Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 240 VS Xiaozhi (2) Winning steadily, Lizard King VS Great Sword Ghost

High-speed movement, comet punch!

Through the smoke, the giant gold monster turned into a silver light and kept moving on the ground to close the distance to Geng Gui, raising its two front feet high and charging towards Geng Gui.

Woman's fire!

Geng Gui had no fear or carelessness, and as he waved his hands, several clusters of purple ghost fires flew around him.

Under its control, one after another flew towards the giant gold monster that broke through the smoke barrier. The trajectory was extremely strange, and it was difficult to avoid and guard against.

Break through him!

The Metagross didn't dodge or defend, and further stimulated its super power to wrap its body. The full-power Comet Fist stimulated the flying ghost fire before it had time to attack it, and was forced to break through.

Without noticing for a moment, Geng Gui withdrew after being hit.


In the air, Geng Gui's eyes suddenly released bursts of purple hypnotic fluctuations, and they rushed towards the giant golden monster in an instant.

As long as this trick successfully hypnotizes the golden monster, Geng Gui can turn around and launch the dream-eating tactic to easily win.

Psychic thoughts!

However, for this move, the giant metal monster didn't choose to move its body to avoid the attack with the increased speed, but aroused a burst of terrifying thoughts on the spot and rushed straight out.

The hypnotic wave was swept away by this thought power, and fell on Geng Gui unabated, causing damage to him and trying to control him at the same time.

Shadow Ball!

Feeling the restraint on his body, Geng Gui inspired his mental force to block the control, and at the same time he quickly gathered a shadow ball in his hand and threw it again, trying to force the giant golden monster away.

However, a blue light flashed in the eyes of the Metagross who had been prepared for a long time, and he changed the target of his control to a shadow ball, making it turn back the same way and hit Geng Gui.

In pain, Geng Gui was blown away again.

He knows his own strength best, and Geng Gui felt a little unbearable after bearing his own blow.

However, the golden monster didn't give Geng Gui a chance to slow down, and his mental thoughts continued to pour out and land on Geng Gui, causing damage to him again and controlling him.

In the blink of an eye, Geng Gui was seriously injured and was on the verge of his limit.

Continue to meditate mentally!

Shinji did not choose the Comet Fist for the last knife attack move, but still kept the two at a relative distance and used long-range moves to solve it.

The powerful thought power continued to control Geng Gui and caused damage. He kneaded it into a ball with great force, and finally threw it out like garbage.


Losing the control of his thoughts, the lump of purple changed back to Geng Gui's original shape, lying motionless on the ground.

Geng Gui loses his ability to fight, and the Golden Monster wins!

After Xiao Mao announced that it was over, he looked at Xiao Zhi worriedly.

The scene of today's battle reminded him of the battle between himself and Shinji a few days ago, which can only be described as one-sided.

The level gap between the two elves is better, but Ash's trainer level is not as good as Shinji's.

At this time, Dr. Oki, who walked out of the research institute at some time, commented softly.

When he was young, he was also a powerful trainer, but his identity as a doctor was too dazzling, covering up this layer of identity.

As for the situation of the scene, Oki can naturally see through it.

Then does Xiaozhi still have a chance to defeat Shinji?

Xiaomao asked softly.

There are no absolutes in the world, there are naturally, big or small, it depends on the performance.

Dr. Oki smiled, but did not answer in the affirmative.

The charm of elf battles lies in the fact that the battle situation may change rapidly, and no one is sure whether the battle situation will be reversed at a certain moment.

But... What Dr. Oki didn't say is that Shinji happens to belong to the kind of trainer who is steady and steady and pursues victory.

This type of trainer likes to completely control the rhythm of the battle in their own hands.

To deal with this kind of trainer, unless there are huge changes beyond the plan, or some special reasons, otherwise, if you want to reverse the situation of the battle, one word-difficult!

Come on, Xiaozhi.

Xiaomao didn't desert any more, and watched the game seriously.

Come back, Geng Gui. Have a good rest.


Xiaozhi took out a poke ball to take Geng Gui back, but before deciding which pokemon to send, Shinji also took out a poke ball to take back the giant gold monster.

After putting away the Metagross Poké Ball, Shinji threw another Poké Ball out.

Great Sword Ghost, prepare to fight!


A majestic cry sounded, and a great sword ghost with a cold face appeared on the field.

Is this the great sword ghost in Xicui form?

Xiaozhi heard Xiaomao describe this elf, and also watched the related battle video.

It can be said that this elf may not be the strongest, but the Sa Ling effect attached to the secret sword Qian Chonglang is hard to ignore.

He remembered very clearly that the trainer named A Xun was because of this trick, causing almost every follow-up elf to get injured, and it was directly because of the effect of Sa Ling that the defeat was established.

It must be taken with an absolute advantage!

Thinking of this in his heart, Xiao Zhi set his eyes on the Lizard King who was holding a branch in his mouth.

Lizard King, it's up to you!


For Xiaozhi's decision, the Lizard King was not surprised. He took the initiative to step forward and make preparations, ready to charge towards the big sword ghost at any time.

Shinji and Xiaozhi looked at each other and said almost at the same time:

Leaf Blade!

Yan Hui!


The Lizard King flicked his hands, the blades on his arms became long and sharp, and he rushed out with a force on his feet.


The Great Sword Demon drew out two foot blades, and with a sharp white light shining on the blades, he rushed towards the Lizard King, and chopped off both foot blades at the same time.


The two elves are highly explosive elves, and they collided in the center in the blink of an eye, and the strength of the two sides was evenly matched for a while.

After pushing each other away with each other's strength, the two kept waving their hands, using the Yeren and Yanhui skills to collide, trying to cause damage to each other.

However, the two elves are both elves with strong reflexes and speed, and it was hard to tell who was better and who was worse when they fought against each other for a while.

But this situation did not last long.

With the same strength, in terms of moves alone, it would be difficult for the Great Sword Demon to defeat the Electric Shocking Beast with both hands and tails and the Nine Tails with nine tails.

Other elves usually can't hold out for a while under its hands, and it will find a chance to defeat it.

Therefore, after more than ten seconds of adaptation, the Great Sword Ghost seemed to have seen through the Lizard King's attack routine, and directly gave up Yanhuifan and used other moves that were easier to connect.

Every attack made it difficult for the Lizard King to guard against, and within a few seconds, some obvious injuries appeared on the Lizard King's body.

It seems that the injury is not serious, but in fact, the move hit a weak point or a vital point. If the Lizard King hadn't responded quickly, he might have fallen down long ago.

No, Lizard King, Seed Machine Gun!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiaozhi said decisively.


In another round of competition, the Lizard King retreated in relay, and countless seeds in his mouth flew out like bullets towards the Great Sword Ghost.

Thanks for the reward of Green Vegetable White Jade Tea Bowl!

Thanks guys!

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