Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 234 VS Xiaomao (middle) crushing battle

The Water Arrow Turtle loses its ability to fight, and the Great Sword Demon wins!

In the referee's announcement, Xiaomao took out the poke ball and took it back into the ball.

Blazka, you've done a good job, take a good rest.

After comforting him, Xiaomao took out the poke ball and took the water arrow turtle back. After thinking for two seconds, he threw out the third poke ball as if facing a big enemy.

Moon Eevee, go!


As soon as Moon Eevee fell to the ground, he was injured by the hidden fragments. The next moment, he found that the big sword ghost in the distance was attacking him quickly with two holy swords.

Shadow clone!

Before the attack was about to hit, Moon Eevee's body changed from one to dozens, and the Great Sword Demon destroyed one of them, but missed the real body.




The Great Sword Demon turned to the other Moon Eevee, and roared loudly, one after another sound wave attacks fell on the Moon Eevee, and all those who came into contact with it were lost and disappeared.


The rest of the Moon Eevee took action one after another, while dodging, while rushing towards the Great Sword Demon, a gloomy light emanated from the body.

Water Dance!

Just as the Moon Eevee launched their final collision, a water barrier instantly rose around the body of the Great Sword Ghost.

Puff ~ puff...

One after another, the Moon Eevee collided with the water curtain and dissipated, until a figure broke through the water curtain headlong behind the Great Sword Ghost and rushed towards the latter.

At this moment, the Great Sword Ghost's gaze flashed, and the foot blade in his hand stabbed at Moon Ibrahimovic at an extremely tricky angle.

It actually blocked the path of its charge one step ahead, just like Moon Eevee slammed into the foot blade by himself.

But just as he was about to hit the target, Moon Eevee was emitting a blue light, and his body changed direction strangely, rubbing his foot blade and smashing it on the head of the big sword ghost.

see through!


Under such circumstances, Moon Ibrahimovic was able to use See Through, which the Great Sword Demon had never thought of. He was caught off guard, and his body staggered forward under severe pain.

Once the move was successful, Moon Ibrahimovic would naturally not let it go, and after adjusting his posture, he launched a trick again and ran towards the big sword ghost.


In a hurry, the Great Sword Demon relied on his fighting instinct to block it backhanded with his foot blade.


As soon as they touched each other, the Great Sword Demon was repelled, but he also successfully blocked the blow.

Holy Sword!

The Great Sword Ghost adjusted his posture, and slashed at Moon Eevee with both holy swords.


But at this moment, Moon Eevee's body emitted an extremely dazzling light, blinding the Great Sword Demon for a short time, so he had to rely on his senses to slash away, causing the attack to fall into the empty space.


Where the Great Sword Ghost was hard to detect, Moon Eevee accelerated with a flash of lightning, and jumped towards the Great Sword Ghost.

Step back, three o'clock direction!

The temporarily blinded Great Sword Demon took a step back without hesitation, and at the same time activated the holy sword and slashed towards the three o'clock direction.


The direction of the attack was accurate, but Moon Eevee's eyes once again emitted blue light to see through the action of the Great Sword Demon, dodged its attack and then slammed into the Great Sword Demon.

However, there was a green light emitting from the curved horns on the top shell of the Great Sword Ghost, and it hit Moon Eevee!

Super corner shot!


There was a sound of collision, and the two elves flew backwards in opposite directions before exiting.

Frozen Beam!

At this time, the eyes of the Great Sword Ghost were no longer white, and it aimed at the direction of Moon Eevee and shot out an ice-blue beam of light from its mouth.

Psychic thoughts!

Before Moon Eevee landed, there was light in his eyes, and he twisted the attack direction of the frozen beam with powerful thoughts, successfully avoiding the damage.


For Moon Ibrahimovic's wonderful performance, the Great Sword Ghost double-edged tap applauded and praised him, signaling him to use his mental force a few more times!

Do it again, let the opponent's next three moves be the last move used.


Xiao Mao was startled, he didn't expect the Great Sword Demon to have such a disgusting move.

After fighting for a while, he discovered that this big sword ghost has the evil attribute, but the superpower attribute's spiritual force is ineffective against the evil attribute!

Secret sword, Qian Chongtao!

Shinji didn't care so much, and said directly.

The water surged under the Great Sword Ghost and rushed towards Moon Ibrahimovic.

At this moment, Moon Ibrahimovic also showed panic on his face, and his eyes shone brightly, gathering all the few gravel and dust on the field and smashing them at the Great Sword Demon.

After that, he fled out without thinking about anything, and used his mental power to speed up his evasion.

However, there weren't many gravel and soil clods on the field, and after they gathered together, the Great Sword Demon smashed them with a single blow.

With another acceleration, he rushed to the front of Moon Eevee, raised his knife and dropped it continuously.

Two consecutive strokes of the secret sword Qianchonglang made it difficult for Moon Ibrahimovic to parry, and finally fell to the ground.

Moon Ibrahimovic lost the ability to fight, and the Great Sword Demon won.

After the referee's announcement, the Great Sword Ghost showed a lot of fatigue on his face. It really didn't expect that this little moon cloth was even more difficult to deal with than the water arrow turtle.

Sure enough, tactics are dirty!

One is dirtier than the other!

Come back, thank you for your hard work.

Xiaomao took out the elf ball and took back the mooncloth. Looking at the big sword ghost who was exhausted physically, he released a elf that was not very dominant.

Go, my sweetheart.


A tall, majestic wind speed dog with fluffy flaxen hair appeared on the field.


Bang~ bang~ bang~

Three explosions sounded one after another, and the triple sprinkle effect successively caused a lot of damage to the wind speed dog who had just entered the field.

Water Wave Knife!

When he slowed down, the Great Sword Ghost swooped towards him carrying the water.

Xiao Mao said: Roar!


The wind speed dog uttered a loud roar towards the big sword ghost.

The big sword ghost who was accurately hit by the roar turned into a red light and flew back into the poke ball, and a poke ball in Shinji's pocket bounced off automatically.


The fierce-looking and tall Dragon King Scorpion landed on the field, its two big pincers clacking and clamping, but it had completely locked on the wind speed dog with its cruel eyes.

Big characters burst into flames!

From the mouth of the wind speed dog, a burst of flames shot out.

Acupressure, attack, cross poison blade.

Shinji commanded like this.


The Dragon King's scorpion-tailed pliers, who understood Shinji's meaning, moved slightly on his body, but the double pliers in his hands staggered and condensed a cross poison blade, which fell towards the big character explosion.

The power of the Cross Poison Blade is slightly weaker than that of the Big Character Explosion Flame, but it has successfully detonated it.

Speed, Flame Fang!

Seizing the time when the opponent was resisting the big-character explosion, the wind speed dog rushed in front of the dragon king scorpion in an instant, and a huge flaming fang in front of its mouth formed out of thin air and bit it towards the latter.

In this regard, the Dragon King Scorpion neither dodged nor evaded nor resisted. When resisting the flame teeth, two large pincers stretched out from the side and clamped the wind speed dog's neck forcefully and lifted it into the sky.

Before the wind speed dog could resist, a stream of poison overflowed from the pincers and landed on the wind speed dog at zero distance, poisoning it with poison.

Wind Speed ​​Dog, use big characters to explode!

Xiaomao shouted.


Enduring the feeling of suffocation, the wind speed dog wanted to breathe fire with all its strength.

However, at this very moment, Dragon King Scorpion's first acupressure was completed, greatly increasing his attack.

The strength of the two large pincers increased again, interrupting his moves abruptly, ending the condensation of the flames.

The big characters burst into flames, failed to use!

Poisonous fangs, venom impact.

Without giving Feng Speed ​​Dog a chance, Shinji said coldly.


The Dragon King Scorpion let out a roar, and smashed the Wind Speed ​​Dog to the ground forcefully, and the terrifying poisonous energy in the pair of pincers once again invaded the Wind Speed ​​Dog's body.

There was also a thick venom sprayed out of the mouth, and it hit the wind speed dog at close range, causing extremely high damage to it.

The poison broke out, and the wind speed dog's physical strength was on the verge of limit!

Wind Speed ​​Dog, bring the dead back to life!

The final blow, the fatal needle.

The voices of Xiao Mao and Shinji sounded at the same time.

The controlled Wind Speed ​​Dog was like a flash of light, its body emitting a faint red light, and endless power gushed out from it, breaking free from the Dragon King Scorpion's control in an instant, and slamming headlong towards the Dragon King Scorpion.

But instead of fear, Dragon King Scorpion's eyes revealed excitement.


Before the wind speed dog could hit him, Dragon King Scorpion's tail pincers pierced the former's head from above, completing the final make-up.


The wind speed dog fell to the ground, but the dragon king scorpion shone with white light and roared excitedly.

Deadly Acupuncture, after using this skill to defeat the opponent, the attack will be greatly increased.

In addition, Dragon King Scorpion tapped the acupoint just now, and the attack power has been increased by five levels, and it is almost full.

The current Dragon King Scorpion, it can be said that even the Tutai Turtle can only choose to be defeated in front of it, and the electric shock monster will be sent in front of it.

That is to say, only Yueyue Xiong can stabilize the Dragon King Scorpion under the full power explosion.

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