Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 228 Surprised to become gigantic | The possibility of the curtain conference

Chapter 228 The Possibility of the Gigantic Curtain Conference

That location... is a bit close...

The place where the accident happened is not far away, even if it is not inside the cultivation house area, it is close.

Whether it's the trainer's sense of adventure or the reason to protect one's property from harm.

Shinji didn't hesitate at this moment, and attacked decisively.

Electric Shock Beast, Biting Land Shark, Nine Tails, Snow Demon Girl, Metagross, Great Sword Demon, go and have a look, other elves, continue training.

Immediately after jumping onto the giant metal monster, Shinji called his flying elf and flew over.

Ah Kelu~

The elves headed by the electric monster immediately followed Shinji and flew towards the place where the incident happened.

The wind was whistling in the ear, and it didn't take long for Shinji to come to the land not far away from the strange energy shrouded.

The location was as expected by Shinji, it was located near the cultivation house.

But when Shinji looked at the place where the incident happened, the target was not some evil organization, the unknown totem riot.

The elves in question happened to be some docile wild elves on weekdays.

It's just that these little cuties are different from the past, and they are extra huge today.

Each one has a body tens of meters high, regardless of its strength, but such a group of people standing there will always make ordinary people feel terrified.

The most important thing is that the eyes of these grown-up elves were glowing red, and it looked like they were losing their minds because they couldn't control the powerful power.

Extreme giantization? I didn't expect the energy here to be so abundant.

Shinji recognized this special situation at a glance.

Since the night after he returned from the Xicui area, the power of Wujitai has invaded the entire world, and more or less places that can be gigantic have appeared in various places in the world.

Of course, most of them are just short-lived, and the energy is not long enough.

But now, the energy here near his home is obviously too strong, which can be proved by being able to make so many wild elves grow bigger and out of control at the same time.

The arrival of Shinji made the group of red-eyed elves find their target, and they dragged their huge bodies to attack.

Extreme moves?

You expect a group of low-strength elves who don't usually fight inside to use this thing after the first gigantic madness?

The strength doesn't need to be too strong, let's launch an attack.

Shinji waved his hand, and all the elves launched their own long-range attacks.

After a round of shallow bombing, the group of elves withdrew from Giganta and fell to the ground motionless, losing quite simply.

Scanning the ground with a group of sprites such as big-toothed raccoons and mimosa, Shinji took out a huge wristband from his pocket and put it on, while looking at his elves, he asked:

Who wants to try this brand new power?

Ah Kelu~

The electric shock monster flew to Shinji and patted his chest first, while looking at the other elves around him with friendly and kind eyes.

Due to the deep relationship with the electric shock beast, the elves did not take the initiative to compete with the electric shock beast.

Then come on.

After checking the wristband for a while, Shinji took out the elf ball and retracted the electric monster, and the power on the wristband immediately resonated with the surrounding power.

In this energy resonance, the power in the wristband converges on the poke ball, making it grow huge while emitting purple fluorescence.

But after it stopped growing, Shinji threw the Poké Ball forcefully.


The white light of the elf ball flashed, and the body of the electric shock monster appeared, and it grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a blink of an eye, it reached a height of tens of meters.

Three gray-red clouds emerged above the head of the gigantic electric monster, which seemed to resonate with the strange energy of the sky, and the dark red light glowed on its body, which was quite strange.

On the ground, the little guys who had just been defeated by the elves woke up suddenly. Seeing the enlarged electric monster, they ran away in fright and disappeared nearby.

How does it feel?

Shinji asked.

Ah Kelu~

The Electric Shock Beast clenched its fist, feeling a terrifying power in its body, which was much stronger than before it became bigger.

However... this huge body seems a bit too bloated, making it feel a bit inconvenient to move,

After trying to fly by electromagnetic levitation, the speed also dropped a lot.

This extreme giantization is obviously only an increase in strength and physical strength, and it is extremely terrifying for the weakening of movement speed and flexibility.

Ah Kelu~

Feeling the power in the body, the Electric Shock Monster launched a thunderbolt towards the sky, and the power suddenly filled the sky with thunder and lightning, and the power was impressive.

Try to use the new power in your body to use moves.


In reality, the extremely giant elves can indeed use the original moves, as can be proved by the first extremely giant Pikachu in the animation.

Pikachu, who has evolved for the first time, drags his tail and wants to attack his opponent with Iron Tail, and then he is beaten into a fool on the spot.

Facts have proved that extreme giantization and extreme giant moves are more suitable.

It's not that you can't use extreme giant moves after gigantic transformation, but that the most important thing for extreme giant transformation is for extreme giant moves.

Without a gigantic move, most fast-moving sprites are better off than non-giant ones.

Ah Kelu~

The electric shock monster felt the power in its body, raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar, and suddenly, the dark sky affected by the energy changed, and a terrifying lightning fell from it, instantly hitting a small hill not far away.

After the power subsided, a huge deep pit appeared in the center of the small hill.

The deep pit was filled with a scorching atmosphere. Within a few hundred meters, an electric field full of floating lightning was formed. All the existences standing on it could feel the terrifying thunder and lightning atmosphere, and their bodies went numb for a while.

The power is not bad, try moves with other attributes.

For the first time, Shinji has an intuitive understanding of the power of extremely giant moves.

Under the instructions of Shinji, the electric shock monster launched a giant fist fight based on tile splitting, and a huge energy fist was formed and smashed on the small hill just now.

Between the ground shaking and the mountains shaking, a huge pothole was completely formed in the middle of the small hill.

After a little thought, the Electric Shock Monster used the most special spiritual force as the basis to unleash a huge super power.

A huge group of spiritual energy was condensed above the head, and then a terrifying light beam fell on the small hill, and the terrifying power completely razed it to the ground.

After using the three extremely giant moves, the electric shock monster felt that the extreme power in its body was completely exhausted, and its body quickly shrank and returned to its original shape.

How does it feel?

When the electric shock monster flew around him again, Shinji asked, and all the other elves looked at the former eagerly.

Ah Kelu~

The Electric Shock Beast nodded and then shook its head. It is sure of the power of Gigamax.

But it is not willing to sacrifice itself for this power to train because of electric, electromagnetic force, magnetic field... the terrifying speed after acceleration.

No matter how great it is, without speed, it becomes a living target after all, and it is basically impossible to avoid skill attacks.

But without extreme giantization, as long as the speed is fast enough, most of the moves can be avoided.

The time to use the extremely giant move is enough for it to rush to the opponent and add split tiles to its set of the peasant's three punches. Why do you want to go extremely giant?

What's more, it still prefers to crush opponents with speed and win battles with fists.

Extremely large, not necessary, it doesn't really want to use that inconvenient form in battle.

After listening to the words of the electric shock beast, the hearts of the elves present were half-cooled. Most of them belonged to the elves who favored speed-based battles, and target-style attacks were not suitable for them.

Under Shinji, the metal monster who knows that he has a chance to super-evolve in the future is in a good mood. One more system and one more choice is not a big problem.

As for biting the land shark, it is the most indifferent one, mega evolution, yyds!

With the use of mega evolution on weekdays, it vaguely feels that one day it will be able to master the power of super evolution by virtue of its own talent and bloodline power.

Finally achieved the feat of being able to super-evolve without Shinji, or even super-evolution stones!

They can super-evolve independently, so why do they need extreme giantization?

Hello, Trainer, can I come down for a while?

A shout came from the ground below, and Shinji saw that it was Miss Junsha who was riding a wind speed dog.

I'll try again later when I have a chance to shock the monsters and bring them back.

At this moment, the energy of the gigantic wristband has been exhausted, and the ability to transform into gigantic has been lost in a short period of time. Shinji asked the electric shock monster to call the other elves back, and he himself fell to the ground on the giant golden monster.

Hi, Miss Junsha.

After jumping off the giant metal monster, Shinji gave a slight greeting.

It's you, Shinji, what happened here?

As a celebrity in Curtain City, Miss Junsha still knows Shinji, and asked with a smile.

Just now a group of elves here have undergone extreme giantization, and I have solved it.

Shinji said in a nutshell.

A group of elves?! Are you sure?

Miss Junsha confirmed.

Due to the previous situation, it is not surprising that there are extreme giants, but a group of them is strange.

Normally speaking, it is impossible to make a group of elves extremely large.


In this way, this is probably the first energy point in the Sinnoh region that can stably make the elves gigantic. I must report to the alliance as soon as possible.

After receiving Shinji's confirmation, Junsha's face became serious, and she took out the walkie-talkie and started contacting her superiors.

After a brief communication and confirmation, Shinji flew back to the cultivation house on the giant golden monster.

Even in the Galar region, not all places can be extremely gigantic. Except for the occasional energy overflow, it is usually possible to super-evolve near the energy point.

It is precisely because of this that basically all large-scale arenas are built near energy points.

And an energy point was found near Veil City. If the geographical location is well planned, maybe a few years later, the Lily of the Valley Conference in Sinnoh region will be renamed the Veil Conference!

As for why there are energy points here?

Shinji thinks that maybe it has something to do with Curtain City being a place protected by meteorites.

The meteorite that can resonate with the key of the gun, maybe it is an important reason for it?

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