Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 233 VS Xiaomao (Part 1)

Since you are so confident, then, go, Electroshock Monster!

Xiaomao looked at Shinji's big sword demon, and decisively threw out the electric shock monster that restrained him.


As soon as the electric shock monster appeared on the stage, the electric current above the body sizzled, with a confident smile on his face.


In this regard, the Great Sword Ghost was surprised for a moment because of its race, and then his eyes were full of coldness.

This electric shock monster actually looks pretty good, and its level is not much lower than itself.

However, the most fearful thing is the comparison. Standing in front of this electric shock monster, it didn't feel the strong pressure of facing the big brother electric shock monster.

Game start!

As soon as the referee's voice fell, the big sword ghost who wanted to show didn't need Shinji's command, and his body turned into a blue light across the field and appeared in front of the electric shock beast.

The two foot blades that were drawn out at unknown times frantically slashed towards the electric shock monster, the attack was like a thousand waves!

Secret Sword Qian Chongtao!

When has the electric monster experienced such a rhythmic battle, before the whole elf even reacted, it felt severe pain all over its body in a blink of an eye, and various vital points and weaknesses were attacked.

It wanted to resist, but found that every move it made seemed to be predicted by the Great Sword Ghost, and before the move to launch the move was made, it was interrupted by the first step.

Iron Tail, thunder!

Xiao Mao was quite calm, seeing that he couldn't use Thunder Fist and other skills to counterattack, he wanted to use a thunder attack that was directly triggered without any action.

Hearing this, the two cable-like tails of the Electric Shock Beast swept out left and right, hitting the Great Sword Ghost, and at the same time, the thunder light from its body fell to the Great Sword Ghost.

Assault, holy sword!

The iron tail still landed on the big sword ghost, but was knocked back by the foot blade that came from nowhere.

The Great Sword Ghost took a step back, and the white light shining on the two staggered foot blades became long and sharp, like two holy swords.

While the water was surging under him, the Great Sword Ghost rushed towards the Electric Shocking Beast, and the holy sword followed.

The lightning that struck at close range was instantly cut by the holy sword, turning into insignificant electric currents and scattered around.

The two holy swords also landed on the electric shock monster's chest amidst the horrified eyes of it.


One hit, the body of the electric shock monster flew upside down and was seriously injured.

Water Wave Knife!

At this time, Shinji's voice sounded.

The waves of water emerged from the double blades of the Great Sword Demon, and he slashed dozens of knives at the electric shock monster from a distance. Every time a stream of water flew out like a knife aura, all of them fell on the latter.

When the mist dissipated, the electric monster was already lying on the ground unable to move.


At the end of the first battle, the big sword ghost jumped back in front of Shinji, withdrew his foot blade and looked at Xiaomao, the power on his body became stronger and stronger.

The electric shock monster lost its ability to fight, and the great sword ghost won.

announced the referee.

Come back, Electric Shock Beast, you've done a good job.

After Xiao Mao took back the electric shock beast, he looked at Shinji solemnly.

Anyway, his Electric Shock Beast was carefully bred, and it was unreasonable to be completely crushed and defeated by a restrained water attribute elf.

More importantly...Xiao Mao looked at the empty field except for the big sword ghost, feeling quite puzzled.

If he read the Great Sword Ghost's first move correctly, many fragments scattered on the field and then disappeared, very much like the effect of a skill in his impression.

What kind of trick is that?

Out of curiosity, Xiaomao asked.

Secret Sword Qian Chongtao, the scattered fragments have the effect of smashing Ling.

Now this move is no longer a secret, but not many people know about it, Shinji didn't hide it, he simply said it.

Sa Ling... Sure enough.

Xiaomao was stunned and then a little silent. The attack moves have a Sa Ling effect, so it goes without saying that they are useful for all-round battles.

Use it once, as long as it is not cleared, the effect will last until the end. Every time the opponent changes the spirit, as long as it can't fly, it will definitely be injured.

If he read it correctly, the trick just now cast Ling more than once!

The second elf, Xiao Mao didn't hesitate, and directly released his trump card.

Water arrow turtle, spin at high speed!

As soon as it emerged from the ball, the water arrow turtle retracted the whole elf into the shell and spun at high speed, forming a strange and powerful airflow around its body.

After floating on the field for a circle, the fragments scattered by the secret sword Qianzhongtao all turned into light spots and scattered in the world.

Sha Ling effect, removed!

In this regard, Shinji just watched with cold eyes, while the Great Sword Demon silently inspired the sword dance. When the high-speed rotation completely removed the two layers of Sa Ling effect, its attack also greatly increased!

Water cannons!

Unlocking the high-speed rotation of the water arrow turtle, two huge cannon barrels stretched out from behind to aim at the sword ghost, and the next moment, two terrifying torrents merged into one and sprayed out.

dash forward!

In response to this, the Great Sword Ghost did not retreat but advanced, and the water under his body exploded and propelled out towards the Water Arrow Turtle, his eyes also shone brightly, completely seeing through this water cannon move!

see through!

After making a few weird dodging movements with its body, the Great Sword Ghost broke through the water cannon attack and rushed in front of the Water Arrow Turtle, pulling out its two foot blades and slashing forward.

Rocket Hammer!

The rocket head hammer in reality can omit the pre-action of shrinking the head to improve the defense, and directly impact.

Therefore, the Water Arrow Tortoise was fully charged in an instant, and there was a light above its head, and it slammed into the Great Sword Ghost at close range with an aura.

Holy Sword!

The blades in the hands of the big sword ghost turned into holy swords, and he slashed at the water arrow turtle without avoiding it.


At the moment of the collision, the aura of the water arrow turtle was shattered by the great sword ghost who had already raised his attack, and the two foot blades fell hard on his body and knocked him into the air.

If it is an ordinary opponent, Blastoise can also use skills such as Iron Wall to strengthen its defense and find opportunities to counterattack.

But the holy sword held by the Great Sword Ghost can ignore the improvement of defense power and directly cause high damage.

On the way of flying backwards, a trace of determination appeared in Xiaomao's eyes, and he said:

Water arrow turtle, break the shell!

I saw white light emitting from the body of the water arrow turtle in mid-air, as if something was broken. While the defense power was weakened, the speed and attack power were greatly improved.

At this moment, the Great Sword Ghost reappeared on Water Arrow Turtle, and two more moves of the holy sword fell, hitting it directly into the ground, causing a burst of dust and causing heavy injuries.

Air Blade!

Without giving the opponent a chance to fight back, the Great Sword Demon sent dozens of wind blades flying towards the mist while waving his hands.

Spin at high speed, water cannon!

As Xiaomao shouted, the smoke on the ground was instantly cleared by the water arrow turtle spinning at high speed, and endless water gushed out from the shell and turned into a waterspout under the high-speed rotation.

All the falling wind blades were completely destroyed by the waterspout before hitting the water arrow turtle.


Under the control of the water arrow turtle, the entire waterspout rushed towards the big sword ghost.

Water Dance, Water Wave Knife!

In the air, the surging water around the Great Sword Ghost's body also turned into a waterspout.

After launching the water wave knife with the foot blades held in both hands, the big sword ghost also imitated the water arrow turtle and spun at a high speed. Suddenly, it seemed that there was an extra layer of water flow blades around the waterspout.


Then, two completely different waterspouts collided in the air, stalemate for a while, and then exploded.

Secret Sword Qian Chongtao!

The Blastoise's body fell uncontrollably, but the Great Sword Ghost followed closely behind with the foot blades of both hands turned into dark shell knives and slashed wildly at it in the air.

Fragments of the shell knife splashed all over the field, turned into saling and disappeared in hiding.


When it fell to the ground, the water arrow turtle's body was already covered with scars, and its consciousness had already fallen into a dormant state, while the Great Sword Ghost was only panting slightly.

Sorry, family members, I have been away for the past few days, the update time may be a bit off

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