Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 227 Champions everywhere are at risk | Road to Champions

Chapter 227 Champions everywhere are in danger of becoming champions

Veil City is the land of meteorites, located among the mountains

But the location of the cultivation house is quite special, it is located in a flat area with a wide grassland.

Walking in it, Zhen Siming could clearly feel that there were a lot more elves in the nurturing room.

By that remote lake, Shinji saw his elves.

Two brothers, Electric Shock Warcraft and Biting Land Shark, are training in air battles. One is electromagnetically and electrically accelerating the attack, while the other creates a sandstorm to block and attack at the same time. They practice speed, control and defense.

Tutai Turtle and Yueyue Xiong are also practicing Crazy Plants and Perseverance Burns through battles, trying to reduce the side effects of moves and the damage of burns.

The Snow Fairy was meditating under the shade of a tree, holding Shinji's Rotom Arceus phone in her arms.

After discovering that the Arceus mobile phone can absorb almost all kinds of energy, Snow Demon Girl likes to use it as a special power bank and energy booster to meditate in her arms when Shinji is not using it. The speed of mental power improvement is indeed faster than before. Stronger by a few points.

As the lowest level existence in the current team, it has to work harder to improve.

On the other side, the Great Sword Ghost, who had finished his training, was lying under the Dragon King Scorpion, clenching his teeth and having a massage. He was sweating profusely during the whole process, but he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

It was not satisfied with its performance at the alliance meeting. Although it was due to Shinji's arrangement, it knew how it performed.

Shinji is called to test the opponent, what is he called to do, is it really just doing that?

Why try if you can directly defeat your opponent?

Not overfulfilling the duty of defeating the opponent, Dajian Gui felt unwilling, held his breath and prepared to wait for the next official battle, and tried his best to defeat the opponent perfectly.

The remaining Boss Kedora and the giant golden monster are fighting against Nine Tails together.

Even though the level is almost the same, the current Kyuubi is no longer the little fox of the past.

After constant battles, it has grown fully, and it can prove its strength by being able to suppress Sidolan to the point where it is difficult to move.

Therefore, in this training, Kyuubi 1VS2 is not at a disadvantage at all!

The arrival of Shinji did not disturb the training of these elves, but after a glance, he continued his training.

Shinji didn't disturb their training, and quietly walked to the tree and sat down next to the Snow Demon Girl.


The Snow Demon Girl opened her pure eyes and looked at Shinji, obediently handed the phone to Shinji, then smiled sweetly and snuggled up beside him to meditate.

In this regard, Shinji who took the mobile phone did not say much, turned on the mobile phone and began to search for some information and battle videos.

In recent days, the league competitions in various regions have also ended one after another.

As expected by Shinji, the people who won the rankings are basically familiar people.

Kanto area

Champion - Xiaozhi

Runner-up - Xiaomao

Runner-up - Leier


Champion - Ah Xiang

Runner-up - Xiaoyin

Runner-up - Ye Yue


Champion - Xiaoyou

Runner-up - fully charged

Runner-up - Tetsuya


Champion - Shinji

Runner-up - Dakoto

Third runner-up - Ming Fai


Champion - Total Ping

Runner-up - Mingyi

Second Runner-up


Champion - Karumu

Runner-up - Ai Lan

Runner-up - Shota

As for other regions, don't mention it.

But judging from the current existence, this world is already lively and chaotic enough.

Even if it is not the first time to see this lineup, Shinji still can't help but wonder if in a year or two, the champions in each region will all be forced to replace each other. There are still a few of the current eight masters who can barely survive and maintain their own eight masters cards face.

After all, less than half of the characters here are in another world, at least they are at the top of the pyramid in the entire region.

After casually clicking on the semi-final and final videos of the Quartz Conference, Shinji began to watch.

After the training of the elves, Shinji also watched the two battles.

Regarding the performance of Xiaozhi, Xiaomao and that Leier, Shinji can only say that it is okay, but not enough!

The strength of the three of them is not bad, but if they are included in his current Lily of the Valley Conference, there is a high probability that they will only reach the top eight, and they will die in the top four.

After all, with their strength, it's okay to deal with other people, and they can barely defeat Ah Xun, but for him, Minghui and Dakdo, their strength or tactics are much worse.

As long as you aim for a few points, not to mention crushing, there is absolutely no problem in winning.

Putting away the phone, Shinji looked up at the elves gathered around him, and said seriously:

After hard work, we won the championship of the league conference.

However, this is not the end, but the beginning.

The Alliance Conference is just a road for the strong to experience, and there are more powerful elves and trainers ahead of us.

My dream is very clear, to cultivate the strongest elves, to become a Pokémon master, and to become the strongest trainer.

Now, what we want to embark on is the road to championship!

The road to championship is the only way for every trainer who desires to become stronger.

The end of the road is not becoming a regional champion, but becoming your own champion.


After the words fell, the Electric Shock Monster was the first to respond loudly.

The life of a beast is short, enjoy yourself in time, make it happy when it becomes stronger, and make it happy when it fights.

The meaning of its existence is very simple, to become stronger, and then defeat all elves stronger than it!

Any one!


The Tutai Turtle also replied with a firm gaze.

Its goal is not so ambitious, but becoming stronger and following Shinji is its goal!


The seemingly honest and honest Yue Yuexiong's eyes became sharp at this moment, and his thick roar showed its point of view.

In the past, I was in a corner, and I didn't know the vastness of the world.

Now, as the first moon bear in this era in this world, and possibly the only one, it will surely live up to the name of moon bear and defeat all powerful enemies!


Biting Lu Shark waved its dragon claws, and its blood force told it to become stronger and fly higher!


Kyuubi shook her nine slender tails, expressing that Sister Tanuki doesn't like tiring training, but just wants to enjoy the thrill of crushing her opponent and the joy of defeating her opponent.


Caressing the foot blade lightly, the sword intent in the eyes of the big sword ghost is solid, it wants to cut through all obstacles and go to the extreme of the sword.


The dragon king scorpion's big pincers crackled, and a hint of ruthlessness flashed in its eyes. It would cause the elf in front of him to be hit at its weak point, wounded at its vitals, and fall to the ground with poison!


A red light flashed in the eyes of the giant metal monster, it wanted to control all the opponents, and then crush them.


Boss Kedora showed countless scars left on his body, as if showing off his glory.

Scars are the medals of warriors, the weak desire to become stronger, the strong desire to be stronger, there is no end!


Compared to the other elves, the snow demon girl beside Shinji just responded softly.

May, always follow you.

Very well, after that...

Shinji was about to say something, but before the words fell, the sky not far away suddenly darkened, strange energy vortexes condensed around, and strange energy emerged from it.


This is a new beginning, but I feel that the writing behind...is not very good, and the state has been extremely poor recently, hey...can't adjust it

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