Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 241 VS Xiaozhi (3) Pikachu VS Snow Demon Girl

Water Dance!

However, just as the seeds were launched, a high-speed rotating water curtain rose around the body of the Great Sword Demon, easily blocking the seeds.

Immediately afterwards, the wind blades and water blades all over the sky were inspired by the big sword ghost from the water curtain and shot towards the lizard king.

Relying on the lightning flash and high-speed movement, it is naturally not difficult for the Lizard King to dodge these attacks.

However... the dance of water is a fusion of sword dance!

If the Great Sword Ghost maintains this ability, then the Great Sword Ghost may touch the Lizard King in the next battle, and the latter will fall to the ground.

In the past two days, Xiaozhi had already studied the move of the Great Sword Demon, and he knew that he couldn't let it go on forever.

And the way to break through it is very simple, that is to break through it with an unstoppable force!

There may be other better ways, but time is limited, Xiaozhi has not thought of it yet.

So Xiaozhi said decisively:

Lizard King, Crazy Plant!


The Lizard King pierced the ground with both hands, and in an instant, countless hardened plants rose up from the ground and stabbed towards the Great Sword Ghost.

The terrifying hardened plants were unstoppable, and after a little bit of power wasted, they pierced through the water curtain and stabbed towards the big sword ghost inside.

see through!

Giving up on maintaining the broken water curtain, the big sword ghost's eyes emitted blue light to see through the trajectory of the crazy plants.

The body dodged while swinging the double blades, easily blocking the attack of the crazy plants.

When the plants calmed down, one accelerated and charged in front of the lizard king who was unable to move due to the side effect of the move, and the two foot blades glowed white and stabbed out suddenly.

Yan Hui!

The lizard king who had just resumed his actions tried to evade, but he had already lost his last chance.

Puff~ and Puff~ sounded twice, and the Lizard King's body stiffened instantly.

The effect is outstanding!

Hit the nail on the head!

Sharp, the power of cutting moves has been enhanced!

With the addition of the three stacks, combined with the previous damage and the bonus of the sword dance, this move is double swallowing, how can the Lizard King, who is not a tank in the first place, withstand it?

After one move, the great sword ghost Shi Shiran withdrew his sword and retreated to Shinji.

After standing still on the ground for a few seconds, the Lizard King finally fell powerlessly to the ground, losing his ability to fight.

In terms of outbreaks, the Lizard King is not much inferior to the Great Sword Ghost.

In terms of movement speed, it can be suppressed after being improved with skills.

But it is a bit difficult to defeat the Great Sword Demon through close combat.

As for long-range attack skills, some big sword ghosts are not good at that kind of elves, but Xiaozhi, the lizard king who is also partial, is obviously not much better.

Facing the Water Dance that the Great Sword Ghost can increase its attack, it is impossible for the Lizard King to pull it by increasing its speed.

The reason is still the same, even if the Lizard King increases the speed to the extreme, can the attack of the Lizard King compare to the nine tails attacking from different directions?

The Lizard King loses his ability to fight, and the Great Sword Demon wins!

Xiaomao announced.

You've done well, Lizard King.

Xiaozhi took out the elf ball and took the Lizard King back into the ball. When he looked at Shinji, he felt a little powerless.

It is obvious that the elves used by both parties are basically the same type, or theoretically there is no elf with a great advantage, but why does he always feel that he is restrained everywhere?

So, is this the reason why Xiaomao is so autistic?

At this moment, Xiao Zhi somewhat understood Xiao Mao's situation.


At this time, a cry in his ear brought Xiao Zhi back to his thoughts.

Are you going to play, Pikachu?

Xiaozhi looked at Pikachu who was running in front of him, clenching his fists with high spirits.


Pikachu nodded vigorously.

As the ace player in the team, at this time, it's time for him to play and turn morale around!

Very good, then I'll leave it to you, and defeat Shinji's spirit in one go!

For Pikachu, Xiaozhi trusts it very much, and the opponent happens to be the water attribute Great Sword Demon, which is just right for Pikachu to play.


Pikachu was full of fighting spirit and jogged all the way to the arena, lying on the ground, the cheek pouches on both sides of his cheeks released electric currents.

Hehe~ did you let Pikachu play so soon?

Seeing Pikachu appear on the stage, Shinji also raised his spirits.

In this world, Ash's Pikachu is powerful, even if he is not bound by the Explosive Seed, he will always rank among the top two existences among Ash's elves at any time.

Raising his hand, he took out the elf ball to take back the big sword demon, but Shinji did not throw the elf ball, but said directly:

Snow Fairy, get ready to fight.


After the voice fell, after a wave of fluctuations around Shinji, the voice of the Snow Demon Girl emerged out of thin air and flew lightly to the field.

Yes, the Snow Demoness basically stays outside the ball and travels with Shinji recently, and when there are people, she activates the illusion to hide, which can be regarded as a kind of exercise.

Is this elf...always here?

Both Xiaozhi and the referee Xiao Mao were a little shocked. The elf was beside Shinji, but they didn't feel it at all, and they didn't notice it at all. This ability is really terrifying.

No wonder why I always feel weird and cool when I say it.

Dr. Oki suddenly realized and nodded.

In informal battles, ordinary trainers usually don't use boring moves like the same life.

Therefore, Xiaozhi didn't plan to change the elves, and planned to let Pikachu defeat the Snow Fairy.

No problem, Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!


Immediately from Pikachu's body, a bolt of lightning not weaker than the Electric Shock Monster was shot out, and it attacked the Snow Demon.

Get out of the way.

Facing the hundred thousand volts that seemed to be able to defeat her with one move, the snow demon girl who had experienced many battles did not panic. She covered her mouth and smiled, her body turned into dozens of floating in the air.

One hundred thousand volts only hit a few of them, not the real body.

Immediately, all the snow demon girls activated the snow scene to summon the snow sky as before.

The snowflakes fell, and Xueyin activated, and all the Snow Demonesses including the shadow clones hid in the snow, and the real body of the Snow Demonesses completely disappeared.

Different from the shadow avatars of ordinary elves who strive to be real, the avatars of the Snow Demoness under the snow scene are more fake than each other with the help of illusion, and there is no appearance of a Snow Demoness at all.

Each one has a strange aura, as if every snow demon girl is a ghost.

Haunting, let's start.

Shinji said.


After the words fell, the ghosts of the ghosts on the field started to move respectively, and strange shouts came from the ghosts in all directions, desolate and sad, and chilling.

While annoying Pikachu, the special defense began to drop continuously!

At the same time, there are also snow demon girls who cast ghost faces at Pikachu to weaken its speed, coquettishly stare at Pikachu to weaken its attack, or seduce Pikachu by making poses to weaken its special attack.

The four magic skills of fake crying, ghost face, coquettishness, and temptation are used at the same time, making Pikachu extremely uncomfortable psychologically and physically.

Most of my choices for fighting elves on both sides have some mapping and pertinence.

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