Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 230 The Storm in the Super Giant Tree Realm | The Journey Begins

Chapter 230 The Stormy Journey of the Super Giant Tree Realm Begins

A good move, very powerful.

Shinji stroked the chin of the tortoise lightly, and said with satisfaction.

Although this additional effect is useless to the elves in the team, the effect is actually stronger. At least in the battle, the earth turtle is more terrifying than before.

Imagine, after the attack, the elf, who was controlled by the storm and couldn't break free, was attacked by the earth turtle again.

Of course, if the opponent is also a giant elf, it is hard to say what the effect will be.

After a little thought, Shinji named him:

From now on, this move will be called Super Giant Tree World Storm.

Before crossing over, there was a tree world descending in a certain anime. Although Shinji hadn't seen it much, he knew the name.

Arrival from the tree world is not perfectly in line with the move form of Tutai Turtle, so the word advent was changed to storm.


Tutaigui naturally had no objection, and nodded naively.

Whether it's the fact that most of the elves in the team are not too interested in gigantic transformation, or the reason for the special gigantic transformation of the tortoise, it is destined that the tortoise will be one of the permanent gigantic elves in the team in the future!

By the way, tomorrow we will start a new trip to other regions.

Shinji suddenly looked at all the elves and said.

As soon as the words fell, all the elves raised their heads and looked at Shinji, showing a cute look, as if they were saying——

Choose me! Choose me! I'm so good!

Boss Kedora, bite the land shark.

First of all, Shinji set his sights on Biting Land Shark and Boss Kedora.

Biting Land Shark is still in the stage of training special abilities, and needs to rely a lot on Shinji for mega evolution.

As for Boss Kedora, Shinji wants to let Biting Land Shark teach it the blood recovery mode.

What? Isn't Boss Kedora a dragon? Can't dragon dance?

What does that matter?

At the beginning of the design of the bloodline recovery mode, it was not exclusive to dragon attribute spirits. The power of bloodlines could be possessed by spirits of any attribute, or even any creature.

However, there are very few ways to directly activate it. The only way that Shinji has found so far is to activate it with the Nilin as the core, except for the growth training method that I don't know if it is considered to be a growth training method.

Theoretically, as long as he can learn to reverse the scales, and if he has enough talent and enough time, biting the land shark can teach him the blood recovery training method.

As for the bloodline recovery mode that can be immune to chaos, it still needs the bloodline of the elf itself to hide cruel and vicious factors.

It just so happens that Boss Kedora has all three factors, excellent talent, the ability to learn to reverse the scales, and the cruelty factor in his blood, which perfectly meets his conditions.

Even if it takes a lot of time because he can't learn the Dragon Dance, Shinji believes that everything is worth it!



Biting Lu Shark and Boss Kedora roared happily when they heard their names.

Some people are happy and some are sad!

Immediately, two places were missing, and the other elves felt a sense of urgency.

After scanning around, Shinji stopped his gaze, looked at the Great Sword Demon and the Snow Demon Girl, and said, You two also follow me.

There must be a chance to fight in this trip, just to give the Great Sword Ghost a chance to prove himself.

As for the Snow Demon Girl, she is the smallest in the team and easy to follow, and can train anywhere.

If you follow your own words, you can also use the Arceus mobile phone to speed up the speed of ability improvement.


The Great Sword Ghost nodded, secretly stroking his own foot blade.


The snow demon girl smiled and floated silently to Shinji's side.


Kyuubi introduced himself and looked at Shinji expectantly.

Shinji asked, Do you want to go?


Kyuubi nodded seriously.

You performed well at the alliance meeting, and I reward you...

Under Kyuubi's earnest gaze, Shinji thought for a while and said, I will reward you with the Terra Turtle and the Electric Shock Beast as sparring partners.


What are you doing ~ don't, trainer!

The expression on Kyuubi's face suddenly collapsed, and when he noticed the friendly eyes of the Turtle and the Electric Shock Beast who were involved by it and could stay here, he wanted to cry without tears.

Can't you understand Sister Li?

The last two are Moon Moon Bear and Dragon King Scorpion.

Soon, Shinji also made the final arrangement.

Dragon King Scorpion has been concentrating on training in the cultivation house, and the time to travel with him can be said to be very little, so he should take it with him to cultivate a tacit understanding.

Yue Yuexiong is a player who always needs a finale in the team, who can deal with special situations.

The Dragon King Scorpion fights for a long time, the Moon Moon Bear breaks out, and the other elves cooperate. Even if the former Hunter J comes, he is sure to make his show come to an end again.

No matter how bad you are, you can easily retreat from the whole body.



Yue Yuexiong, who looked like an honest bear, and Dragon King Scorpion, who didn't look like a good elf, both had cruel smiles in their eyes, as if they couldn't help bullying and crushing other elves who were trainers.

As for the elves whose names were not named, they can only continue to train in the nurturing house according to the plan specified by Shinji.

Work hard to become stronger, wait for the rotation of the elves in ten days and a half months, and then travel with Shinji.

Anyway, I heard from Shinji that after updating the mobile phone database after going out this time, you can directly replace the elves through the Rotom mobile phone.

Compared with the past, it is many times more convenient to go to the city to change the elves.

Okay, let's continue training.

The elves were in turmoil for a while, but Shinji's words made the elves quiet again, and they started their own training, performing their duties and striving to grow.

Time passed slowly, and it was another morning in a blink of an eye.

Dawn breaks in the sky, and the dawn breaks.

Birds on the branches, the tree shoots new branches.

Early in the morning, after washing up, Reis went downstairs as usual, preparing to make breakfast for Shinji.

As soon as I walked into the living room, I saw a rich breakfast that was already prepared on the dining table.

Shinji, did you make breakfast?

Already gone?

After calling twice and seeing that there was no answer, Leisi smiled and shook his head, walked to the dining table and sat down, slowly enjoying the beautiful morning.

After the meal, he turned his head and looked at the distance outside the window, smiling at the corner of his mouth——

Come on for the journey.


The blue sea and blue sky, beyond the sky, is the sea.

Shinji is taking the snow demon girl to ride the biting land shark in the sky and is flying at high speed, flying to a distant place.

For this trip, he didn't plan to take a plane, and planned to fly all the way to the Kanto area with the help of the power of biting land sharks.

The distance between the two places is thousands of kilometers, but Shinji believes that with the speed and endurance of biting the land shark, the tree fruit on his body can recover his physical strength, and the snow demon girl can use her super power to offset the air resistance as much as possible. Successfully reached the other side.

It took less than some time, under the concerted efforts of many elves.

Shinji flew directly from the Sinnoh area to the Orange Islands, and landed here to rest.

Super giant tree world storm: create a vine-like forest to attack the opponent, and the leaves turn into a storm and sweep the bondage to cause damage.

You can attack and restrain the opponent within a certain period of time after the move ends. If the restraint is successful, it cannot be retracted during the period.

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