Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 229 Earth Terrace Turtle, Gigamax?

After returning to Veil City, Shinji told Lei Si about the matter and asked him to prepare.

In Leisi's expression of both surprise and distress, Shinji, who was planning to leave home for a trip, stayed temporarily because of the matter of the extremely large energy point, but it was nothing to do with himself and accompanied the elves to train.

In addition to the shortcomings in various battles, Gigamax also has a shortcoming of its own.

That is, in the battle, it is necessary to wait for the wishing star in the extremely giant wristband to absorb enough energy before it can go extremely giant at the energy point.

This also means that it can't evolve like a mega. It can continue to evolve after a short break after a battle.

As a result, Shinji directly transferred his training place from the cultivation house to training near the energy point. After the giant wristband was fully charged, he let the elves take turns to try to realize the power of giantization.

Electric Shock Demon Beast, Great Sword Demon, Nine-Tails... Each of the elves performed a gigantic transformation in turn, and the answers they got were beyond Shinji's expectations.

Basically fast elves, without exception, are somewhat resistant to extreme giantization.

It's true that extreme giantization can become bigger, stronger and last longer, but is it useful?

In their eyes, the most important extremely giant move, the release speed is too slow, and the additional effect is just that.

Attacking with extremely giant moves, they can directly attack with other moves several times.

Of course, not all elves resist Dymaximization.

Yueyuexiong and Boss Kedora are very fond of gigantic transformation. For heavy elves like them, their speed is not that powerful, so naturally they don't consider that speed.

After all, reality is not a game. The sad thing about slow sprites is that if the opponent intends to pull, it is difficult for the slow sprite to hit the opponent.

However, extreme giantization can greatly increase the attack range, and the change of direction increases the hit rate.

What made Shinji feel the most special was that after his elf was gigantic, he tried to see if his own moves could be used.

And I really found that when some moves are enlarged and used, the effect is really better than the giant moves.

Until the day before the official trip, Shinji's extreme giant test of the elves finally reached the final stage.

The elf of the finale test is the Tutai Turtle.

Shinji is very curious about the already huge earth turtle, whether it will become bigger than ordinary giant elves after it is extremely giant.

While unlikely, it's still curious.

Are you ready?

Shinji took out the poke ball and pointed it at the turtle, and asked.


Tutai Gui responded, with seriousness in his eyes.

Seeing that it was ready, Shinji took out the poke ball and took it back. After the power of the giant wristband stimulated the poke ball to become bigger, he threw it out again.

After the elf ball bounced off, the figure of the Turtle reappeared.

This is?!

Shinji's face was serious, and his eyes were fixed on the earth turtle.

Around me, all the elves are staring at the Turtle at this moment, their eyes without exception are greatly surprised, their hearts are full of surprise, and they have doubts——

Why isn't the extreme gigantism of the earth turtles scaled up in the same proportion as they are?

That's right, the body of the gigantic tortoise is different from the original one.

The giant tree on the back shell disappeared, or it was integrated with the turtle shell. The whole back was like a special forest, and above the forest was a high mountain, which could almost be described as one tree and mountain forest.

Three dark red clouds fluttered above the head, red light was released from the eyes, and the whole elf was extremely powerful.

Standing in front of it is like standing in front of a majestic and majestic mountain, and you can immediately feel how small you are.


The extremely gigantic earth turtle moved its limbs slightly, and the ground shook.

It's different from the original Gigamax, is it Gigamax?

Shinji boldly guessed.

There are three types of gigantic - the most common gigantic, the gigantic of certain types of elves, and the infinite gigantic of Wu Jitai.

Needless to say, the first and third types, the second type of Gigamax is a special phenomenon of Gigamax, and only specific individuals can undergo Gigamax.

There are many types, but obviously, the Turtle is not among the Gigamax types.

But it's neither ordinary Gigantamorphism nor Promise Giganticization, so it can only be Gigantamaganization.

To sum up, the Tutai turtle is likely to be an acquired mutation.

As for the reason, Shinji can only be attributed to the growth training method and the blessing of the forest, and it may also be the reason why Tiantian and the green slate stick together.

But anyway...

Try it, use the new power in your body to release the crazy plants.

Shinji said


The Turtle closed its eyes to feel the power.

The moment it was opened, the ground where it came into view trembled, and after a green light appeared in it, countless tall trees grew out of the ground.

In a blink of an eye, the trees grew to tens of meters high, and their trunks and branches could be swung like rattan whips, and green leaves emerged from it like a storm, like a green leaf meat grinder.

After the move was over, there was chaos in a radius of hundreds of meters.

It's not intuitive enough, use it again with the goal of shocking monsters.

Saying that, Shinji glanced at the Electric Shock Warcraft Road.


The Electric Shock Monster narrowed his eyes slightly, for some reason he had to be a target again for no apparent reason.

But it is also true, know yourself and the enemy, and you will never end in a hundred battles. After feeling the power of the Tutai turtle, you will be able to deal with it better in the future.

Therefore, it flew directly in front of the Turtle, ready to meet its terrifying blow.


An imperceptible smile appeared in the eyes of the Turtle Turtle, and then disappeared, and there were countless trees and forests stretching out from the ground again, slapping and restraining the electric shock beast.

In the forest sea, the green leaves formed a storm and swept through it.

Electric Shock Beast tried to dodge this move with its speed.

But after only a few seconds of traveling, he was disrupted by the constant terrifying storm, and then he was suppressed by the constantly squeezing and beating trees, so he lost the space to dodge.

In the end, in desperation, it can only release and hold up to prop up a protective cover, so as to remain unchanged and respond to all changes.

The trees all over the sky were like vines, controlling it together with the protective cover, and then slapped down. The terrifying green leaf storm was like a meat grinder, which involved the electric shock beast, and kept cutting on the protective cover.

Time passed, and the defense failed after all. After blocking a part of the attack, it was shattered, allowing the electric shock monster to receive a full amount of subsequent attacks.

After this attack was over, Lin Hai disappeared, but the storm still existed, and it was difficult to break free from the electric shock beast wrapped in it.

Ah Kelu~

After the Electric Shock Beast took a while to slow down and break free, it obviously felt that its speed had been weakened.

The side effect is to let the storm restrain the opponent's actions, and then weaken the speed?

Shinji nodded slightly, and said in the stunned eyes of the electric shock monster: Do it again!

Ah Kelu?

Before the Electric Shock Monster could react, the good brother Tutaigui targeted it again and released the last extremely giant move.

The same process had the same ending, except that this time Shinji took out the poke ball and tried to take it back before the electric shock monster broke free from the shackles of the storm.

But it's a pity that the red light emitted by the poke ball couldn't penetrate the seemingly ordinary green leaf storm and land on the electric monster to take it back.

At this time, the tortoise returned to its original size and slowly walked to Shinji's side.

Well, that’s right, Turtle, I directly set Gigamax


The source of inspiration is the super giant picture that I saw by chance, I will put it in this chapter and the easter egg chapter

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