Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 235 VS Xiaomao (Part 2) What is your ranking?

The Wind Speed ​​Dog loses its ability to fight, and the Dragon King Scorpion wins!

Hearing the roar of Dragon King Scorpion and the referee's verdict, Xiaomao's face became more solemn. After thinking about the last two poke balls, he took out one of them and threw it out, saying:

Come on, fossil pterosaur!


An extremely ferocious fossil pterosaur flew out of the ball, releasing terrifying coercion, just like the ancient overlord of the sky.

But regarding this, not only was Dragon King Scorpion not afraid, but a little more excitement appeared in his eyes.

Fossil pterosaur, sharp rock attack!

Xiao Mao didn't dare to choose head-to-head with Dragon King Scorpion.

Even if he attacked the weakest elf, it would be an incomparably terrifying existence to strengthen it to that level, not to mention a Dragon King Scorpion that didn't look weaker than his trump card.


Amidst the roar, the fossil pterosaur created dozens of sharp stone blades around its body, and under its control, they all flew towards the dragon king scorpion.

Acupoint acupuncture, speed, flying needle.

The Dragon King's scorpion-tailed pliers moved slightly on the body, and raised two large pliers at the same time. Immediately, countless missile needles flew out of the pliers glowing white, each with a terrifying aura.

With just one touch, the stone blade was completely defeated.

Move at high speed, dodge!

Seeing the terrifying power of the Missile Needle, the Fossil Pterosaur resolutely avoided its sharp edge, moving at a high speed and using Acceleration to distance itself from the Missile Needle.

But what it didn't expect was that under the control of Dragon King Scorpion, all the missile needles were invincible like tracking missiles, and after turning a corner, they caught up again.


Immediately, the fossilized pterosaur's eyes widened in shock, and it descended rapidly and turned back to avoid the pursuit of the missile needle.



Just after it dodged the attack, it saw a mocking smile on Dragon King Scorpion's face, and he said provocative words in his mouth.


Being so excited, as the ancient overlord of the sky, has the fossil pterosaur ever been so underestimated?

Immediately, the eyes of the fossil pterosaur turned red, and the eyes were full of dragon king scorpions.


Xiaomao clenched his fist subconsciously, while cursing inwardly, he made the decision to give it a go.

Full Super Impact!


Turning anger into strength, the fossil pterosaur swooped down with all its strength amidst the roar, exerting 200% of its strength.

Break it down.

Shinji said coldly.


The Dragon King Scorpion raised its double pincers and fired countless powerful missile needles. At the same time, it roared loudly and created a dark sound wave attack. The two attacks hit the fossil pterosaur at the same time.

The fossil pterosaur was full of momentum, but after all, it didn't increase its attack. It was just a collision, and the whole elf was shot down.

After the free fall, it fell to the ground and received secondary damage from the Sa Ling explosion and fall.


The fossil pterosaur was quite strong, even with such an attack, it couldn't be directly defeated. It put its hands on the ground and wanted to stand up again, but the Dragon King Scorpion that appeared before it didn't even give it such a chance.

The two large pincers clamped directly on its wings, and the tail pincers that had completed acupuncture pierced its body again, defeating it.

Deadly needles!

After one blow, a white light flashed on Dragon King Scorpion's body, and its attack was full!

The fossilized pterosaur lost its ability to fight, and the dragon king scorpion won.

announced the referee.

Empress Nido, I will leave it to you!

After taking back the fossil pterosaur, Xiaomao gritted his teeth and threw out the last elf ball in his hand.


The huge blue body seems to be wearing a blue armor with poisonous thorns, and there are constantly sharp poisonous thorns on the top of the head.

Compared to Nido King, Nido Queen's deterrence is slightly weaker.


As soon as he landed on the ground, what greeted Nido was the explosion of the triple saling, and his full physical strength was instantly reduced by half.

Frozen Tooth!



The Dragon King Scorpion leaped forward, and with the help of the acupuncture point, rushed to the front of Empress Nido, and the three large ice-blue pincers cut towards Empress Nido at the same time.

Dig a hole!

At a critical moment, Empress Nido leaned over and dug a hole to hide in it, just in time to avoid the attack of Frozen Fang.


The attack failed, and the Dragon King Scorpion leaned over and launched a move at the entrance of the cave. The deafening roar spread into the cave, causing damage to it from top to bottom.


Before the Dragon King Scorpion roared twice more, Nido Queen couldn't help but break through from it. The digging move hit the Dragon King Scorpion head-on, knocking it into the air. This powerful blow hit the former Did a lot of damage.

But the Dragon King Scorpion didn't care, and the missile needle launch that had been secretly ready to go was launched immediately.

Dig a hole!

At this moment, Queen Nido is not as powerful as the Dragon King Scorpion, and the only way to dodge is to use digging holes.

Just now, the Dragon King Scorpion counterattacked on the ground, so he probably didn't master the burrowing move, right?

Xiao Mao thought so, and saw that the missile needle fell into the ground and bombarded wildly along the passage. The moment it landed, the hole was directly expanded, and the whole elf then got into it.

Seeing this, Xiao Mao was shocked and said hastily.

Queen Nido, brute force!

Frozen Tooth.

Shinji also said coldly afterwards.





All kinds of roars and screams sounded from the cave, and the ground shook for less than two minutes before quieting down.

Empress Nido's body flew out of the ground one step at a time, and landed motionless on the ground after crossing a parabola.

Afterwards, the body of Dragon King Scorpion jumped out from the ground in front of Shinji, looked at Nido and nodded with satisfaction, as if he was very satisfied with his masterpiece.

Empress Nido loses her ability to fight, Dragon King Scorpion wins, and Shinji wins this battle.

Seeing Xiaomao's disastrous defeat, although the referee was also very surprised, he still announced the battle professionally.

This is Shigeru, the runner-up of the tournament. He made some progress after the tournament, but was completely defeated by this trainer named Shinji?

The performance is not bad, but there are still too many extra moves, and the actual combat experience is a bit worse than other elves. I will practice more later.

Shinji praised and then criticized.

In the past, Dragon King Scorpion spent less time traveling with him, and spent more time studying with Leisi Dragon King Scorpion, receiving personal teaching from a group of honor-level elves.

Although the growth is fast, the actual combat is more of a battle between crushing and being crushed, and the change of direction reduces the gain of experience.

The movements still need to be exercised more neatly.


The Dragon King Scorpion replied, with its control over the body, it only needs to add some evenly matched battles, and it will grow quickly.

Come back first.

You are still far behind~ With your strength, you may be able to enter the quarterfinals of the last Lily of the Valley Conference, but you will definitely not be able to enter the semifinals!

Shinji took out the elf ball and took the Dragon King Scorpion back, looked at Xiaomao calmly, turned around and was about to leave.

To be honest, Shinji was not surprised by Xiao Mao's strength.

If it is another elf world, with Xiaomao's growth rate, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the protagonist.

But the most indispensable thing in this mixed world is the protagonist.

Not to mention, Xiaomao can only be regarded as the strong enemy of the protagonist Xiaozhi.

On the contrary, Ah Xun is also regarded as the strong enemy of the protagonist Minghui, and because of his own existence, Ah Xun, who has endured a lot of ridicule and belittling, grows much faster than before.

Whether it's fighting thinking or elf strength, Xiaomao can't even compare to Ah Xun, so how can he compare to himself who can suppress Ah Xun?

Using the size of the cards to describe strength, characters like red and green are big and small kings, then he is K, Minghui is Q, Ah Xun is J, then Xiaomao can barely touch the level of J.

The gap is so big, needless to say, no tactics are needed, and it can be crushed directly with strength!

Only the top eight?!

Xiaomao was stunned by Shinji's words. After staying for two seconds, seeing Shinji was about to leave, he quickly asked, Have you participated in the Suzuran Conference? What ranking did you get?

Shinji's figure disappeared into the passage, only a faint voice came——


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