Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 236 Joining the Champions League | Time Fluctuations

Chapter 236 Joining the Champions League Time Fluctuations

Rotom, find out the specific location of the Evergreen City of the Champions League.

After leaving Evergreen Gym, Shinji took out Rotom's phone and said.

Since the Champions League is only a special organization with a small number of people, there are not many offline stations, and only a few cities in each region have stations.

It just so happens that, as one of the most important cities in the Kanto region, Changqing City happens to have the Champions League station in it.

Lotor~ I have found a specific location for you as a trainer, come with me.

Two green eyes opened on the phone, and the Rotom phone flew into the air by itself to lead the way.

You don't even need to look at Shinji's map, just follow Rotom directly.

After a while, the Champions League appeared in front of Shinji.

Different from the large station that Shinji imagined, the offline station of the Champions League is not even as big as the Pokemon Center. There is only one hall, a large battle field, some working equipment and Maosan two staff members.

However, considering the particularity of the Champions League, it is enough to arrange events and challenges on weekdays directly on the Internet through mobile phones and computers.

Once the application is successful, the alliance officials will arrange the time and place, and then organize the trainers to compete or fight, which is somewhat similar to the meaning of a third-party intermediary platform.

The importance of offline stagnation points has thus been greatly reduced.

When Shinji entered it, the staff immediately set their sights on him.

Hello, Trainer, may I help you.

One of the staff laughed.

Join the Champions League.

Shinji handed out the invitation letter he had received before, and said in simple words.

Hmm... Do you have an ID card or a picture book? I'll register your information for you.

After checking the authenticity of the invitation letter, the staff said.


Please wait.

After Shinji handed out the Elf Illustrated Book, not long after, the staff helped Shinji register the information, and sent two messages to Shinji via the Internet.

These two pieces of information, one is the website of the Champions League and your account password. In the website, you can purchase internal items, trainer challenges, etc. The account password can be modified by yourself.

One is the communication group for members of the Champions League, in which all group members except the group owner are members of the alliance and can communicate in it.

The staff lady explained.

Please help me to apply for the battle with Yuji, the chief trainer of the Orange League.

Shinji didn't rush to read the information, and said directly.

Are you sure? Mr. Yuji is powerful. In recent years, except for the champions Red and Green, all other members who challenged him have failed.

Here I suggest that you challenge some new members who have just joined in the past two years. It is easier for trainers with similar strength to communicate with each other to make progress.

Miss Sister suggested.

If I apply now, when can it be arranged? Shinji asked.

Mr. Yuji's situation is quite special. It will take a week or two at the earliest before the official battle can be arranged.

Then help me apply for the match in three months, please.

Shinji thought about it and said.

A week or two is a bit rushed for him.

It's rare to challenge a trainer. If it's a field battle, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose, the focus is on experience or something.

But winning or losing the official challenge is a little different. He can't be in a hurry to deliver the food, right?

It seemed that his brain was a little out of order, and he also had a lot of things to arrange, so it would not be too late to challenge after finishing.

Now it's better to train more time, do some things in your plan, and then challenge along the way.

That doesn't affect anything, it's just right.

Okay, I have applied for you, and the system will send you a message after the time is arranged.

Well, thank you.

Shinji nodded, turned and left, asked Rotom to join the group, and after changing the password, Shinji began to simply check the Champions League exchange group.

Only then did I realize that there were hundreds of trainers in it, all over the place.

Some trainers who I don't know are exchanging some experience in training elves, but Shinji is not interested after a few glances.

Those training methods are too low-end and inefficient, and it is better to fight against each other directly, fight to the death, and forcefully upgrade through the battle.

come out.

When the group was closed and ready to put away the phone, Shinji suddenly thought of something, took out the poke ball and released the Snow Demon Girl.


The Snow Demon Girl bowed slightly, with a smile on her lips.

I will give you Rotom for safekeeping, and then train with its assistance.

Shinji let go of Rotom, let him follow the Snow Fairy, and then walked out of the city.


The Snow Demon held Rotom in her arms, followed Shinji with a smile and walked towards the evergreen forest.

The next day, somewhere in the evergreen forest, Shinji was training with the elves and walking towards Zhenxin Town.

Biting Land Shark and Boss Kedora complement each other, the latter follows the former to learn reverse scales, and the former uses the latter as a target to train sandstorm attacks.

The Dragon King Scorpion was fighting the Great Sword Ghost at a long distance. A missile needle and a cross poison blade, an air blade and a long-range water wave knife were facing each other in the sky, seeing each other's moves.

However, no matter in terms of power or the weirdness of the attack, the Great Sword Ghost is no match for the Dragon King Scorpion.

The Great Sword Demon, who is proficient in sword skills, has obviously been negligent in training long-range attacks.

Unlike the Dragon King Scorpion, whose one move is popular all over the world, the strongest long-range attack has always been the missile needle, and it has been trained to the point where it is more proficient than the turtle's sharp stone attack on the earth platform.

Even if it doesn't have the ability to lock the magic leaf like the earth turtle, it can still make the missile needle turn and chase to a certain extent with its strong control.

Yueyue Xiong is fighting against the Snow Fairy, practicing attacking or blocking the Snow Fairy without using Sense-Through, training her burst and reaction.

Shinji's elves can move at a low speed, but their burst speed must be fast. Only with enough burst speed can they successfully counterattack after blocking the opponent.



The Rotom mobile phone, which was put aside by Shinji to meditate silently, suddenly flew up, and flew to Shinji's face with a beeping sound, making a sound.

Trainer, it is detected that there are light fluctuations nearby, and the speed of collecting space-time energy will increase when approaching the fluctuation area.

Time fluctuations? Could it be rabbi?

There are only a few elves related to time, and they are in the forest. Naturally, the serabi with the largest number are most likely to appear nearby.

Go and see, lead the way.

After Shinji took out the poke ball and took back all the pokemon of the snow removal witch, he followed Rotom and ran in one direction.

Illusion cover.


Following Shinji's side, the Snow Demon Girl inspired illusion, perfectly blending with the surrounding environment.

Walking through the vast evergreen forest, Shinji quickly crossed a distance of a thousand meters and arrived at a certain place.

Go out and return, start to concentrate on coding

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