Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 231 Encountering a Mysterious Elf

orange islands

After a day of training and rest on an unknown island, Shinji rode the biting land shark again, ready to go.

But this time, just after flying for a short time, Shinji suddenly saw an extremely fast darkness passing by on the sea level.

A powerful elf?

This was the first thought in Shinji's mind.

Follow up and have a look.

Shinji decisively patted Lu Shark on the head and let him follow.

If he didn't see it, Shinji might choose to ignore it.

But this elf has already rushed in front of his eyes, it is impossible to let it go in vain!


Lie Bite Lu Sha understood, and immediately speeded up to catch up.

Although that existence was extremely fast, it flew to the horizon in a blink of an eye.

But the speed of biting the land shark is not slow. After the Dragon Dance strengthened a few waves, the speed increased instantly, and the distance from the elf in front was getting closer.

After getting closer, Shinji also saw his appearance clearly.

It has a plump orange body and a naive look, with a pair of petite wings flapping on its back that don't match its body shape.

It is Kuailong.

As if aware of Lie Bite Lu Shark's pursuit, Kuailong directly activated his super speed to increase his speed to another level, and disappeared in front of Lie Bite Lu Shark in a blink of an eye.

Perhaps the limited space in the battle cannot make full use of Kuailong's straight-line flying speed, but on the vast sea, Kuailong's speed is definitely one of the top existences.

not to mention……

The flying speed is faster than that of Liebite Land Shark after increasing its speed. It must be stronger, at least it is also a king-level existence. Could it be the elf of a certain trainer?

Looking at that figure, Shinji guessed so in his heart, but he said to Lie Bite Lu Sha:

Keep accelerating and catch up!

It is true that there is a high probability that Kuailong was released by a certain trainer for a walk.

But after all, the fast dragon has a long lifespan, and it is not impossible to meet a fast dragon at the level of a king by chance.

But as long as it is not confirmed, Shinji will not easily let go of a powerful fast dragon.

Even if it is piled up by time, the existence of ordinary talent, it seems that it is not bad to subdue it to be a training partner, watch a family nurse and a courtyard.


Bite Lu Shark resolutely folded his wings, launched Dragon Dance again and chased after him.

Looking from a distance, the two elves, one black and one white, are chasing after each other, which is a joy.

Finally, after chasing for more than an hour, Kuailong changed direction and flew in a certain direction, and finally landed on the edge of a square above a small island.


The biting land shark also landed on the island, panting heavily.

The square is not too big, but there is a statue standing in the center, which is exactly the same as the fast dragon in front of you, without any difference.

It seems that there are trainers.

Shinji secretly thought in his heart that he had roughly guessed who the owner of this fast dragon was.

Kuailong, come back later than usual.

At this time, a young man with a good figure and a poke ball hanging on his chest came over, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he gently placed it on Kuailong's head and began to stroke it.


Kuailong screamed, stretched out his small claws and pointed to Shinji and the biting land shark beside him.

Hello, Xia Yuji, the chief trainer of the Tangerine League.

This is my Fairy Dragon, is it that you have been chasing it for a long time? It said it was very happy.

The young man took the initiative to introduce.

My name is Shinji, I'm from Veil City in the Sinnoh region, and I'm going to visit Dr. Oki in the Kanto region.

After the introduction, Shinji said politely: I thought it was a wild elf just now, and I wanted to subdue it, please forgive me.

In the animation, although Yuji was defeated by Xiaozhi, who could easily crush the four kings of the same period, Kona.

It seems that it is not as invincible to the Orange Islands as it is set.

But in this world, since Yuji is still the chief trainer of the Orange League, it proves that his strength is much stronger than in the animation, and the strength of Guan Kuailong has also reached the level of a king.

Even if Yuji is not the opponent of the Four Heavenly Kings, it is no problem at all to defeat the Four Heavenly Kings and a few elves.

So there is nothing wrong with being the strongest trainer in the Orange League and being invincible to the Orange Islands.

These words are like Shinji's invincibility in Veil City, not unreasonable.

Kailong who wants to subdue me, a very confident boy.

Hearing Shinji's nonsense, Yuji smiled and shook his head.

It's not that Yongci is arrogant, but his Kuailong is very powerful. It can be said that even the Four Heavenly Kings are not sure that they can win Kuailong in a 1VS1 situation.

And the boy in front of him actually said that he wanted to subdue him, he could only feel that Shinji was very confident.

Judging from the strength of this biting land shark, I am afraid that even a few more elves will not be the opponent of Kuailong, right?

Then, do you want to fight me?

Shinji, who was questioned, didn't talk nonsense, and directly issued a challenge.

Although his overall elf level is definitely not as good as Yuji's, victory is never just based on elf level.

Furthermore, to challenge a trainer, the most important thing is to gain, not to win.

No, no, no matter how I say it, I am also the chief trainer of the Orange League, and it is not that easy to challenge me.

Earn at least four badges to officially play against me through the Winners Cup.

Yuuji shook his head and refused.

If anyone could fight against him, wouldn't he be busy to death?

Moreover, he is the chief, and he is also a kind of propaganda ambassador at a certain level. Many things are somewhat involuntary.

It's not very acceptable to accept the challenge casually.

The only way?

Shinji frowned, he was too lazy to play house with a bunch of boring hosts in the Orange Islands, get badges, and challenge again.

It's so troublesome, why not challenge it, and go directly to Qinglu and Scarlet, or directly find Sugar Palm, Dianci, and Aliu in the Sinnoh area, wouldn't it be easier?

As long as it's a formal battle match or challenge match, I can accept it, but the difficulty is not small.

Yuu said seriously.

What about the Champions League challenge?

Shinji asked suddenly.

Yes, as long as you challenge me through the Champions League, I accept!

As the chief, he is naturally one of the members of the Champions League.

The challenge of internal members can make an exception to start the Winners Cup challenge with this condition.

Then I will challenge again later.

Shinji didn't talk nonsense, jumped on the back of Liebite Lu Shark and left directly.

Anyway, he is not very sure of defeating Yuji now, why not go to Changqing City to challenge the owner Qinglu first, and then stay there to join the Champions League and submit a challenge application.

After Zhenxin Town and the itinerary that he made, the internal coordination of the Champions League should also be coordinated, and it would be good to come here directly to challenge Yuji at that time.

How? Maybe it will be a good opponent?

Yuji caressed Kuailong, looked at Shinji who was going away, and asked.


Kuailong nodded, then clenched his fists and raised them up, roaring confidently.

Maybe Shinji and Biting Land Shark will be good opponents, but they can't beat it!

In this regard, Kuailong is very confident.

Hmm... It took a million more time to modify, and the update is a little bit over, sorry, sorry

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