Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 242 VS Xiaozhi (4) Powerless Electric Mouse, Easy to Enter and Difficult to Exit

Cheer up Pikachu, use 100,000 volts to defeat all the Snow Fairies!

Xiaozhi naturally understood the horror of Snow Demon Girl's tactics.

If you don't resist, after a while, I'm afraid that Pikachu will not have the strength to compete with the Snow Fairy.

To deal with the tactics of the Snow Demon Girl, he felt that as long as the attack range is wider and all the ghosts are included, he can successfully hit the Snow Demon Girl.



As Pikachu shouted one after another, terrifying thunder and lightning shot in all directions.

Almost all parts of the venue were shrouded in lightning, and all the ghost images were swept away, but the real body of the Snow Demon Girl was still unknown.

In a place where no one noticed, the Snow Demon Girl used illusion to cover her real body and surrounding environment, and created a will-o'-the-wisp halo to rotate around her body, perfectly blocking all the electric currents.

Xiaozhi and Pikachu don't know anything about all this. The former is trying to observe, trying to find out the hiding place of the Snow Fairy, while the latter has to worry about the attack of the Snow Fairy, but also wants to launch an attack to force the Snow Fairy out.

It didn't take long for Pikachu to feel a little tired and stop discharging, panting slightly and looking around, the whole mouse was completely on alert.

But at the next moment, the ghost image that had just been dispelled was made out of nowhere again, and another round of howling ghosts and wolves made Pikachu extremely uncomfortable.

Grab it!

Just when Pikachu was impatiently driving away with electric discharge, the figure of the Snow Fairy suddenly appeared in front of him, and with a wave of his hand, several halos that were constantly rotating around him covered the former.


The startled Pikachu subconsciously launched a one hundred thousand volt attack.

However, just as the electric current was stimulated, it was completely blocked by the halo outside the body, not hurting the Snow Demon Girl in the slightest.

Seeing this, Pikachu was startled, and subconsciously wanted to back away to distance himself, but Snow Demon's pair of frail and boneless cold hands were placed on its face.


Following Shinji's order, pink hearts flew out from the eyes of the Snow Fairy and landed on Pikachu.

After Pikachu's eyes were confused for a while, two big hearts appeared in his eyes.

The Snow Demon Girl seems to be the most beautiful existence in its eyes, the more it looks at it, the more it likes it, and the more it looks at it, the more fascinated it becomes.

Pikachu, cheer up, use Iron Tail!

Xiaozhi outside the field yelled quickly, trying to make Pikachu attack.

But Pikachu, who has just fallen into a state of obsession, is at the peak of love, where can he hear his voice?

So, Iron Tail, use failed!

Psychic thoughts!

Hearing Xiaozhi's call, Shinji couldn't help being a little more alert, to avoid long nights and dreams, and said quickly.

Hearing this, the blue light in the snow demon girl's eyes sparkled with her thoughts, and she took the initiative to break the halo of the will-o'-the-wisp into the most essential will-o'-the-wisp and fell on Pikachu's body, causing him to be burned.

At the same time, use the power of thought to control it and let it fly into the air, causing damage and restraining it at the same time.

Under normal circumstances, breaking free with Pikachu's power is naturally not a problem, but Pikachu who is in a charming state can't think of attacking the Snow Fairy, let alone breaking free?

It can only be damaged by a lot of mental force.

Misfortunes never come singly!


While controlling Pikachu, the Snow Fairy condensed more than a dozen clusters of purple-colored energy around her, controlling them all to fly towards the former.

Pikachu, wake up, use Volt to attack.

In a trance, Pikachu vaguely heard Xiaozhi's shout, and then his eyes regained clarity, and infinite lightning was released from his body, and the incoming attack was purified by the lightning before it caused much damage.

Ling Kong took a few steps, and Pikachu flew towards the Snow Demon Girl.

Aurora Curtain.

Shinji went fast.

The charming state in reality is much stronger in the game, but it's not impossible to get out of it.

The usual fascination is not enough to make any elf in the team lose the power to resist.

Therefore, the Snow Fairy has always been on guard against Pikachu who is in a state of fascination and burns.

Seeing it coming, the Snow Demon Girl immediately created a special aurora curtain in front of her.

Relying on the previous weakening of coquettish, seductive, and burning, combined with the blocking of the Aurora Curtain, Pikachu's blow was somewhat thunderous and rainy, and did not cause much damage to the Snow Fairy at all.

Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts.

Discovering this, Xiaozhi said quickly.

As soon as Pikachu landed, he launched one hundred thousand volts on the Snow Fairy again.

Wildfire halo.

However, facing the 100,000-volt Snow Demoness, she directly used the will-o'-the-wisp and spiritual thoughts to create two mysterious halos floating around her body, blocking all approaching electric currents.

After Pikachu found out that the 100,000 volts were invalid, the situation was reversed, and it was the Snow Fairy's turn.

Misfortunes never come singly!

When the Snow Demon Girl waved her hand, several groups of special will-o'-the-wisps rose up, and then all of them flew out and fell towards Pikachu.

Pikachu, move at high speed!

Pikachu's body turned into an afterimage, easily dodging the Snow Fairy's attack while moving around, and looked for an opportunity to attack.

But Shinji obviously didn't give him this chance, and said directly: Blizzard!

The blizzard can sweep the audience with the help of the increase of the snowy day, as long as it is still on the field, it will definitely be able to hit.

Therefore, the Snow Fairy didn't stop at all, and while hiding in the snow, she flew high to keep a distance from Pikachu, with no intention of approaching at all.

After flying to high altitude, a violent blizzard hit, and the whole venue was plunged into ice and snow.

Xiaozhi's Pikachu is very strong, and in a certain level, it is even stronger than the red round face at the same strength.

But the problem is, this strong one is too stupid, yes, it is stupid.

It has mastered many powerful electric moves, and its proficiency in Iron Tail is even more impressive, which can be called Beast Slash, but that's all.

In terms of moves, although Pikachu has mastered many powerful moves, he only knows the two moves of high-speed movement and shadow clone.

In other respects, he has not mastered the ability of electromagnetic levitation and flight, let alone the necessary skills such as high-speed stars and electric shock waves.

In this case, unless the snow demon girl waves, as long as the distance is used to consume harassment, Pikachu basically has no way to break the game, and the longer the battle time, the lower the Pikachu's winning rate.

The fact is the same, Pikachu swept by the blizzard is like a candle in the wind, constantly weakened.

Even under the call of Xiaozhi, Pikachu is still unable to cause effective damage to the Snow Fairy who has mastered the ghost fire aura, the aurora curtain, and guarded the three-in-one.

Pikachu, come back!

Xiaozhi tried to recall Pikachu and replace the elves.

But at this time, Pikachu doesn't like to enter the Poke Ball, and Xiao Zhi doesn't use the Poke Ball to take Pikachu back.


Pikachu responded in pain, and when he was about to trot out of the field against the blizzard, a powerful force of thought struck and threw him back into the field under full control.

Misfortunes never come singly!

Immediately, clusters of weird energy emerged and flocked towards Pikachu.

One hundred thousand volts! Xiaozhi shouted hastily.


But at the moment after Pikachu blocked the attack with one hundred thousand volts, a wave of thought power struck again and directly attacked him.

Strong mind!


Seeing Pikachu scream, the whole elf showed great pain.

Pikachu, who has been weakened by fake crying, has pitifully weak special defense.

It was enough hard work to be able to hold out in the blizzard for so long, and this last move of mental force at this moment really made it unable to muster up the strength to resist again.

Ever since, when the Snow Demon Girl stopped her mental obsession, Pikachu had already fallen to the ground.

Pikachu loses the ability to fight, and the Snow Fairy wins.


Xiaozhi ran into the arena and picked up Pikachu.


Pikachu barely opened his eyes, screaming weakly.

You have worked hard, take a good rest.

There was no trace of frustration on Xiaozhi's face, and he comforted him very gently. After walking slowly to the sidelines, he handed Pikachu to Kuailong.

Pikachu will be taken care of by you, Kuailong.


While answering, Kuailong immediately hugged Pikachu and gave the latter a big hug, allowing him to feel the warmth of Hugging Dragon's embrace.


At this time, the snow demon also calmed down the snow, and returned to Shinji's side to float quietly.

It knows that it is no longer needed in the subsequent battles.

In the battle with Ash, Shinji hadn't planned to use the same Pokémon at all.

Normal battles don't allow you to enter the field as soon as you want, and to exit the field as you want.

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