his hands turned into holy swords and slashed up.

But in the next moment, he discovered that the latter had launched dozens of shadow splits, and he had only cut through one of them.

Seeing this, Elledo also launched the shadow clone to hedge against the Koga Ninja Frog, and all the fake bodies disappeared, leaving only two elves standing opposite each other.

Without waiting for Elledo to attack, this time, the Koga Ninja frog solemnly raised his middle finger and gave a croak.

The provoked Elledo was unable to teleport for an instant, and could only fight recklessly with the Koga Ninja Frog.

But what Manchu didn't expect was that the fate of Elle Duo to deal with the giant golden monster just now would befall Elle Duo.

Koga Ninja is slightly weaker than Elledo, but has a lot of tricks.

Spit out smoke to block the vision of both sides. Just as Elle Duo dispelled it with superpowers, an elongated shadow hit it from the ground. At the same time, the freezing wind also fell on it, reducing the Lei Duo's speed.

Immediately, Koga Ninja Toad started to play and changed his own characteristics into the sharp characteristics of Elledo, and the smoke screen opened again.

This time, Elledo, who was prepared, swung several spiritual blades to disperse the smoke and slashed at the Koga Ninja Frog, but the figure of the Koga Ninja Frog disappeared on the ground more than once.

Elle Duo looked around and the sky, but did not find him.

The next moment, the ground cracked, and the Jiahe Ninja Frog sprang out from the ground, and successfully hit Ailu Leidu with a move called Yanhui.


Ailu Reiduo was beaten back, and quickly launched a see-through to escape the pursuit of Koga Ninja Frog.

Seeing that the attack failed, Jiahe Ninja didn't get entangled with Elledo, and opened his mouth to spit out another smoke screen, and his figure disappeared in the smoke screen.

Already, who was already prepared, immediately activated his spiritual thoughts to disperse the smoke, and launched the leaf blades with both hands to slash towards the retreating Koga Ninja Frog.


When the attack hit, Koga Ninja immediately fell to the ground, turned into a substitute doll and slowly disappeared on the ground with a puff.

Knowing that something was wrong, Elledo also lost the chance to evade, and was taken away by the Koga Ninja Frog who appeared from digging a hole.

Come back Elledo, you did a great job.

With a slightly weird expression, Manchu took out the elf ball and put Elledo back into it, telling himself in his heart that he must be more vigilant in future battles.

The interesting thing about this special arena battle is that other people choose how to deal with you before choosing elves to fight against you. It is difficult to defeat opponents in a row.

The battle of Koga Ninja is actually a typical ninja-style battle, the main focus is to surprise and attack unprepared.

Fight head-on? That was a last resort.

Dragon King Scorpion, prepare to fight!

The rotating Shinji has already chosen the next elf to use.

Grinding claws, acupuncture speed!


Amidst the roar, the Dragon King Scorpion who had just appeared began to use its tail pincers to tap acupuncture points, and the double pincers on its hands also sharpened its claws to improve itself.

Shadow clone!

Jiahe Ninja Frog formed a seal of calmness in his hands, and after his body transformed into dozens, he surrounded the Dragon King Scorpion, and finally launched a sprint together.

Flying Water Shuriken

With an order from Karumu, all the Koga ninja raised their water shurikens, and then threw them at Dragon King Scorpion together.

In an instant, the entire venue was filled with countless water shurikens flying, it was hard to distinguish the real ones from the fake ones, covering almost all places.

Get out of the way and growl!

The dragon king scorpion's body left the spot instantly after the acupuncture points were accelerated, but naturally it couldn't dodge under the water shuriken, so it could only bear the pain and get injured, but this is not important.

What's important is that the wounded Dragon King Scorpion emitted dark sound waves, covering the entire field, and all the Koga ninja frogs that came into contact turned into white smoke and drifted away, and finally none remained.

It's now, let's go!

At this time, Karumu gave an order, and the ground under the Dragon King Scorpion instantly shattered, and a blue figure jumped out of it, knocking the Dragon King Scorpion into the air with one move.


The effect is outstanding!

Black mist!

While the opponent was taking off, a black mist suddenly spewed out from the mouth of Jiahe Ninja Frog towards Dragon King Scorpion, and he also disappeared into it.

Missile needle!

But the Dragon King Scorpion was already prepared, even if it was knocked into the sky with its double pincers and lifted the missile needle, it still used it.

A large number of green light arrows carried the wind to disperse the black mist, revealing the Koga ninja frog hidden in it.

Immediately, the Dragon King Scorpion's pair of pincers shone brightly, and all the missile needles immediately turned around and hit the panicked Koga Ninja Frog.

In this situation, the Koga Ninja Frog cannot dodge at all, and the missile needle hits!

At the end of the attack, the Koga Ninja Frog was knocked down to the ground with scars all over his body. It looked like he was dying and was about to lose his ability to fight at any time.

Seeing this scene, Shinji did not ask Dragon King Scorpion to make up the knife, but...

Jump up, Missile Needle!

As soon as the instruction was issued, the dragon king scorpion's body was broken again, and a Jiaga ninja frog rushed out of it again to attack.

But it's a pity that the Dragon King Scorpion, armed with precautions and instructions, moved extremely fast, jumping to catch the missile needle and launching it almost instantly.

As soon as it was unearthed, the Koga Ninja Frog was greeted by green light arrows all over the sky.

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